Mark Leibovich: Hungary Is A Version Of What Trump Wants For The U.S.

Chief national correspondent at the New York Times, Mark Leibovich, and former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi, react to Fox News’ anchor Tucker Carlson’s bizarre choice to host his show from Hungary, a country with an authoritarian regime.

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#MSNBC #Trump #Hungary

Mark Leibovich: Hungary Is A Version Of What Trump Wants For The U.S.


    1. @Alegas Veles As a Hungarian born in Slovakia (which was part of Hungary for over 1000 years) I can say this:

      These type of people have never even been to Hungary or know anything about it or the Hungarian people much less care about them. Hungary is surrounded by countries that have ethnic Hungarians living there because those areas were once part of Hungary for over a 1000 years. What Viktor Orban is doing is giving those people an opportunity to move to Hungary to get Hungarian Citizenship immediately given their common ethnicity.

      Also they claim that Hungary is a racist fascist far right country while ignoring how Hungarians pay up to a million Euros every year to communities in the middle east to help re-build schools, churches, houses that were destroyed by the Western Europeans.

      Also if Hungary is so far-right fascist and racists, how come they have strict anti-sematic laws that protect Jews?

      Also if Hungary is so Anti-Muslim how come it’s part of the Turkic Council which consists of mostly Muslim countries?

      Also if Hungary is so Far-Right Nationalistic and Fascists then how come it has a national event called the Kurultaj which is an event that happens every year in August. It’s a gathering of multi-ethnic and multi-national people from all around Asia to celebrate their common national historical and cultural identity.

    2. He would probably be much better in Hungary away from airheads like you but he cares too much for US to flee (concept entirely alien to you – that is caring for US)…

  1. When will the DOJ do its DOJob, with regard to the attempted coup? That would be a step in the right direction. Trump would be a tad less relevant in DOJail.

    1. Waiting for “teflon Don”ald to finally have to pay for his many crimes is getting frustrating!

    2. @J Wright 18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or insurrection. Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

    3. @Debbie Clayton you have no idea of what you just scrambled together in that jibrerish you just posted ,try again

  2. The Only Protection We Have Against Autocracy
    Is The Constitution But Only
    If It Is Defended
    If It Is Enforced

    1. @Stupid Pig “Do you guys ever actually listen to yourselves?”
      do YOU?:
      ” to protect the states from invasion, ”

    2. @Debbie Clayton The are afraid because the GOP told them to be afraid of anyone who is not white and “christian”.

    3. @Debbie Clayton let’s give the doses that the antivaxx MAGA TRASH don’t want and give them to the Mexicans – we can make the Trump Dunces pay $200 per dose later

  3. “Both arms and both legs……..”😂Sorry, but I got this visual in my mind…😂😉❤️🇺🇸

    1. That is a dignifying way of saying it. They are simply ordinary average political bandits. Trump does not have the intelligence of a dictator or autocrat. He is just too crude and untutored

    2. @J M M : The saddest part? It’s always the same people. They get banned by Google, for hate speech and spreading Covid misinformation, and the hardest part of their day is establishing their new YouTube name with their paymasters, to ensure they still get paid for each whine and bitter cry baby remark. 🙄 No doubt, he’ll have been banned three more times by the time Tucker finishes his, “This country is better than America,” tour, from North Korea, Iran or Russia? 🤦‍♂️✌️👍

    3. @Lad Bol : Stalin, without the book learning. That’s how I see trump. All the same impulses, and his, “Up is the new official Down,” gravity denying, gaslighting propaganda has exactly the same flavor. Stalin had little formal education, but he devoured books: an autodidact. Putin just passes on Stalin’s techniques to trump, and his minions. Hungary is as close as a tourist can get to the Third Reich without a time machine. No wonder Carlson loves it there. His message is pretty clear. “This corrupt autocracy has racism and autocracy, and they’re getting away with it, so? . . .”

  4. “When fascism comes to America it will be holding a bible upside down and dry humping an American flag.”

    1. @Upper 90 you certainly don’t, but you are a good lemming 👇
      Re: “a person who unthinkingly joins a mass movement, especially a headlong rush to self-destruction.

    2. @Upper 90 You’re an inconsoleable butthurt lemming following a self-centered golden idol against your own and your countries best interests. You’re not worth my “emotion’
      Tis what it is. You are what you are.

    1. The thing to take on board is, the autocrats don’t view you as a threat. Or a target. They view you as a prize.

  5. well, if Tuckums wasn’t being watched before, he certainly has painted a bullseye on himself now….. what a jerk.

