President Trump finally admitted that Americans are the ones paying for tariffs as he delays imposing his latest round until after the holiday shopping season, but why might that not be enough to calm the markets or stop a recession? Stephanie Ruhle is joined by CNBC’s Kayla Tausche, Risk Reversal Advisors Principal Dan Nathan, and National Foreign Trade Council President Rufus Yerxa to explain.
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Markets Open Sharply Lower After Recession Warning | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
What a dirty rat! Let tRumpf pay the taruffs, NOT AMERICANS!!!
RFI-Crypto Lab nah it has to pay out
keith parkhill Yeah And they held A$AP
Pete Lind
Love how democrats complain about tariffs when dem lawmakers strive to raise taxes to the working class on all fronts. A tariff is a form of tax. Maybe buy American. We can buy from plenty of other countries. Non-tariffed
@Logan McLean why did Ebay start taxing us? Thank tRumpf.
@Robert The Bruce #trumpbiggestfailure you mean.
The American Troika destroying democracy and the economy: Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsey and Trotsky trump
Change that to Israeli names, and you’d be right.
@Trumprules Clintondrools Yes, I would say Comrade Trump is suffering from extreme xenophobia, especially when it comes to people who are not White.
Trotsky Trump. I like it. Trump probably gets the trots quite often ,given his diet. He’s a walking, sloshing bag of diarrhea.
Get Donnie out of the WH before he destroys America .
Too late
@Free Ma Just like Reagan
@Trumprules Clintondrools well i don’t actually see the trump plan. he said that was gonna be ready day 1. how’s that plan workin 4ya?
Yep you’re right: NOt only stupid Donnieeeeee but also a f
cking FREAK…..eeeeek: CNN’s Don Lemon is being sued for allegedly putting his hand down his shorts, “vigorously” rubbing his genitalia and shoving “his index and middle fingers into a man’s moustache at a bar.
Did he just say strategy and Trump in the same sentence? Does not compute.
@Andrew Bises yes trump is a oxymoron
Why would you listen to Ross? He falls asleep on the job.
Ben Carson has taught him well.
He needs more Executive Time
Vodka side effects
Wearing a MAGA hat, is the equivalent of wearing aluminium foil on your head

@Trumprules Clintondrools
Violent leftist have committed 3 mass shootings in the past week and half or Trump right wingers?
@Trumprules Clintondrools now you’re afraid of snowflakes huh
@A horse with no name What “Violent leftist” and which mass shootings are you referring too?
I was replying to a comment about violent leftists. The 3 shootings, Dayton, El Paso and the garlic festival the week before were all committed by right wing white supremacists.
tbh it’s even worse
Trumps recession will hit when the Christmas sales numbers come in, probably even if they work a trade deal because a lot of trade war damage is already in progress… the Christmas numbers will seal the deal… for T-Rumps Recession!!! THANX FOR NOTHING STABLE GENIUS!!
@Michael Painter – Yes, before Reagan, stock buy backs were considered market manipulation which they blatantly are. When a company does a stock buyback each share still in the hands of the public (shares outstanding) now represents a larger portion of the company because each share outstanding now owns more treasury stock. The company now has less cash assets, but now the shares outstanding own more of ALL of the company’s assets because the shares outstanding now also own treasury stock held by the company. The companies themselves aren’t intrinsically worth more or performing better. Instead of the companies value being spread among more shares on the market it essentially gets concentrated into fewer shares. There is also a supply and demand affect on the price due to there now being fewer shares tradable by the public who feverishly want stock without regard to its intrinsic value.
And then upon the company doing the stock buyback, the CEOs execute their options to buy the expensive stock at the reduced price set by the options they’ve been holding onto. They can then sell those purchased stocks at an instant profit which they created at the push of a button.
@Ryan B yep.
Trump is manipulating the markets, it should be obvious that they are attempting to create a controllable recession so those in the know can get in on the bottom floor and ride the market back up.
The only reason he wanted to drain the swamp was to turn it into a personal cesspool. Mission accomplished?
@Mark Keller more reason those tax returns should be required by law. I mean they made Carter sell his peanut farm when he was president because of possible conflicts of interests this guy has a multi national business he is profiting from.
Nothing makes Trump happier than not knowing what he’s talking about, and he’s happy all the time.
Also Trucks. Trucks makes him happy, he likes trucks, trucks are great, His mom once said “Trump, you like trucks” and you know what, she was right!
“not knowing what he’s talking about” = plausible deniability
Guess that last one ace up Trump’s sleeve is actually a joker.
No slaves he is the Joker.

