In recordings shared by Mary Trump exclusively with The ReidOut, Maryanne Trump Barry, Donald Trump’s sister, is heard criticizing many members of the Trump family. Maryanne Trump Barry and Mary Trump discussed Ivanka Trump’s actions during the period that the Trump Administration initiated their child separation practices. Trump Barry also says the president 'is all over the line' when it comes to his treatment of DREAMers. Aired on 08/28/2020.
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Mary Trump Shares New Recordings Of Trump’s Sister Criticizing Family | The ReidOut | MSNBC
Listen to the truth! Here it is. All you who support Disaster Donny! SHAME ON YOU!
@Marshall Ray wishful thinking bub.
@Marshall Ray btw why didn’t you pick a republicans name instead of a Democrats? Because you are a lying POS.
@Death To Ming!
This is the problem with living in a Marxist echo chamber. You do not get the truth. Trust me, landslide!
President Trump has received a significant bump in the polls in the aftermath of last week’s Republican National Convention (RNC), jumping to a three-point lead in the national popular vote and a seven-point lead in key battleground states in the Democracy Institute/Sunday Express Poll released Sunday.
The RNC brought in 147.9 million online and on television viewers this week, according to FOX News.
That compares to 122 million views for Sleepy Joe Biden and his VP nominee Kamala Harris.
Republicans also brought in $76 million for President Donald Trump.
Democrats brought in $70 million for sleepy Joe last week.
@Marshall Ray
keep listening to fox. They will get you killed. I don’t care how much money Disaster Donny spends. We the people can plainly see his value and it’s worthless. He loses and so will his buddies in the GOP. Try someone else liar. Your a pathetic POS. I predict Trump will blow his brains out by the end of the year.
@Truth Hurts …all under your president’s watch. — i know, truth does hurt
Mary the Xmas gift that keeps giving
@cc 1k so, a win-win
I just said this same statement to a friend about five minutes ago. Only I added, “tell Santa to keep all my presents this year because Mary Trump is the gift that keeps on giving!”

Talmudic deception Mary trump
we also got Trumps ex Judge sister tag teaming!! Mary also has a PhD in Psyco. Merry Christmas
love how she has just gotten better and better at these interviews, thanks Mary, Not sure it’ll help, his supporters are rabid, but good to know.
Maryanne sounds like a good and decent person.
I don’t think anyone is surprised that Ivanka is Trump’s favorite child. She mirrors him the most.
And he wants to fk her. or did already.
@Truth He has twiddled her twanger since an early age. Mushroom meets the twisted twanger.
I wouldn’t say she is from the temperament the same as him but she has his values, that’s for sure.
royal inbreeding?
@Computer User Hahaha. It’s good.
Inbreeding perhaps but not royal.;) Not enough generations before her. Donald’s father was the middle class who has found gold but then couldn’t manage the investments well. Donald’s father was the one who built the empire. And it’s possible Donald would ruin it if he wouldn’t become president.
His base is getting into Jim Jones mode. Nothing you can say can sway them.
praise the lord and pass around the kool aide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone in that crowd gets a cup. drink up suckers!!!!!!!!!! to bad i had to blaspheme to make that point…
Hopefully, he’ll hook them up with some kool-aid too then.
And they haven’t learned from history.
It only makes sense that Ivanka is Donald’s favorite, because she’s mini-Donald, and Donald loves himself.
I do not know enough about Ivanka to comment.
Not only has he talked about her sexually, but he’s groped her numerous times and even kissed her passionately on live TV.
Charlie Foxtrot Eww.
Kissing His Daughter The Moron, My dad Never Done That To Us, My Dad Had Respect For Us, And his Barber Doll Enjoyed Its. Wonder Why??
Amen trumps daughter is trumps pride and joy thats why she does wat he saids always dadys girl u hardly see his son by his new wife
I really hope she has a security escort. At this point, an “accident” is bound to happen.
She’s got security. She said it before
Why isn’t Fox and friends having a chat with her i wonder.
They’re probably busy showing old cop chase footage or talking about the “very deadly” panda again. Watch out! Those murderous thugs know how to use a bamboo shoot.
Because they are laughing and calling it a little sibling rivalry. If I hear anyone say it then I’d know that they were watching a little too much of Fox News. Besides they need to come up with some excuse to still justify their support of the orange clown and chief! I like Chris Wallace though.
@Heather Shaw No Heather. They are still talking about Melanias speech and how the burning and looting of the protesters is a sign of things to come in their neighborhoods if they don’t re elect the orange clown. Classic Stuff. Still hard to understand how so many actually believe it!
