Anthony Scaramucci and Catherine Rampell talk with CNN’s Don Lemon about how Trump’s lack of credibility is affecting how the markets are reacting to the coronavirus fears.
#Coronavirus #CNN #News
Markets not buying Trump administration is ready for coronavirus | Don Lemon

“If the Dow drops 1000 points in two days the President should be impeached immediately!” – Donald Trump, 2012
@Touringcarton42 You missed the point on the hilarious irony of Trump’s 2012 statement.
@Robert Clawson They just need to start their own country with their 3 + genders. Does it get crazier than that?
One more of Moron’s fkup
@Rick B It’s real insignificant in this situation , Trump never said “If the dow goes down 1,000 points in 2 days because of an outbreak the president should be impeached!” He talked about the performance of said president not random factors that could end in a plunge , I image you people would blame Trump if a meteor strikes earth libtards would go back to 20XX or 19XX to get a 7 word statement he said on local news and make a scene our of it.
Not trying to be a boomer with jokes but this is about politics and it’s important that people get the full image.
He’ll have to make a reversal and let science take over. Shows how much this country has fallen. Watch the movie, Idiocracy. It is prescient about today’s America. A banana republic with nuclear weapons.
….and no bananas.
Brawndo its got electrolytes
Michelle Obama is not amused.
as things are with trump, I think the movie The Jerk fits admirably.
Dont be worried America. Trump will find a cure in a few days and he’ll have mexico pay for it
Haven’t heard the news, the virus has disappeared. Phase one of Pence’s approach to addressing the issue: create conspiracy theory.

Too bad there’s no cure for Syphilis of the mouth.
yves le monier still waiting for him to build a wall around the virus
@M P Lmfao

I’m waiting for the health officials who contradicted trump to be fired and replaced with individuals with little or no experience who will fail spectacularly and need to be replaced… twice…
@Bigly Muffdivr what’s wrong with you that you cant acknowledge that trump has a pattern of behavior doing this? I’m speaking the simple truth that there is a pattern and I’m simply waiting for him to repeat it.
@Brian Barton idiots like you seem to have forgotten all the news attention previous pandemics have recieved and how Republicans then tried to blame Obama for alot of it.
With idiots like you it’s like nothing happened before trump. The media never spoke I’ll of a president before trump, never questioned the president before trump, or accused the president of false scandals (*trump offering to release charity money if obama produces birth certificate/other identity information*)
But your right its ALL about trump, hes the greatest victim in all of human history, no man has EVER been as mistreated as Donald Trump. Come brothers! It is time for the trump cry me a river rally!! Gonna whine about the abuse previous president had to put up with but going to cry louder then any of them about it! Woe is trump woe is trump.
Deamonomic: Democrats have consistently told Trump he was overreacting to the virus. So which is it? If Democrats were honest they would not be playing silly political games for the last 3 years.
Everything Trump touches eventually dies. Just check his record.
@Criminal Trump LOL…….;-)
@Criminal Trump me too

Trump’s fecal iceberg of corruption sullies anyone who comes in contact with it. Trump is the biggest failure of a POTUS we’ve had since the Hoover Administration didn’t respond to the GOP’s Great Depression.
Shake his hand asap
Remember when we had a president who had enough sense not to talk about the stock market?
Also sensible enough not to shape his policies around keeping the markets happy, as though that were all that mattered. This is what we get with a dumb rich guy in charge of the country. He thinks the economy = the stock market.
@Clarence Bayliss It’s not really bad yet, no one has died in America. Once we start closing schools, cities start shutting down, LA 92 style riots, and 100,000+ start dying then we know who to blame…Mike Pence, because it’s never Trump’s fault.
@Glock Coley
Even if that was true his mother was an American wich makes Obama an American even if he was born on the moon.
Remember when Obama was taking credit for the current economy. Yes that was a week or two ago
For a person ( Trump ) who has thrived his entire life on Chaos, trying to project a sense a calm doesn’t ring true for anyone other than his base.
It doesnt ring true to those who are idiotic.
That is true.It is also true that the the majority of America now trusts him
@Ethan Hill you are a are on welfare….food stamps are welfare.
God damn this guy is winning me over
Midget WRESTLING ! Scaradouche !
Horrific moment a stripper falls from the top of a 20ft pole and lands face-first on stage but keeps on twerking despite broken jaw and teeth
hope your mum is feeling better LOL
skip first 4 minutes to avoid listening to one a-hole talking to another a-hole
CNN weaponizing a flu?
The left is running out of options
they truly are reaching for anything now. just wait the next 4 years will be very entertaining
Trump 2020
Coronavirus risk upgraded to “very high” by World Health Organization as death toll mounts
INTHEPAC You still stuck in Iowa? (Pssst…we’ve moved on.)
All you MAGAtards realize that the virus is going to do what contagions do. The WHO doesn’t have a political agenda.
Ralph Boyd I love your comment! And all these good comments. There seems really a lot of trolls on here, LOL, or maybe it’s one troll with a lot of different accounts, who knows. That seems more likely, since they are so concentrated.
@Jeanie Goodman
Hard to say if they’re insane Trump Supporters or people trying to make Trump Supporters look insane.
Why do you give any time to “The Mooch”?
*Lemon put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers into Plaintiff’s mustache and under Plaintiff’s nose*
+Mimi Shella
They’ll keep him as long as he’s providing relevant insight. Now tell us all why you think they shouldn’t let him speak. Give ‘er Mimi…why’re ya mad at ol’ Mooch?
Trump : “Let’s see what happens”
Dont miss Bernie the bum ~
I did notice some sniffling during this show. Hope everyone stays well.
*Lemon put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers into Plaintiff’s mustache and under Plaintiff’s nose*
Yep. Many lazy billionaires about to experience some difficult times.
Hey, mooch—you talk about trump “curving” reality. Isn’t that called lying?
You looking for a job in the White House again?
“ big impact us economic “ a midia n quer ver o eua crescendo kkkkkk se ta bem reclama se ta mal reclama vao pra pqp
“Everything that Trump touches turns to dust”. Remember that when you listen to Trump folks, remember that.
People are going to take “cover your mouth” when someone coughs or is sneezing to a whole nother level!