    1. @James Smith Are you blind? The only thing they’re working hard at is turning the USA into a fascist dictatorship.

    2. @Mad Max …where is MY “insanity”? Everything I wrote on this thread is a documented fact, and there is so much more that I could have added. And BTW, regarding your response to James Smith; clearly you don’t understand the definition or meaning of fascism. Maybe we should make that your assignment for today.

    3. @twain307 documented facts? Buahahahaha! By whom?!?! All you provided here are lies. You are a manipulated fool!..

  6. What is wrong with these people? Makes me glad I’m old so I don’t have to deal with these idiots much longer.

    1. That’s funny. Half the country feels the same about you. Too bad your age didn’t bring you widdom.

  7. They should make that guy think that Tucker has criticized him, so he would never be seen ever again, no questions asked!

    1. What an awesome idea! Maybe the CIA could, “leak,” that Tucker is only playing nice because he’s planning a hit piece and exposé on their dictatorship, er, I mean, “democracy.” 😉 Otherwise, we’ve got the rest of Tucker’s favourite, “feelin’ right at home here,” tour to look forward to. Iran is next, followed by North Korea, finishing (of course) in Moscow 🙄 ✌️

  8. “Titans of Industry” that the right can’t get enough of – Koch family, Murdoch family (bar one), chemical company giants the du Pont family, Walton’s (bar one), Hearst family…..

    1. Oh ! But you’re forgetting some _really important_ “Titans of _Freelance, Covert and Side-Business”. Importantly, many of these individuals are (or were) also big contributors to the Republican party and even to little donald himself ! Among the top names are : the Gambino family, the Lucchese family, the Genovese family, the Bonanno family, the Colombo family, the Rosenburg family (Julius and Ethyl), AND the Walker family.

      Now, is _THAT_ an all-star lineup of conservative American Patriots, or _what_ ?

    1. But Tucker’s on a mission to save America from itself, namely by empowering Mehr-kuh. That’s why he stays in America.

    2. As a Hungarian born in Slovakia (which was part of Hungary for over 1000 years) I can say this:
      These type of people have never even been to Hungary or know anything about it or the Hungarian people much less care about them. Hungary is surrounded by countries that have ethnic Hungarians living there because those areas were once part of Hungary for over a 1000 years. What Viktor Orban is doing is giving those people an opportunity to move to Hungary to get Hungarian Citizenship immediately given their common ethnicity.

      Also they claim that Hungary is a racist fascist far right country while ignoring how Hungarians pay up to a million Euros every year to communities in the middle east to help re-build schools, churches, houses that were destroyed by the Western Europeans.

      Also if Hungary is so far-right fascist and racists, how come they have strict anti-sematic laws that protect Jews?

      Also if Hungary is so Anti-Muslim how come it’s part of the Turkic Council which consists of mostly Muslim countries?

      Also if Hungary is so Far-Right Nationalistic and Fascists then how come it has a national event called the Kurultaj which is an event that happens every year in August. It’s a gathering of multi-ethnic and multi-national people from all around Asia to celebrate their common national historical and cultural identity.

    3. @Outcast of the Blue Fire Nation of Outlandia throwing diamonds in front of pigs. These airheads in the comment section are manipulated like children in kindergarten…

    4. @KrissowskiM I feel sorry for them, cus they remind me of the Bolshievik fanatics that occupied us for 40 years and they had the exact same attitudes.
      I’m surprised Biden or Harris hasn’t ordered for re-education camps or Gulags to be build and opened yet.

    5. @KrissowskiM Also the worst thing is that Joseph Stalin predicted that America would become like it is now. Also there was an ex-KGB who escaped the USSR and come into America in the 1980’s and gave an interview warning Americans that if they don’t get rid of the shmucks in power, they will manipulated and brainwash the American people so much to the point that reasoning with them or trying to open their eyes to the truth will become impossible. That’s why you have fanatics like BLM and others doing what they are doing. This has all been predicted over 40 years ago but most people weren’t listening.

  9. “Imagine if I lose to Biden, I might have to leave the country”
    Hungary is nice this time of year.

    1. @Random Internet User : You’re a fan of Di&Ce then? You took the time to check out his/her account? Not sure what the, “significance,” is, of telling a YouTuber something they would already know better than you is? Just showing your fanboyness? Or, fangirlyness, perhaps? Isn’t the value of a comment in the comment itself? Not in the age of the account? 🤷‍♂️

    2. @Di&Ce Meaning that real patriotic red-blooded Hungarians won’t put up with foreigners who speak only English. But because Trump’s RICH and (for a certain definition of / criteria for the term) charismatic, I suppose HE gets a pass. “Too bad” (so to speak) that at least 80% of the rest of the MAGA crowd doesn’t get that privilege.