I don’t watch faux news for the same reason why I don’t eat or drink from the toilet. But the swamp whisperers supporters do…
@jlo Its probably the best for you. Don’t get me wrong I don’t indulge in the propaganda. Its just important for me to try to understand how so many people can be easily brainwashed. So far I have come to the conclusion that they are not.Their beliefs were the same even before turning on the t.v. They just need validation. My truth is ( my belief) that the rich and greedy have their own separate ideas. They will promote anything and anyone who will make more money for them. Others are just scared for one reason or another. Scared of losing their faith,scared of losing their guns,scared of losing the security of their own little bubble,scared of losing their jobs but most of all scared of losing their white privilege. While none of it was at risk( at least before the pandemic) they actually do fear so much of it that no matter how much hate and division that this administration has caused,no matter what programs were put in place that will allow them to live better in this country( like the ACA,Social Security,Medicare) if its all taken away by this administration come tomorrow it would not matter one bit to them because they actually believe that it will all be fixed for THEM in the near future. I hold no grudges against those who believe that. Only when they start the name calling(radical leftists,communist,socialists demoncrats,raging looters,baby killers) and when they try to deny my kids the very same things that they wish for their own kids, taking out their weapons and shooting up innocent people because they don’t look and think like them and standing behind images and symbols that have for centuries represented hate and separatism among the masses then its high time to act. The UN-united states.The sad thing is that there are those who think that it will all be fixed with another 4 yrs of the same politics.
We need to hear from Mary Ann Barry. Somebody convince her to come forward. She’s funny as heck, besides being full of information.
CR R dont encourage a senile judge to sheme herself in public
@Evelyn Goh–Who says she is senile?
I’m so glad her book is selling millions and millions. It would be wonderful to see her be rich off the Trump lies! Thanks for doing it, you’re very brave.
By her birthright she is probably already rich
@Bartholomew Henry As per the book no. Donald Trump ensured she was cut out of her grandparents’will.
@scheune P.–Good!!!!
@Sandeanna Beckker how is that good ? Fred Trump didn’t want his oldest son (Mary father) to join the military or make a living as a pilot. In his mind the military and being a pilot were for losers and sucker like his son say about the war heroes ! Fred Trump created the perfect Frankenstein monster in Donald ! Fred Jr was disowned by his father or being a pilot and because of his brother his two children were disinherited b
And the fact Fred Trump had his family members each signed a disclosure agreement
@Bartholomew Henry I imagine she is well off, but, as far as I know, her fight with trump is that because her father died befor the old man trump, they were excluded from the will, that’s my understanding, I could have it farce about ace.
Who is lying.
There’s family, and then there’s The Family, ruled by the Don. This stuff writes itself.
@Larry Trump, but you knew that….
They only care about themselves. If you can’t or won’t see that your a lost cause.
rather be lost than found on the left
@CHELSEA You are lost. You support the orange little hands traitor-in-chief who does not care about you or anyone else besides himself. Good luck with that.
That is true of all politicians except some rare ones like Kucinich and Ron Paul. The rest just use government power to enrich themselves or family members.
@Paula Riese
The rarest one is Bernie Sanders.
Which other major politician on the national stage doesn’t accept corporate lobbyist donations?
I doubt Rand Paul turns down corporate donations.
Oh please, check out all the drama with the Clintons or the Obamas they’re all a bunch of pathetic money hungry sycophants…
Does anyone else feel like they’ve somehow been on a constant binge-watch of The Omen movie series, these past 5 years???
@ivorytower99 Ha Ha The 2006 version of The Omen was on another station while drumpf was giving his “speech”, on the last night of the RNC convention. Have to admit, I did think of him. Lol
Actually been watching the old doom movie’s, they classics.
Trump’s defense of sister’s statements of him: “Barely know her…never met her.”

Trump has also said he has a great relationship with his siblings.
she did his home work
can we get Eric’s comment on his aunt’s opinion of him, does he agree that he’s the moron of the family?
Lol so trump calls his supporters “suckers” lmao
No surprise there!
Well we all knew what he called them.Something other than true patriotic trumpers. The question is why do they still support him?
Mike Mayweather he does like the uneducated!
But the Bible is his favorite book, that he cannot quote a single scripture from.
Jai K. That’s because he reads it upside down.
Trump ” I don’t know this woman” “I’m in a couple photos with her, I take alot of photos with alot of people”
The Acting President is “a narcissist,” “a petty, pathetic little man,” “ignorant, incapable, out of his depth, and lost in his own delusional spin.” According to Mary Trump.
trump delights in crulety and hurting human beings
Mary Trump will go down in history as the true heroine of this drama.
Trump’s sister is bold. She told the truth.
Charisse w Even as she withdrew from her Federal judgeship to avoid scrutiny into her taxes…