CNN's Dana Bash, Abby Phillip, and Chris Wallace break down 2022 gubernatorial election winners who are making history in Massachusetts and Maryland. #CNN #News
Massachusetts elected its first female governor. Hear about other gubernatorial firsts

CNN's Dana Bash, Abby Phillip, and Chris Wallace break down 2022 gubernatorial election winners who are making history in Massachusetts and Maryland. #CNN #News
Stop it with the labels. We’re proud to have Maura as our governor.
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
@Dark Brandon Rises It shouldn’t be glorified as a virtue and expected to matter more over policies. Btw, name one right that anyone in the LGBT doesn’t have.
Absolutely nobody in this garbage state is proud to have Maura as our governor.
@Darksnowman1 It should be celebrated. Queer people have come so far. And in some states same sex couples still can’t get married or adopt, trans people are denied gender-affirming care, and non-binary people are not recognized at all. Also bullying and prejudice are still very rampant, even though that’s not necessarily the lack of a right. If none of those are important to you, then you must look up to the person in you pfp. Know about the pink triangle?
Past off the responsibility to a scapegoat.
God bless her
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
No mention of Sarah Sanders as the first female Governor in her state. I wonder why?
Exactly! And first father then daughter wins!
Huck Sander is bat
It’s CNN. No way could they be honest. And exactly why would a politician’s orientation be celebrated?
@RODRICK COLBERT obviously, democrats can’t research.
Well you know for some reason I got a funny feeling this is going to cause more tention between both sides
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
The on-air talent has greatly deteriorated. There’s hardly anyone on-the-air who’s over 50, bald, overweight, or Asian = ratings are everything $$$
Charlie Baker was the best republican I seen in this country. Glad he was here. But we could not allow that man Diehl to win.
Healey is gonna turn our state into a shithole. Her policy is horrible and she will turn Worcester and Boston into the next citywide homeless encampment with drugs flowing through Pittsfield because she’s gonna out the illegal immigrants first and taxes will go up even more cause guess who will be paying for them
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
So are all the Republican wins stolen too?
This is all Democrats have to offer their voters. “Vote for this person because they are the first (fill in the blank with literally anything)! Such progress!”
@Larry Ferg you are trying to move “forward”
We are trying to fix the damage you’ve done in pursuing that goal. Every leftist policy unrepealed is a scar on this nation’s back.
@Larry Ferg compared to democrats who wake up thinking Trump should still be the main focus everyday??? Can we get any democrats who’ll actually try to solve real day to day issues
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
@Larry Ferg oh my goodness she has a vagina, so much progress wow. This feels so far in the future it’s almost a sci-fi situation
Keep crying kid lol
Definition of a women please . First time I hear about this specie . According to CNN there is no such thing .
When you listen to these characters speaking…. you realize how divorced from reality and backwards the usa really is.
No one cares about their sexual orientation. Drop it! People care about what they will do for all Americans and not just for their supporters. That’s the key.
oh wow. The first openly Lesbian? That’s so amazing!! I’m smiling ear to ear right now. I’m so happy with the direction this….wait, what were we voting on again? “Firsts” and “impressive resume’s?”
Are we really distracted this easily?
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
@Supernova no discussing!
Its so sad that the break down of a persons journey to get to where they are is either their sexual orientation(which no one should care about) or that they are male or female. It just erases all the hard work they did to get there.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the 47th governor of Arkansas — and the state’s first female governor.
Nobody cares about fascists
Great to see Democrats winning governorship and great to see Chris Wallace on the other side of the
Why? You like crime?
“oTs gOnNa nE a ReD wAvE!!”
– fascists
I hope gas hits 20 bucks a gallon and people starve due to inflation. We deserve it at this point when we exploit stroke victims who need rehabilitation for governor. I truly mourn for America
Oh, good! I can just hear the Republican heads exploding.
He also doesn’t support that one thing that rhymes with “the shmacks.” That’s the wedge issue on the right