Maroon 5 Musician PJ Morton Talks Obama, Giuliani, MAGA Hypocrisy And The ‘Cancel Culture’ Problem

Maroon 5 keyboardist PJ Morton and former Obama diplomat Rick Stengel join MSNBC’s Ari Melber on Fallback Friday, an irreverent segment on the news show “The Beat with Ari Melber.” Rick Stengel criticizes Senator Rand Paul’s attempts to expose the whistleblower at the center of Trump’s impeachment scandal. PJ Morton discusses Rudy Giuliani’s corruption allegations, “Cancel culture” and the political message of his newest album “Paul”. Aired on 11/15/19.
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Maroon 5 Musician PJ Morton Talks Obama, Giuliani, MAGA Hypocrisy And The ‘Cancel Culture’ Problem

Maroon 5 Musician PJ Morton Talks Obama, Giuliani, MAGA Hypocrisy And The ‘Cancel Culture’ Problem


    1. You idiots have learned NOTHING throughout history & so you are doomed to repeat it.
      Socialism has failed in 100 countries & atheist “utopianism” has led to mass murder & outright genocide of 120+ million people in just 100 years. Only islam is the worst ideology that’s directly responsible for 669+ million murders throughout its 1400 year history & has committed nearly 36,000 global jihad attacks since 9/11/2001.
      Both ideologies rely on deception & violence to further their goals – humanity means nothing to leftists or muslims.

  1. I love what PJ said about “Cancel Culture”. Not talking to someone again if they upset you. Not trying to understand or forgive. It is terrible. So glad he called it out. It is making us too hard hearted.

    1. If someone leads their life with racism and hate its not my responsibility to understand why nor am I at fault for not wanting to hear their rhetoric. Bigots do not need a safe space.

    1. @CJ Detroit How about the office of the first family with loyal to the American people and not just your pockets. If Don Jr wanted to do the same thing the world would go nuts and I dont even like him. How about we focus on our own GDP. Our constant pursuit of riches in poor countries is causing war, and chaos. These companies are digging wholes toward our earth’s core with no regard for the environment in which we all live, persistent refusal to implement emissions tax marks proof of it. Business men like Donald Trump, Bloomberg, and oil tycoon George Bush (oil exploitation got us 911 not religion) live the high lives that we only dream about and watch on tv at expense of services to our communities when we’re the one’s who vote them in. It’s about who cares for the entire world and all it’s people.

    2. I meant holes but still glad I wrote wholes because we need this world to stay whole and not split. What’s with all the digging? I live in NY and visit the 911 memorial and see the foundations under these building and they dig deeper than i imagined. I couldnt believe my eyes. Holes are everywhere! I demand they treat our earth better and Hunter Biden was on the board of an Oil Company. How obvious? If I were a pirate with limited time at sea I’d go for the oil too, but I come from a place where people matter. Listen the Europea Union is falling apart and it’s not solely about money. Generations hate each other because of the circumstances we were all born into. Everyone is afraid to help one another because somehow inherently, we know that it would be at our own expense and at the cost of our families, but why is that? Because in Economics I learned of something called a money supply, a system known worldwide, which limits the anount of money a country can produce for circulation. Ultinately as people are born into the world more money isnt created for them. If their born in poverty it’s likely they stay in it unless get it from someone who already has it, ie their parents. Which is why it was natural for Hunter to want to benefit from his father’s office and America’s leverage with Ukraine as an ally. What if there were no limits placed on our happiness and every person coyld happily feed their familes and quite frankly have fun. Amusement parks, museums, hiking you name it. This could happen when we realize the world is only as strong as it’s weakest link. Every year there are people in countries who cannot fight for their freedom like we do that is why they come here so since we’re so good so tough shouldnt we check it out and see if there is a world threat? Business has us buying and in debt with our enemies. A communist country like China who has use camps and sweatshops to do their bidding but this has been since imperial times and we shoudd be furious for their people because it ultimately effects us. See that’s why God made one world for all of us because we have no choice other than to figure it out and get along. Oligarchs are greedy, the fat men at the table who know about the limited money supply and exploit it. They want it all and when we enable them without even meeting them to know their intentions we set ourselves and our familes up not to win.

    3. Shawana Ryals clearly you know not what you speak of. Don jr., Ivanka and Jared are making money hand over fist with the Chinese, the Russians and the Saudis. The difference being- they’re doing it under the umbrella of their father’s companies so they are directly benefiting from the office of the presidency and even Trump himself has shamelessly monetized his position even to the detriment of the American people.

  2. PJ Morten, id rather live in a world were people who use their platform to spread racism and hate are cancelled rather than one where they are not, check your privilege.

    1. @Yanny I don’t need to listen to bigots. There is no conversation to be had. You just want to spread hate without consequences.

  3. lol. So the brainwashed “celebrities” pawns under zionists influence talking about other zionists influenced pawns. Notice I dont call pawns tools, tools are useful and pawns arent.

  4. He is not a real whistle blower . it’s all hearsay . Your audience is not very bright. Trump is doing so much for blacks .Gratitude is in order.

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