At a Pentagon briefing, Defense Secretary Mark Esper also told reporters he does not support invoking the Insurrection Act and denied reports that the National Guard fired tear gas at White House protesters this week. Aired on 06/03/2020.
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Mark Esper Clarifies Circumstances Of Trump’s Church Photo-op, National Guard's Actions | MSNBC
In other words one hand didn’t know what the other was doing..
More like, shiny object in one hand, tear gas and shoot people with the other.
WTF you could see the tear gas clouds, does this man think we are that stupid
@Darth Obscurity He is just stupid
@Darth Obscurity Smoke grenades don’t make people choke, well at least they didn’t when I was in the military
More white people are killed by cops every year than black people…the “protests” are bogus
@USA Rules more white people are violent, armed and actually threatening to cops than black people. Most of us are taught at an early age to be extra respectful, don’t make sudden movements, even narrate what you are doing just so that we can survive the encounter. Get the facts right
Yes he does….he thinks we will believe what they say in face of facts to the contrary….over 30% of our country does…..UGH!
EVERYONE OF THIS administration LIES!
@fullmetal25 Please. It is not even a close thing. Trump lies on a scale never witnessed in US history. He makes Nixon seem like Honest Abe.
Dave Schultz enjoys young boys
Sophie Peraaud you sound scared and very uneducated. Sorry for that.
American Rage I have to correct your sentence: “EVERYONE OF THIS administration IS FAKE NEWS!
@Pamela Gater Zero Antifa arrested so far. Don’t buy the scapegoat hype.
You’re the Secretary of Defense and you didn’t know where you were going? That’s not a good look
because Trump blindfold him before he puts him in this position
@Stephen Urso My thoughts Exactly! Is there ANYONE in the Republican Party, in our Corrupt Law Enforcement, and Treacherous Armed Forces, that participated in this UNGODLY charade, who have one ounce of their Soul Intact?? Have they ALL SOLD AMERICA OUT FOR GOOD??! Their very own Brothers and Sisters and Our Divinities have been Assaulted, at Their Hands!
All Domestic Terrorist will be CRUSHED. If the US Military does not have the stomach to fulfill their duty? Then the Militia WILL!
@Bill Johnson Keep posting nonsense. Are you a bot or just a cut and paste Trump moron?
@Bill Johnson LOL look everyone it’s the YouTube general Patton! I bet you would run to your basement at the first sign of trouble like Trump ran to his bunker!
Okay so we didn’t see what our eyes were looking at.
@Andy Smitty wow, conspiracy theory much?? Russia russia russia.
Mars Tru where the F$&@ did I say anything about russia? The videos show capital police pushing the peaceful protesters back, William bar made the claim on fox that they thru a water bottle at him so he ordered the capital police push them back, and they did infact use flash bangs and pepper ball bullets (they shoot like rubber bullets but are more like paintballs with mace in them).
I think you either have an issue with reading comprehension or are a foreign troll.
@David Creekmore Your point?
@Mars Tru are we watching the same media lmao none of the major news channels are saying it was exclusively white supremacists, most of them are saying it’s just others who are taking advantage of the current strained police numbers. not necessarily radical left or radical right.
That helicopter had to be flown on orders down the chain of command…the implication that there were vigilante airmen flying that is bs.
Cam V Bill Johnson is a Russian troll trying to interfere in the election; ignore him. They couldn’t even come up with a better name. “Hey what sounds really American?” “I know, Bill…. Bill Johnson”
Depends on who was REALLY giving the orders…. What is the chain of command in this compromised administration anyway?
@John Henderson these. Maga tiki torches are cowards… they only go after soft targets that they know there’s no shooting back… elderly in black churches, the Elderly in synagogues Charlottesville with 3ton Dodge Charger into a crowd of unarmed protesters, and Mexican Walmarts.. they’re nothing but cowards..
It started with Orange Spanky and Barr
@Bill Johnson Are you and your sister-wife gonna save us, Bill?
So lesper didn’t know what he was doing , again….Lord help us.
*This wasn’t a statement. He was saving face.*
Real Patriot yeah bc it all backfired …. but saying they didn’t fire billets or tear gas is bs
It didn’t work.
Trying to.
Well he just got fired so, oops
Wow the amount of things this guy ‘doesn’t know’, let alone can’t acknowledge to be true when there is video is astonishing.
Imagine how they got it almost right in 1980s in UK Rowan Atkinson , Griff Rhys Jones .
Not the Nine O’Clock News – Reagan 3 min 12 sec
he has a very selective memory
I know right. I mean, clearly all those black people rioting are white supremacists like the media keeps telling me.
*I seen gas, smoke whatever you call it, being used against Americans didn’t you?*
@Bono Budju Bono, excellent point.
@Summer Madness
good luck, stay safe and take care.
@Bill Johnson SORRY Bill Johnson, your president is nothing but a bloviating, spineless Baffoon, who spews a bunch of b@llsh/t out of his mouth. His threatening tactic didn’t work. In fact, it backfired. Today, larger and larger crowds, thousands more and it all remained PEACEFUL!
