In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Mary Trump, President Donald Trump's niece, responded to tweets from the President saying that she is a "mess" and said untruthful things in her book "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man."
#Cuomo #Trump #CNN #News
Donald Trump is so upset that there’s so much tea on him. He needs to stop acting up because everybody knows that he is very scandalous
Mox Avenger awww feelings hurt fascist

Great analogy. And I’m sipping ALL of it.
@Avxx00 he got it right, Trümpf doesn’t know what the jugular is.
@G C what does that mean?
__Everbody don’t believe everything anything
How sad it must be to be a Trump supporter Believing that Scientists, Scholars, teachers, economists and Journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you, while a reality TV star with decades of fraud and documented lying is your only beacon of truth and honesty.
@Mike Smith Whatcha think ’bout good ol’ Fox and OAN there Mikey? Give us yer assessment!
@Frank Paya Yes pseudo science are anti-vaxxers, real science is vaccines.
@All lies Wake up And Trump says the truth does not matter. I can invent the facts and make people believe in them.
@Mike Hall Really. How sad your party is to glorify racists and slavers. Must make you feel proud of your confederate aligned party.
They’re willing to accept anything and everything as long as he serves their agenda.
This is the only Trump I actually like.
@Doug H Wow; hey where do you guys meet up. and do I need a sheet?
100% La Madrina
Bye PETUH Petrov
Frank Paya I refuse to reply to your post because it is utterly moronic. Now move along on back to your trailer park.
Doug H why is everything about Trump a “hoax” and a “witch hunt”? Aren’t you tired of all this drama and daily chaos and lies?
Of Course you do LOLOL.
FACT: Trumps intelligence overwhelms him but his stupidity overcomes him.
@David MacLeod thanks David…. Don’t remember asking you tho.. But I’m sure the president will get your message
I dont think hes intelligent. Its more like hes clever at manipulating people, but he isn’t as clever as he thinks he is. His huge and fragile ego is the cause of most of his (and our) problems.
John Balnis Dad why would a Russian bot trash talk Trump? They want him as POTUS. He does everything they ask of him. Remember what went down in Helsinki? Trump took the word of Vladimir Putin over his own Intel, and said he “didnt see why they would” interfere in the election. And now, if there are Russian bots out there, you say they’re gonna throw shade on him? They want him to win.
Huh?!;. WHAAAT intelligence?!!..BAHAHAHA!
Not shocked that she said he said racial slurs. Someone who has a father that put one race in Flatbush & one in Coney Island during housing is probably a bigot on some level.
Most of Long Island retailors are just like him who segregated each town in order to keep the property value at an all time high.
YES, Fred Trump & Donald fought tooth & nail on the housing of minorities & loss but still fought. So no surprise.
@Mike Smith She knows she will not make a penny off this book…It will all go to her Greedy Family with Lawsuits for “damages” for exposing what they really are. THAT is what Cheeto is upset about, that someone isn’t threatened by his false Bravado and falling for his threats, especially a woman from his own Family. There will be many Fools who Vote for a Fool, because they have no mind of their own. But those who possess Logic will see deeper into what she has written and see the undertones, that even she hesitated to write about. He knows those who have awakened to his Game and those who have been on the fence about it, will not support him in the next election. So, he may find it even harder , this time, to Bribe the Electoral College with promises of positions and all the perks, since they have seen how others fell for it and were dismissed as they stopped cajoling his Lunacy to get what they wanted.
His Dad Fred is was a registered KKK Member
@Kewachte I don’t think President Trump’s going to waste his time with a lawsuit with her he has more important things to do…
The only criticism of Mary at the moment is that she has betrayed her family. The fact that her family is a pack of treasonous morons though, that makes it ok by me.
Watch how easy it is to expose a whiney idiotic liberal when they try to sound smart while they’re following their brainwashers orders and bitching and complaining about the president… FACTUALLY EXPLAIN, what the president did that is “treasonous”? Or was you just throwing that in there to sound better?
We gotta do a lot better people. We need to stop wasting our time attacking each other and get this president re-elected. We are absolutely doomed if Biden wins.
Her family betrayed her. My half sister betrayed me after my dad died. I spoke two words to her in 13 years. And that was at a funeral. When she saw me she said it’s been a long time. My words…. It has.
