A report from Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown alleges 156 Catholic clergy members and others abused at least 600 children over the course of more than six decades. CNN's Jean Casarez reports #CNN #News
Maryland AG report alleges 156 Catholic clergy members and others abused over 600 children

These are ONLY the cases they were able to PROVE!!! Imagine how many more went undiscovered…Protect our babies!!!

@Eden Beaver Jr. I apologize I did not recognize sarcasm.

@Eden Beaver Jr. I do hope this is humor
i was told it the cross dresser books and lbgtq+ say it’s not so.
@defendant Trump ?
There’s a statute of limitations for sexual abuse on a child? I didn’t know sin of that magnitude had an expiration date.
@sagasta1983 Sometimes it’s the victims that spend time in jail. Because of that, they are not valued, and do not receive the support that they need.
@Elmosweed Violence damages society. The State does not have the right to kill.
The purpose of a statute of limitations is so that an accused person can get a fair trial. Anyone can accuse someone of a crime, but if there’s no proof beyond a reasonable doubt, a person cannot and should not be convicted. It’s really unfortunate that sadly s*x crimes in particular often don’t have enough evidence to convict, especially after long periods of time. It’s one of the reasons why children are targeted for these offenses
_The Pope makes his home in the Vatican_
_Each morning he puts on his hat again_
_He partakes of great feasts, and protects pervert priests,_
_In defiance of Jesus’s Dad again._
Geeeeeee, the dangerous men in frocks turned out to be religious clerics. Who knew.
I am a Catholic and am not shocked. Upon trying to report a case I was hushed by the priest in my parish. Money can not repay these victims, but the assistance for therapy is definitely needed. It is unfortunate, some of the victims were disqualified for representation due to their age. The statute of limitation needs to be removed. Victims of childhood sexual abuse oftentimes don’t tell their parents or families. A lot of shame is involved. Counseling is definitely needed. These poor souls stories must be heard. The abusers should be held accountable. Unfortunately, many may have already passed away. Let’s hope their is away for these victims to be helped at the cost of the Catholic Church and those that assisted in hiding these crimes.
You can leave the church. The world is filled with non-religious people. Fastest growing religious demographic.
_The Pope makes his home in the Vatican_
_Each morning he puts on his hat again_
_He partakes of great feasts, and protects pervert priests,_
_In defiance of Jesus’s Dad again._
And yet we still give these people tax exemption.. Make the church pay taxes and use that taxed money to help victims and prosecute these monsters
_The Pope makes his home in the Vatican_
_Each morning he puts on his hat again_
_He partakes of great feasts, and protects pervert priests,_
_In defiance of Jesus’s Dad again._
i was told it the cross dresser books and lbgtq+ say it’s not so.
@psh dxt why not, they make money and employ people?
I taught math at an all boys Jesuit high school in the 1980’s for a couple of years. I was the only non Catholic (because they could not find a Catholic math teacher).. so I was a bit on the outside. I left because of the racism at the school. I wonder how many of these sexual abuse cases they would find there if someone really looked. The kids were from high society; parents used them to earn social credits.. so will definitely makes it harder for them to come forward
Did you report the racism to the police or collect your paycheck and move on to another teaching job.
I suspect the latter.
@Harley 2die4The racism was not the type that police could do anything about. I tried my best.. I tried to get the parents involved, I spoke with other staff members,. I got guidance from my college professors. Ultimately I was not able to make a difference
Keep reporting on this, please!
Why? It doesn’t represent all of Christianity.
“It’s ok everyone. We banned those yucky drag shows”.
@TatteredShield So, let’s dumb this down for you.
Drag means dressed to the nines.
Stripping is adult content and is not legal for minors.
No one is stripping in a public library.
@T. R. Campbell Hey, new day new lie. Your story was completely different the last time we talked.
Repent. Believe in Jesus Christ and become a new person in this life.
John 3:16 KJV – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Luke 13:3 KJV – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. John 3:3 KJV – “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
600 seems very low for the amount of predators, and the wonder why people lost faith. There should be no time limit on crimes towards a child
@Risky Opinions like wise for you MAGA Mud!
_The Pope makes his home in the Vatican_
_Each morning he puts on his hat again_
_He partakes of great feasts, and protects pervert priests,_
_In defiance of Jesus’s Dad again._
i was told it the cross dresser books and lbgtq+ say it’s not so.
@defendant Trump
I blame it on the bossa nova, with it’s magic spell.
A beat up messenger arrived at the Vatican claiming he had an important message for the Holy Father. He claimed he must see the pope immediately to deliver important news.
So the pope said to the messenger,
_”What is it, my son?”_
And the messenger, straining to catch his breath, said,
_”Father, I have good news and bad news.”_
The pope said,
_”Please tell me the good news.”_
And the messenger replied,
_”Jesus has arisen and returned to Earth.”_
The pope cried out,
_”Praise the Lord, that is wonderful news. What is the bad news?”_
The messenger said,
_”He showed up in Salt Lake City.”_
I didn’t leave the Church, the Church left me.
Good for you.
@Magical Frijoles A beat up messenger arrived at the Vatican claiming he had an important message for the Holy Father. He claimed he must see the pope immediately to deliver important news.
So the pope said to the messenger,
_”What is it, my son?”_
And the messenger, straining to catch his breath, said,
_”Father, I have good news and bad news.”_
The pope said,
_”Please tell me the good news.”_
And the messenger replied,
_”Jesus has arisen and returned to Earth.”_
The pope cried out,
_”Praise the Lord, that is wonderful news. What is the bad news?”_
The messenger said,
_”He showed up in Salt Lake City.”_
and i had a night job cleaning a church and the kids were all teenagers and NO parents were there and two grown men were playing a musical chairs game where the kids sat on each others laps instead of one in each chair and i was disgusted it was borderline kink
and this was a christian church
This is what church exists for.
Ok groomers.
If there is strong evidence against these individuals, they should be prosecuted immediately.
@Billy Bowman Biden 2024.
@Morgan Stevens Just cause you’re mad your idol is going down, doesn’t mean everyone you’re mad at is guilty too.
Maybe seethe better?
i was told it the cross dresser books and lbgtq+ say it’s not so.
Shut them down. No other organisation would be able to continue operating under these circumstances.
@Brandon Smith You couldn’t be MORE WRONG!
@David Eby lol…nice try. Name one.
You know they need to do more investigations cause it’s happening at one how many others are running secret operations.

Keep hearing stories over how churches are covering up abuse like this and I keep wondering where these supposed morals are that their religion is supposed to bestow magically upon their clergy
I can’t believe how lethargic people are on this issue. It’s happening all over the world and is clearly a structural problem, but societies have a hard time making up their mind how to feel about this. It’s just staggering when you think about how some people talk about child abuse when committed by someone who’s not a member of the clergy.
I went to catholic school, in 1964 I knew of our priest doing this to the quire boys, I was only 7 and asked to join the quire. I told my MOM the what I heard, shortly after that we were put in public school.
_The Pope makes his home in the Vatican_
_Each morning he puts on his hat again_
_He partakes of great feasts, and protects pervert priests,_
_In defiance of Jesus’s Dad again._
The law is sick to put time limits on coming out.
6 decades from the 40s to today? Imagine how many generations of kids had experience it?
It’s been happening for millennia.
No one will stop going to church knowing this information, but we will Boycott beer, because Someone who has courage courage to be themselves is given a platform very useful information