@mtronix provide a link to the aerial view please, never seen that
Thanks Australians for sharing the links. That second one had a much more ‘conservative’ perspective of what we were watching, though. Maybe she doesn’t know that until now, you used to be able to peaceably assemble in this country, and chants during protests were considered free speech, not acts of ‘disruption’. There was no need for the tear gas to start flying, which to me justifies throwing the cannister they threw at you right back at them. We used to call it self defense before the police state of president plague. I also noticed that, just like Fox, the conservative station has turned off their comments. Pretty pathetic.
November 3rd can’t come quickly enough.
@Tyler Guyton
You shut up.
whelk stall, triggered Russian
@Tyler Guyton
What do you mean? What am I meant to be ‘triggered’ about? What is your fixation with Russia?
I’m voting for Trump. Latinos for Trump! Fk the fake news media
Yeah, so Trump can get re-elected and implement his agenda without worms like this, Mark Esper, standing in his way.
Our allies and foes think we are fools. Even the terrorists are like, “not now”.
@Keith Leung well at least our potus isn’t an ANTISEMITE antizionist wearing BLACKFACE!!!!
Totaler BLOEDSINN das war ein ser friedlicher response by the Philadelphias finest….in deutschland unsere antiterrorist police units schwarze cobra wuerden sehr schnell aufmoppen!!!!!! S
@b1untrama hey incel
@Khaver 25: Schwarze Cobra is maybe a Russian Police Unit. German special police units are called “GSG9/federal ” or “SEK (Sondereinsatzkomando)/State.
You are wether German nor are you American. Probably, a Russian troll.
@VidKid I ‘am concerned about what will happen if Trump loses the election. BTW Thank-you for realizing that Trump does not have any interest in Conservatism. It’s refreshing to hear from republicans/ conservatives who understands this.
They must think we can’t see what freaking happened.
Wasn’t he on that phone call telling governors they need to “dominate the protesters” and “stop the protests so we can go back to normal”??
@Thilypad It’s a fake narrative. Don’t believe them.
People explained it on youtube and made videos. A blck girl video-taped two white girls wearing masks writing graffiti on buildings. When asked why they do this and why they thus work against the black people, the two fled quickly. So these are paid actors who try to undermine the protesters. Don’t believe what you see in the media.
@Weghweh Hwewehwhe those are Antifa who are doing that and instigating riots in the major cities in the video but there are hundred other videos of opportunistic black looters who are looting and attacking Buisness .These riots ensured his re election he’s the only one calling these thugs what they are the failure of democrat mayors and governors to contain the situation has cost them their careers.
@Thilypad so they don’t get their way so they pull a Tantrum and burn down their own communities like that will make people listen their lack of patience has alienated Everyone whites,Blacks who owned stores and Buisneses,Latinos the only ally they have is Antifa they should have stuck with peaceful protests that would’ve won hearts and minds.
. Everyone in the country agreed that the murder and death of George Floyd was a tragedy and called for justice the mayor of and Minneapolis ,The Governor and Even the president called this incident out
With rioting no one will care the next some poor black sap gets murdered by a cop because they will either out hate black people for what they did during these riots or they will be apathetic to their cause.
@Weghweh Hwewehwhe made up YOU
@Abbadon380 Some fifty years and at least 13 trillion later, where is the progress that johnson’s great society was going to bring. Some people don’t want to try to pull themselves up. Black students, often taught by often black teachers, or many of the leftest teachers, with the idiotic themes of ” no child left behind ” and ” it takes a village ” produce..people who only know how to whine, loot and commit arson?
He’s just reading what he’s been told to say. Shameless.
The first three minutes I thought he was a unifier, a sensible man, then he started scapegoating and gaslighting us like the rest of them do.Thank God there’s video footage of what really happened.
Shorter version: Don’t believe your lying eyes.
Beautifully put!
Or the lying clergy, apparently…..
November 3 the day of revenge.
He’s saying he is incompetent. Not knowing is no excuse. His job is to know.
In a toxic environment. Communication breaks down. Sometimes individuals don’t get the correct info to do their job properly.
G W that’s not an excuse when your job is dependent on communication and is also national security. I’m a firm believer in “as an adult there is no excuses!” Because I have been at the recieving end of actions that no matter the fault no matter the excuse it has permanently damaged me in multiple ways for multiple things but point being excuses doesn’t stop the pain and it dam sure doesn’t protect the nation, no excuse is acceptable when national security is damaged HARD PERIOD FULL STOP
@kayne garcia It wasn’t an excuse. I also agree with you. It’s more serious at that level.
He’s only good at reaping praise On his New Orange Dictator wanna be
No, it’s Yiddish, I get it..but after reading it, it doesn’t make much sense, after translation.
Trump and his cronies are giving Biden the win in November!
_Trumps Presidency in a nutshell: No one Knows Anything_