Bottom Buns, have you looked into her eyes lately, there is nobody home, case closed.
@D ZONE FIREWORKS she’s a damn crybaby..the will was split among freddy Srs LIVING kids…there was nothing about next of kin..freddy jr died and so the inheritance was split with trump and his siblings..and she thinks since her dad died it should’ve gone to her..which it shouldn’t..problem solved..she’s a crybaby
Her response proves the point. Trump is again lying.
the silent majority is bigger than u think… we will lose our jobs if we openly support our president who has denounced racism and the KKK by name, given us tax cuts and record economic numbers. So we’ll show support with our votes, keep our mouths shut, and keep our jobs:) MAGA!
@KING WAVY How do you know she is lying?
@Alex Gutierrez denounced KKK? He literally said there were good people on both sides of a racist motivated attack? He is defending confederate statutes who mind you were indeed racists!
Her response shows that she is just another gold digger used by the left to make Donald look bad. Why would a family member be so critical of another if not for money.
@Ginza she is successful in her own right, she’s doing it for the country.
She’s the only Trump I believe.
Of course a good LIE is better than the Truth .
It is so bizarre to see an intellectually competent and psychologically stable member of the Trump family. Eloquent and erudite.
she’s like a unicorn
And you know the book is all true. You just do.
Eco Geek according to a psychologist she isn’t stable
barb lee ? We’re going to need more than that.
And she plays guitar and likes turtles. Right on!!
Mary Trump is probably the only one in the Trump family, who got her college degree without cheating.
@Bilal Ghafoor that would be lack of Logic…and I agree
@Thyalwaysseek She explains herself on that point in Rachel Maddow’s interview.
Rob Li really and you believe her, i think she was paid big big money, i don’t think she’s all there
Wasn’t she in a lawsuit? The courts had said it’s ok for her to release the bookk
Donald Trump would spread all kinds of lies to attack anyone that makes him look bad, showing just how insecure he is. I wish more of the Trump family will come out and call him out like this.
Bunker Baby suffers major TDS.
@Alex Gutierrez

@Bunker Baby Trumpy boo boo Cheated
on his Kindergarten Readiness Test (KRT)
~Mary Trump
Orange Chicken with a side of shrimp fried lies
Alex Gutierrez yeah you trump supporters live in an alternative universe polls and elections have proven you wrong and not racists your such cowards
Who do you believe
Mary sounds intelligent, inciteful, and HONEST AND BRAVE… VOTE BIDEN
Whom do you believe? A clinical psychologist or clinical sociopath?
Which clinic diagnosed that.. just curious, or is it just 1 of the insults the idiots like to throw around that has no factual bases?
I’ll Take the sociopath LOLOLOL.
FUNNY unlike his son book, the Republican committee bought Jr’s to help trigger sales to #1 her written book and sales are real.
His mom didn’t love him. She adored her normal grand daughter.
this is one of the reasons Trump has had issues with women – commonly known on the tabloid talkshow circuit as ”mommy issues”.. the other ”issue’ with his mother has to do with his father: she was there and didn’t do anything..double whammie……….
She’s definitely smarter and more well-spoken than any of Trump’s children.
I know parrots that speak better that any Trump’s kid.
Correction… all his children COMBINED!
Marlynne K you are agreeing with a Trump?!
Orange Man Bad! Orange Man Bad? YES Orange Man Bad!
She is ?
This lady sounds like she’s telling the truth.
“Is he a smart one ?” Did Chris have to ask that about a guy who suggests injecting bleach into the body to kill covid 19
Why do you say that?
@Frank Paya if you have to ask that question, you definitely are a trump supporter and a perfect example of one too! You are embarrassing
In 7/C case Only China knows what’s in store because it’s “was” all about eliminating him since birth (Agenda 21)
Speaking of that why haven’t we heard any updates about disinfectant injection or UV light inside the body? Trump said they were looking into it.
@KAG2020 He sure did, hope he offers to be the guinea pig!
I believe Mary, she speaks with intelligence…
Which is refreshing to see with someone with that last name.
She is way more intelligent than her spaghetti faced uncle! BIGGER and BETTER intelligence here!
She comes across as extremely credible, the exact OPPOSITE of her uncle.