  10. They want him, that’s why he’s there as a propaganda mouthpiece for the American audience. They a trying to legitimise the regime. I’m disgusted by a lot of people now, Tucker being high up the list and the list is long.

  11. Tucker has gone Full Fascist & nasty supremacist. He was always somewhat limited in his thinking skills…

    1. Here’s an example of Tucker’s DESTRUCTIVE handiwork = YouTube video entitled | *Nurse reveals how she pranks Covid deniers who call her a crisis actor*

      The video shows how people like DeSantis in Florida, Majorie Q-Anon Greene & *Tucker* have turned places like Arkansas into Covid19 disaster zones by encouraging FEAR & mistrust of the Government, vaccines, doctors, science AND FACTS!!!

    2. @Dee Valerie So a video from CNN is your “evidence” against tucker carlson? Of course they would have their own slant on tucker considering they’re a rival network. He absolutely has encouraged people to consult their doctors. He’s absolutely had medical experts on his show probably just not the one’s you agree with. Show me one time that he’s ever said not to take the vaccine just one.

    3. No! The *words, actions and needless suffering* of the Americans filmed IN the documentary is the evidence that normal, non-Psychopaths would pay attention to! …

      But obviously, all YOU focus on is, “CNN bad”… Coz “My Dear Orange cult Leader told me, “CNN baaaad!!! etc etc

    4. Bye! There’s NO reasoning with cult members & the “poorly educated!”

      The results of Tucker’s behaviour speak for themselves – 616,000 deaths from Covid19. And Tucker’s busy on holiday in Hungary getting Insurrection & Sedition tips from an oppressive, neo-Nazi Dictator…

    1. @Jarry Sciligo Before 1970, that would be sensible. Unfortunately, even late 20th century tech allowed ease of reporting to your home country from a far-away foreign one. Even easier in the Internet Age. Budapest would simply be the primary branch office of Fox.

    1. @B & L Nunya More than a thousand times. Every fascist regime had American apologists and collaborators, some who broadcast daily propaganda shows to American audiences. Carlson, however, is not a “news correspondent”. By his own admission in court, he is an entertainer whose views can’t be taken seriously by thinking people. Otherwise he could be held accountable for the lethal lies he spread about Covid.

    2. @B & L Nunya Like other Fox News hosts he claimed it was no worse than the flu. The defense he successfully used in court, that he could not be held accountable because he was not a journalist relating facts, but an entertainer known to tell outrageous nonsense, is appropriately called “the Tucker Carlson defense.”

  12. Mr. Leibovich: You and Nicolle are Conservatives. The Radical Right is NOT and we MUST stop crediting it as such!

    1. @Matt Thompson That is true. So what’s your point? Until last year Nicolle was a registered Republican, worked within the party. She is a Conservative. Clearly, you are not. You are the Radical Right.

    2. They’re not the political right,they’re Republicans! Stuart Stevens was correct,” it was all a lie!’

    3. @Matt Thompson True. Sorta like how everyone is a Marxist or communist to someone who’s jumped into the Trumpo swamp of fascist fever dreams. Not sure what your point is.

    1. How many hungarinans have you met? Do you knkw them? Their life? Their family? Their struggle? Or you just believe everything on tv and hate a whole nation without anything solid? Third Reich.. Hungarians made their mistakes in the past and payed the price for it. And luckily most of those ha e died already. There is a new generarion of people with very different mindset. You should first meet some people before you judge them based on nationality…

    2. @Csoongor Who’s judging Hungarians by their nationality? We’re judging a dictator who oppresses the Hungarian people.

    3. There’s a precedent. When Ezra Pound went to Italy and became a propagandist for Mussolini and Hitler, he was not allowed to return to the United States. Carlson deserves the same treatment.

    4. No, please, we have more than enough half-educated bigoted cleptocrats already.
      P.s. you need to know that Orban, like many before, is only big on Christian values to stop common people from asking questions about his and his cronies quite obvious corruption. ‘Me, I cannot be corrupt, I am the defender of European Christianity!’

  13. Murdock wants democracy to fail so that the very wealthy 2% can assume complete control!! I can’t believe any American would give Fox news the time of day.

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