A con man who has spent his life using weaponized litigation to avoid paying bills/ taxes, using connections in the tabloid media to smear anyone who makes him feel butthurt, bankrupting business venture after business venture and tap-dancing around all the incurred debts by using mob-ties and below-board loans from Russian oligarchs.
What could possibly go wrong?
The SOB could win the Electoral College and we might have to endure a single term of office with an ignorant bigot in charge.
Our economy could !
all trumpanzees are
stunted 4 year olds.
Trump and Wilbur are clueless
. We the people are paying tariffs 
Little to no increase to prices since tariffs got put into place. China devalued its currency & has seen a decline in growth
The food prices are almost doubled
How stupid do you have to be to not understand that Americans are the ones who pay the tariffs.
Well, they got to pay the farmers somehow.
As stupid as a Trump voter.
Maybe pay attention to what China did. They devalued it’s currency and exporters lowered the cost of their products to remain competitive. China isn’t the US only trading partner
Trump loves the uneducated
The next president will need two terms just to fix Trump’s messes.
not if Trump gets re-elected
Putting a “stable genius” – who went bankrupt multiple times while owning casinos – in charge of the worlds biggest economy…..what could possibly go wrong?
Well, he did suggest that all you had to do was write off the US debt and start fresh. He knows bankruptcy pretty intimately, he doesn’t know US/World economy tho.
IMHO … and I’m surprised that no one in the financial circles of the media has caught onto this … Trump, with the help of his economic advisers, is actually manipulating the markets to fall. They want a controlled recession so they can get in on the bottom floor to ride the markets’ climb back up. They don’t care about the country, they only care about their future profits.
Donald Trump Make America Great Again by Making Americans Paying For The Wall and Now Tariffs.
What Wall? Trump built samples, only portions of a wall built recently were from George W Bush’s administration that finally got through the courts 15 years later. But yes, tariffs are a pass through consumer tax. Companies don’t pay them, they raise prices instead.
@Some Person There is 36 miles of repaired “fence”. Trump delivered absolutely nothing he promised. His cult followers are too stupid to know.
As a Chinese, I can tell you that the former U.S president almost corned China with TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and strike a trade agreement, however the current president seems throw all the effort away and decides to go solo…
@B. Ciernioch Totally agree 100%
@Some Person Good one lol
Trump repeated the same mantra he said 10 months ago: ” I’m losing billions of dollars being president.” Well then it’s simple! Resign! Folk’s don’t let this guy fool you. The one and a half trillion dollar tax cut he signed benefited him to the tune of tens of millions of dollars in tax savings that he and the top five percent of the wealthiest Americans got 87 percent of the money!
If he said that then, as usual, the opposite is true!
These guys care nothing about America, so long as they get there piece of the pie. Nothing, nothing is more important to them, then their Gobs Of Dough. G,O,D.
The tax cuts are PEANUTS…compared to the annual INTEREST on that debt. $400 BILLION this year alone. Check out what the projected interest will be in 5 years:(
Trump is having an emergency meeting with Sean Hannity to work out how this tariff mess is Hillary’s fault.
Sean couldn’t get through college so he’s a prime adviser to Trump. Trump would have never made it through either if it weren’t for his dad’s money.
So someone who inherited $420 million from daddy and STILL managed to go bankrupt is not good at managing the economy? Gee……what a shock.
Someone who stopped learning in the 1950’s implementing disastrous tariffs that any 4th grader (who read a history book written after 1960) could have told you was a bad idea …
Cocksuka tRumpf can’t pay his debts again, so he’s sticking it to civilians. Time to #resist #riseup
What amazes me is the amount of stupid people who ignore the fact that we are now $1 trillion further in debt than we were when Trump inherited a booming economy. Makes about as much sense as having $5000 in your savings account and still owing $10,000 on your credit card. Newsflash Trump suckers……. you are not doing well! Bloody idiots
Jim, if you worked for a living, or knew that Trump regained his fortune plus some, you wouldn’t post such ignorant crap. Me and millions of others who, UNLIKE YOU, are doing just fine, especially my 401K. Log off, lose the weed, and get a job.
I notice you still didn’t mention the national debt. You have no idea how well or not I am doing and you have no idea whether I smoke weed or not. You also have no idea how much money Trump has or doesn’t have. For some reason he still hasn’t released his tax returns that he promised to show idiots like you three years ago. In the meantime your taxes go towards paying the interest on the national debt that the stable genius has added yet another trillion dollars to. Moron
Give it a week and it will be Obama’s fault according to trump.
Relax and don’t jump to conclusions. We don’t know that it’s Obama’s fault. It could be Hillary Clinton’s. Or Jimmy Carter’s. /s