Mark Esper ‘dumbstruck’ and ‘shocked’ over Trump’s idea

Mark Esper, who served as US defense secretary in the Trump administration, said he had been “dumbstruck” and “shocked” to hear then President Donald Trump make the suggestion to use the military to shoot protesters in Washington DC demonstrating in the wake of George Floyd's death. In a statement sent to CBS News, Trump called the allegation he wanted more force used against protesters a complete lie, and claimed to have witnesses who could back it up. In response to Esper's comments that he wanted to use missiles against cartels in Mexico, Trump responded, "no comment."
#MarkEsper #AC360 #CNN


    1. @Mary Lamb it’s all anyone is to them anyway. A number. How many votes did we get? What’s our approval rating? What’s our budget this year with a city or states combined tax dollars we throw a few scraps back, and use the rest as our playfund.

      I was never hand raised and politically paper trained to think that it was ok for someone else to take sides, point fingers, and spew crap out of their mouths on my behalf, much less place them there and call them my leader or representative. Probably the two biggest reasons in the world today that a population is socially separated, and racially divided. Politics, and politically owned news corporations. I would say hand raised and politically paper trained to take sides and put each other down as well. They have done nothing but divide a country and population up between themselves, red and blue states, desecrating the true meaning of the American flag, unity, while so many gullibly feel compelled to keep placing them there term after term. If it’s your patriotic duty to vote, and give your voice to another to take sides, point fingers, and belittle the world around you, then so be it.

      It’s my patriotic duty to keep my voice and help people I come across who need it, not take sides, and get along with the thousands of those that I have met in passing.

    1. @Well actually, you’re right. Playing make believe? I don’t even know what that means but Putin has failed every conceivable metric along the way of his ‘special military operation’ that was supposed to last only a few days. He lost more in two weeks in Ukraine than US forces over two decades in the Middle East; he sent his economy into death spiral & he indirectly unified NATO both with his aggression and barbarism in Ukraine. Last but not least, he has shown the West first hand just how incompetent his compulsory low morale Army is, both logistically & tactically. These people are clowns.

      It weirdly makes sense that a Trump supporter would think the way you think & say what you said. Thank you & thank you to Trump for reminding us why he lost in a landslide to Sleepy.

    2. @Well actually, you’re right. it goes without saying it would have been a lot easier for failing Putin if he did it during Trump. Perhaps he like you thought Trump would actually win the 2020 election. Doh!

  1. So shocked he waited until well over a year after the administration was out to mention anything about it. and when he finally did, he tried to monetize it. Yep. Just super shocked.

  2. So “dumbstruck & shocked“ that he didn’t report it or resign in protest but instead decided to monetise the incidents with a book deal. What a hero.

    1. A book that almost no one will read! Hope he got his money from the publisher up front!

  3. That’s a simple question and a simple answer is when did he start preparing for the war and was it before the US election… If so he didn’t know if Trump was going to win or not so he was going to war regardless.

  4. 1:15 – 1:45 sadly too real life 💯
    1:45 – 2:01… 💯💯 finally someone’s pointing out the obvious bare minimum standard for America and the people, etc 🇺🇸 👏🏾🙏🏾💙

  5. “Began modernizing the services.”
    Aren’t they… always being modernized?
    Not to say they shouldn’t be, but this sounds like political speak for we actually did crap all, so I’ll list off things that were already givens.

  6. I applaud the courage of Esper to hold onto all this important information now in order to sell books, instead of, ya know, letting us all in on it — I don’t know — three f**king years ago.

  7. More people watch 40 year old reruns of Scooby Doo than watch CNN and this clip is a good example why.

    1. Well I would have waited for Fox News to interview Esper but ,Christ Almighty,I’m not that young!

    2. Hey man, those old scooby doo reruns are pretty good, there’s no shame in that beating you in the ratings

  8. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I want to see a book about how each time the current administration adds to their personal that they somehow find someone even dumber than the last addition.

  9. The former president also repeatedly brags about passing a basic senility test . The former president thinks this test is an IQ test. And we are supposed to believe he didn’t pay someone to take his SAT’s??

  10. We should insist that all public servants must repeat their oath every single day before they start work.

    I, N-A-M-E, do so swear that I will always and forever put the needs of the people and the nation and most importantly the constitution above those of party or politics or myself.

    This should be done EVERY DAY.

  11. I do appreciate him thwarting crazy ideas, but I don’t appreciate him staying silent for so long to write a book.

  12. I’m far on the other side from Esper. But, I get a great feeling for him as a person.
    Fundamental respect.
    I’m glad he didn’t resign.
    We needed people like him to stay working under trump, to protect the country. The danger of who they’d be replaced by was to high.

  13. I’m glad that people with level heads were still able to retain positions of decision-making capability in that administration. The country came so close to being steamrolled by a totalitarian zealot. And so many citizens are cheering for the disintegration of their freedoms. Goodbye America.

  14. Thank you Mark Esper for protecting the constitution and the people. You and Gen.Milley and the rest of the people who worked with you did an excellent job. Thank you .

  15. Mark Esper is right about everything he said about how you need to put the nation above yourself, which Trump comp,Evelyn lacked. I am retired from the US military.

  16. He keeps saying about integrity and patriotism, like he learned in the service, but he failed to display any of that during his tenure..

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