Both the building on fire and the neighbouring continuing care facility, Citadel Meadows East, were evacuated. According to officials, all 110 residents were accounted for.
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I hope everyone got out OK!
They did they are fine
Was there a sprinkler system in that building?
Really! Bring your politics into the everything that happens. A very sad life.
Why is that now how conservative works?
@John Carpenter does not work like that’ all fire protection systems are checked and maintained. If it’s old building prob. NOT sprinklered.
I’m Conservative and I was in Health and Safety at an oil and gas company and I made sure our sprinkler systems were always getting inspected.
@Callsign Starbuck Viper Dragon privately owned building
I hope and pray nobody got hurt

I hope everyone’s ok
A building full of seniors should not go up like that. Did they not build it properly. Fire suppression? Imagine that. Cheap materials to cut costs.
It was a wood frame building. They go up like a match.
@Bailys look again… brick
@Ganieda Morgan you can have brick exterior on wood frame structures
@Just Wingin’ It true…our building is similar but has brick and concrete in the walls as well as exterior- still, this is a worst nightmare for residents
Worry less about masks and more about sprinklers
@ARK CON Depends what you rebuild.
maybe they had a few too many covid victims. Hiding the evidence!!
@Elke Summer
that’s just ignorant
Ganieda Morgan ignorant
@Fred Smith sprinklers save lives
Thankful for the quick response and that everyone made it out.
So Well Coordinated
Need mandatory sprinklers in all those kind of buildings.
Unless you didn’t want those mandatory sprinklers to go off for a special reason;3
It is truly sad that many of them lost all of their treasured possessions. Very sad indeed. Thanks for the video.
That must’ve sucked
I hope everyone is ok, I feel for the erderly…did that building have a sprinkler system
condos like these are always fire hazarads, 100 units = 100 times the chance of someone burning down YOUR home too.
What a horrible situation. Hope everyone got out alright and accommodations can be found for the seniors who were living there.
Terrible situation, but if it hold true with ” No loss of life”, then a wonderful result. My mind goes into overdrive though, when I see a fire like this and it is raging in numerous different areas of the building(s).
That’s one way to get covid out of the senior’s home
Yup id be going home, even if home is a old cabin in the woods so i could die peacefully away from these assassin called nurses
Omg this is so sad I hope everyone is okay
Liberals: Dammit covid isn’t working anymore were gonna have to resort to fire
Looks like someone forgot turning off their oven before bed time.
Oh gosh, hope everyone’s ok