In an interview with ABC, Mary Trump stood by a claim in her book that her uncle, President Donald Trump, paid someone to take the SATs for him to help get him into the University of Pennsylvania, which the White House has denied.
#CNN #News
Mary Trump asked for proof that someone took President’s SAT

He proves his intellectual incapacity everyday.
What qualfys you to make such judgment.
None of you realize how brilliantly President Trump plays with you critical thinking.
Four Winds you can’t speak too loudly about intellectual incapacity if you support him
Hildah Appelbom your just as delusional as trump.
@Hildah Appelbom He doesn’t even come close to challenging my critical thinking.
Is that why he has hidden his school record?
Of course he paid someone to take his exams! Have you heard him talk? He’s a rambling idiot! Even 6th graders have a more complex vocabulary. Just like how his father pulled strings to get him out of serving, how he pays others to write his books, how he pays hush money to his mistresses before an election, how he uses threats and legal action to stop people from telling the truth. Paying someone to do his exams matches perfectly with his historical behavior
That’s our POTUS
Trump 2020
Carlos Calero so you’re ok with a moron in the White House?
I been on this earth long enough to know one man can start a war..
Where do you get this opinion from. Did you listen to cnn or did you think this for yourself? Because trump has literally done his best not to start wars. Look at north korea, america has always wanted a war with them, but trump made peace. And then look what obama has done in syria, seriously use some common sense.
You haven’t been on

this earth long enough to
grow your first pubic hair..
There is more then one man working for CNN, yes CNN knows how to stoke the fire with their fake narratives.
@GamingDuck So where should we get our news from?
You have not been on this earth long enough to speak English properly, nor to not use your real name on YouTube.
Thanks to the GOP in Congress for making Trump an even greater danger to our country by deciding to ignore the Constitution and let him run free without checks and oversight.
I’m so glad there’s a video about this because it’s really relevant and not on the fact that the US gov just captured MS 13 leaders and is looking to charge them with terrorism(first time in US history)
Oh, but the 50 year old SAT scores are SOOO important.
Good for them. Take down all those evil savages.
The proof is there and now every time he opened his mouth, surely an educated person can communicate better than that
Probably this is the first time in his life that he’s asking for “evidence” lol
Well she wont be getting a christmas card this year……
@gordon mathew Stay on topic. No one asked your mama’s business.
She’ll need him long before he needs her
He should get her an
“Egg of the month” club for her face…
It’s the gift that “keeps on giving”…

Mary said her father died alone and her grandmother wasn’t there and also Trump went to the movies knowing her father is dying, so where is Mary? Why is her father alone when he died when has two children, Mary and her brother as I understand?
@gordon mathew is ‘she’ a dude?
FACT is, let him take it right now. Nothing has changed.
Yes…..they have.
The score should be over all the same or alike these test are designed for that
I doubt that most 70+ year olds couldn’t do very well on the SAT after 50? years.
But in the case of DJT first you’d HAVE to have someone read it for him as HE “reads” like an eight year old that just copied a book report right off the internet without even reading it. DJT also lacks ANY basic knowledge about common thing most grownups do know. Like where the states all fit on a map or even how many states there are right now. It’s funny how five minutes AFTER someone on is staff mentions some ‘common knowledge’, DJT like to add it to the conversation with “Not many people know this…” HE thinks THIS makes HIM seem smart.
It doesn’t.
I think of him as a scarecrow (If I only had a brain). Genius he’s not! I wish he would RESIGN and know one would ever remember his name.
I’m reading her book and found out that draft dogging was a generational thing. His grandfather did the same. The irony of a literal flag hugger who refused to do his patriotic duty.
@97RAVINEAVE that’s called dodging the draft, idiot.
@Four Winds Aww, the truth hurts your widdle snowflake feewings. Typical
That’s it, deflect, deflect. Typical. Anyone with an IQ over 30 knows that Ali stood up like the man he was, and was a conscientious objecter, not a draft dodger whose pappy paid for 5 deferments. As is typical of your ilk, you tried it, but as is also typical #FAIL
@David Gibson Aren’t you all the same about your party? Come on, all of you *both side* are assholes …
Proof, really? He’s Trump. There is your proof. A solid track record is proof enough for me..
Yet I don’t think she is telling us anything we don’t already know. Her story does not shock, same as Bolton’s.
Any man who when asked what he has in common with his daughter, answers ‘sex’ is abnormal beyond description.
Kinda like momma and daughter
both have in common that they
“dismember” their infants ?…
Yeah, thats kind of disgusting…
You know, any abnormal women who
would do such a thing, have long ago
lost any “cred”…
@Dirk Diggler Could you write that in your native language so I can put it into google translate.
Are you AOL customer support?
@Dirk Diggler People unable or unwilling (or both) to address the issue at hand and instead play the tedious game of whataboutism have no cred either.
@Dirk Diggler like all the women who t rump got pregnant and he paid them to have abortions.well ask your boy t rump about that
We have seen how Trump talks and his “thought processes”. There is no way that that man could get anything but a miserable score on the SAT.
Someone needs proof that the draft dodger dodged his SATs…?
Next Trump will say he did pay someone to take his SATs and there’s nothing wrong with it.
Who took her SAT
David Dennison…
We don’t need a family member to tell us how absolutely STUPID her childish uncle is
someone turns lets say 100 million dollars (even tho it was only 1 mil) into 3,000 piles of a million dollars (Forbes) and you call him stupid….how quaint
But its nice to hear from an ex family member. lol
We don’t need proof to believe he cheated on SAT. He cheats on everything and on his wives. He cheats in golf!