After the Dow dropped 1,000 points upon the market open, Mark Cuban tells Stephanie Ruhle what the government should do to help businesses struggling during the economic crisis due to the coronavirus. Aired on 3/18/2020.
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Mark Cuban To Gov: ‘Print As Much Money As It Takes’ To Save Businesses | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
Can I write checks for utilities and credit cards regardless of whether I have money in the bank?
Corporations aren’t people, we need a government that works for Americans.
What about people who are 1099 and contractors?
Giving healthcare to Americans: “How will you pay for that?”
Giving bailouts to corporations: “Print As Much Money As It Takes”
Cuban gave the whole game away @00:57. The gov can print as much money as it wants, obviously there are consequences but they are willing to suffer those consequences to prevent their stock portfolios losing value or their corporate donors defaulting on massive debts. Why did interest rates get cut to near-zero?
@Jon Stone hyperinflation of us currency ‘COULD’ drastically reduced the value of everyone’s life savings…a loaf of bread cost $20.? you are mistakenly forgetting that the u.s. dollar is the worlds reserve currency……and something “COULD ” happen? vs. what ‘is absolutely happening right now…..talking about hyperinflation reducing life savings while the stock market loses trillions…very strange.
@zinta0904 you do know that when sanders says ‘medicare for all’ he is not referring to the actually medicare system how it is. Furthermore, everyone should have the common sense to know what bernie is talking about is a starting point. Yes there are many different ways around the world to implement the same goal.
@Jeff I know I know medicare and medicate from my relatives in Seattle. I know he wants to implement a government controlled system to get capitalism out of healthcare and assure that everyone has health insurance. It is pretty much a total change of the whole system. He always refers to Europe and especially Scandinavian countries, it´s all western European countries. But what he does not tell the people in the US that private healthcare exists parallel to government run here. Everybody has access to healthcare even homeless people can go to hospitals, that´s the difference. either way the US is better off with Biden and sanders than to what you have now. If Biden can expand existing systems in great numbers it is going to force private healthcare to lower the prices. Berni wants to take private out all at once. In my humble opinion the idea of Berni is more sustainable and ideological better, but way harder to realize. Biden´s plan is more realistic to achieve.The problem is your senate and house, since you have only 2 parties it is harder to find common ground and compromise, everything is seen black or white and especially very partisan at the moment.
For Europeans it is shocking, because here this would not be a question of right or left it is common sense to provide healthcare to the whole population and everybody knows it is expensive but necessary.
@zinta0904 Biden has a plan? Besides cutting social security & medicare?
@Fidel Otañez you believe that he is cutting social security and medicare really? You should know why he said that 15 years ago, it was a comment in negotiations (everything is on the table if u refer to that) but he never voted for nor proposed it in a bill.. His plan is too expand obama care, medicare and medicate so that everyone is covered. Simply the plan of berni would be better but it is a dream there is no way to realize it sadly. It´s weather going through congress nor in the senate. Berni´s number do not make sense they fictional dreams and it would take years until everyone is covered.
If you go on past comments you should also look at berni he had some very questionable votes too, what I am trying to say none of them are perfect, they both made mistakes in their past and both will make mistakes in the future. Basically both want a medical system which covers everyone the difference is the way on how they want to achieve that. Both are dedicated public servants who put people´s needs up front. Both are a million times better than the current occupant of the WH. Both care about environment, social inequality, healthcare, racism,… Berni is more aggressive and Biden more laid back. If Biden becomes the nominee, he should offer Berni a big job in the administration e.g. responsible for environment or healthcare something like that, because he could do a lot of good things.
“buT h0w aRe yoU gOnNa PaY foR it?” No money for healthcare, no money for the homeless crisis, no money for student debt crisis but a stock market crisis, quickly there is money.
@Chrono Shin the bail out is to save wall street. Their tax cuts and bailouts are so traders buy stocks rather than sell. This stock market obsession has led to outsourcing manufacturing jobs in order to cut cost. I can go on, but I think we can agree to disagree.
@Joey Numbers No Joey, there is no agree to disagree in economy. The economy is real. Bailing the economy is either the right thing to do or it is completely wrong.
You’re depending too much on western media which always fail to explain the bail out mechanisms and constantly making misleading facts for clickbait.
@Chrono Shin lol ok whatever
@Chrono Shin You must be a Chinese troll.
@William M I’m giving you my 2 cents. If you choose to ignore it, your lost, not me.
So….”socialism” is the answer?

When Fox news talking points blow up in your face!
@Romeo Blues!! “Socialism BAD! Bernie is a socialist!!” – 20% of all fox news stories.
@Ro G Because it is an immoral idea. Let’s take money from other people who earned it. Granted Cuban’s idea is immoral.
@Micah McMurray Your money has been paying for highways, army tanks, and health care for old people since your first paycheck. I guess you’ve been living in sin for decades, son!

@Ro G Huh? Me paying taxes is a sin? I’m saying taking money, not funding taxes.
@Micah McMurray According to you it is “immoral.” SO taxation is not “taking money?”
Dude, get your argument straight! 
Is Mark Cuban one of those choking on their own buy backs?
Yes! print lots of pieces of paper with symbols on it. That will take care of everything… you’re better off selling crack
“tens of thousands of jobs will be lost, but that maybe the natural economic evolution” that is so classic msnbc.
Bro. Like listening to National Geographic. Just natural selection.. nothing to see here folks…
Hundreds of thousand people.
So now even a hill of beans will cost an arm and a leg… great advise for a fool.
Are these guys TRYING to crash the economy?
Take a look around.
The economy is crashing as we speak.
You better spend to save the American people, consumers, or else the businesses won’t be worth squat!!
Never a dime for national healthcare, but always trillions for corporate bail-outs
Pepper Grinder It’s the American way – that and an irrational fear of the word ‘socialism’.
I agree, but he’s not calling for a corporate bailout that doesn’t benefit workers DIRECTLY. This literally is filling in the HUGE GAP to individuals affected by this, thus keeping the whole economy afloat. Without it 2008-9 recession will look like a party compared to what comes next.
This is keeping things moving as it was before, as seamlessly as possible. And that’s really the best and only way to handle this is a capitalist deck of cards like the one we live in.
Pepper Grinder not everything is about you buddy
urbanimage “fear”?? Bailing out businesses by printing paper money is the ultimate communist party’s method for dealing with economic crises. Welcome to the phase when we experience hyperinflation as the consequence
@RadLazic I see you are one of the many Americans who do not know the difference between socialism and communism. I guess you’ll just have to keep waving the flag for rampant capitalism and hope for the best.
Hey Mark Cuban: where did the billions we gave corporations by the tax cut go??
Share buy backs which turned in to bonuses and dividends of course.
Stock buy backs and ceo bonus and money put offshore
That was a rhetorical questions, guys.
Privatize the gains and socialize the losses. I thought you knew the rules of the game by now!
Listen carefully to understand where his interest or intention is, Mark Cuban is more concern about protecting business , honestly the wealthiest corporations are going to survive.
This is SOCIALISM for the 1% and b.s. for the citizens of America. Hypocrisy!
This is the 99% moment, it’s now or never.
Printing more money will absolutely lead to the devaluation of the US dollar. A lot of third world countries have done this and failed tremendously, & the end result being something like $40,000 to buy a chicken. This is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a long time.
This shows how stupid some people are. Print a whole lot of money and then your dollar becomes worthless.
Bernie :” Medicare for all.”
Others: “ That’s socialism.”
Mark :” print money”