Marrying to be a Housewife? TVJ Smile Jamaica – May 31 2022

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Marrying to be a Housewife? TVJ Smile Jamaica


  1. I love these type of women, these get under the feminist skin. most modern women would rather submit to their boss than their husband. I think Dahlia and Simone are disingenuously missing the lady’s point.

  2. I think the woman in the video made some solid points. And I also think what she said about the role of a housewife being likened to a job was taken entirely out of context.

  3. Ladies submitting to your man doesn’t makes you less of a woman, as long as the man is deserving of such you should embrace it and you will see how much better your relationships will turn out. Most women these days want to ‘wear the pants’ in the relationship and this is one of the things that causes a lot of relationships to fail.

    1. I thought it was the absent fathers (and probably abusive mothers) who were causing some of these issues facing the society?

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