Massive blaze destroys historic windmill in Cape Town

A massive fire is burning in Cape Town's Table Mountain National Park, damaging buildings and prompting the evacuation of hikers from the city's most famous landmark, South African officials said Sunday. CNN's David McKenzie reports.

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Massive blaze destroys historic windmill in Cape Town


  1. 😭😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
    I remember working with kids in Massie and they were singing 🎤 “There’s a fire 🔥 on the mountain ⛰ “ 🎶
    So very sad 😞
    Praying it stops soon.

    1. Massive surge causes chaos at the boarder BLM co founder spend donations on luxury homes Democratic congress women encourages riots cnn staff caught on hidden camera footage promoting propaganda and spreading disinformation

    2. It’s not gonna stop, sorry. You can expect far more wildfires and other disasters around the world by the end of the decade, and I wonder why that is hmmmm….. 🤔 We should be angry at politicians and corporations for increasing the risk of it and lying to us about it just so they can make money. Protest and prey that politicians all over the world take radical action to stop the earth from becoming a hothouse before it’s too late! If humans don’t stop polluting the earth, humanity is heading for extinction by the end of this century

  2. Breaks my heart. Live an hour away. Such devastation. Animals, humans, history ……. just dreadful.

    1. @Utoob Surfing yea that’s gonna be hard to prosecute. It was a homeless man who was trying to make himself something to eat. Dumb as hell sure, but its going to be difficult to get human rights groups in SA to not have a problem with him being prosecuted.

    2. @Rick Morty Apparently witnesses saw him restarting fires that the fire department had extinguished. Also he was seen starting multiple fires, seems like an open and shut case of arson to me.

  3. What is sad is seeing historic buildings burning. You can restore them but it’s not the original 😭

    1. @Harvey Johnson Come to Cape Town and show me a rock painting or ancient structute left by the people that apparently had their land stolen by colonizers and I’ll give you 1 million dollars.

    2. @Harvey Johnson Well there were no tombs or treasures raided in Cape Town, because no one lived there prior to colonizers.. what’s your point. When people find new territory, they occupy it. How do you think the earth was populated? I think you under the impression there was a huge population and settlements in Cape Town prior to the colonisers and the land was stolen from them.. but there’s no archaeological evidence, like seeing a giant pyramid in Egypt, or artefacts. The nearest rock art paintings are about 2 hrs drive from Cape Town.

    3. @Pierre Marais Leopold Took the land from the people in Africa literally Europeans occupy The land that was taken by force African people did not agree to sell Leopold the Land. and this happened before the slave trade the robbery the strong arm robbery of the land had already taken place

    4. @Abdul Bashir So you are bitching about something that Europeans did whilst bragging that Muslims did the exact same thing? And whilst you’re evicting all the “Wyatts”……where do you suppose the Indians should go to? And the Chinese? So let’s make a deal, all the white folks go back to Europe and you arrange for the rest of the world to get their populations back to the continent of their origin. And then you can F off back to the Middle east and build sand castles.

  4. The fire is still ongoing and doesn’t look like it’s gonna stop anytime soon. Prayers will be appreciated

    1. Hello which countryside do you base “LBP” has a special offer stay at home and earn up to $5500

    2. Yes is it very scary and it’s gonna get far worse! You can expect far more wildfires and other disasters around the world by the end of the decade, and I wonder why that is hmmmm…. 🤔 Because corporations keep polluting the earth and governments all over the world aren’t doing anywhere near enough to stop it. Join Extinction Rebellion to protest for politicians to take radical action on this crisis before it’s too late!

  5. I wish the firefighters and the people good luck and thank you CNN for this news

    1. Massive surge causes chaos at the boarder BLM co founder spend donations on luxury homes Democratic congress women encourages riots cnn staff caught on hidden camera footage promoting propaganda and spreading disinformation

  6. I pray for all in Cape Town the smaller the young the firefighters the people who live there and all the glory animals please dear Lord watch over them and please protect them from the USA you are in our hearts forever I am so sorry and my heart goes out to you

    1. Massive surge causes chaos at the boarder BLM co founder spend donations on luxury homes Democratic congress women encourages riots cnn staff caught on hidden camera footage promoting propaganda and spreading disinformation

  7. Well that sucks. Hope everyone there is able to stay safe. Especially the Firefighters. Good luck


    1. Mine too ever since I can remember. I first visited it in the 70’s as a little child. It has lasted so many fires, why now? 😭

  9. This is still a shock to me. I live far from the city, but we could still see and smell the smoke coming from Table Mountain. What is more sad is losing the historic UCT library😞

    1. I know and Mostert’s Mill and the Rhodes restaurant, these three buildings are heartbreaking. Fortunately there are fire blockers in place that saved some of the work in the Jagger library.

  10. So sorry, my brother and sisters in Cape Town. I hope the fire fighters recover and everyone is able to stay safe. Thank goodness the students escaped.

    1. Thank you it is extremely sad, Mostert’s Mill is one of my favorite landmarks. Our firefighters are amazing and well trained, I’m just relieved nobody has been injured severely. The Jagger library is also a huge loss.😭😭😭

  11. We watch CNN 10 every day in civics and/or geography and many other classes in Plymouth Regional High School. We enjoy it a lot and are always looking for good stories to pay attention to. We especially love Carl’s puns at the end of each day. They help us get motivated and awake to do work early in the morning. Thank you!!

  12. I always wanted to visit Table Mountain and Cape Town. This is tremendously sad. So many beautiful areas of this world are being lost to these recent fires.

  13. Oh Lord God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ your beloved son I pray and cry out to you to help Cape Town and save them all , have mercy on every one they are all your Children and you love them , ohhh Lord God I praise you thank you for hearing me / Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  14. Prayers and Blessings for the Firefighters and the people of Cape Town 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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