Marjorie Taylor Greene’s testimony at hearing challenging her House candidacy

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is appealing a federal judge’s ruling allowing a challenge to her eligibility to run for reelection to proceed.

RELATED: Vigil marks one year since January 6 insurrection at U.S Capitol

A group of voters last month filed the challenge with the secretary of state’s office alleging that Greene helped facilitate the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol that disrupted Congress’ certification of Joe Biden’s presidential election victory. They say that violates a part of the 14th Amendment and makes her ineligible to run for reelection. Greene said the law the voters are using to challenge her eligibility is unconstitutional, and she filed a lawsuit asking a federal judge to prohibit state officials from enforcing it.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene's testimony at hearing challenging her House candidacy


    1. I noticed that, too!!! She’s probably going to be getting away with it!!! I sure hope not!!! Seems like these types of people ARE above the law!!! Especially if she gets away with it all!!!

    2. I think so to. He’s given a lot of difference to her. She was also messing with her hair and batting her eyelashes at the judge. She also mentioned that the petitioners weren’t from Georgia- bad idea to not use local lawyers.

  1. Got dang, Every response of hers basically is willfully dodging the blatant points, or lying and playing dumb.. just blatantly. I disagree with so many issues in “politics” today, but she should be on the top of everyone’s list to get her oooouut. Politics should not be like a Jerry Springer show at all. But thats the current state. Bleehh

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. She suddenly became innocent “I don’t know” girl from instigating scandalmonger.

  2. Started watching this, but quite frankly I think judge from beginning is in her favor. I hope it is not so.

  3. If she can’t remember anything at all, she clearly doesn’t have the neurological capacity to perform the duties of a Congresswoman.

    1. How do you feel about the current POTUS then? Just want to make sure you aren’t being a hypocrite!! Yes, this is a whataboutism, but it is a perfectly valid question. In this case, the question is being used to test your logic.

  4. Jan 5th “You can’t allow it, to just transfer power “peacefully” – Marjorie Taylor Green

    1. In theory, that’s the 1 line that would sink her. Happened the night before and no added context excuses it. She was clearly sending out a message to her supporters that they needed to violently take over the Capitol.

  5. Two things I am noticing..

    – the prosecutor needs to learn how to ask a F’ing question correctly
    – the judge needs to stop letting MTG campaign from the stand.

    I hope both of them do their jobs better at the actual trial that this evidentiary hearing is for.

  6. Every single time the prosecution asked her anything it was “I don’t remember.” As soon as her defendant is up there she can suddenly remember everything. What a shocking coincidence.

    1. ​@Gladio Stay Behind Network Not sure what video you just watched, but at no point do I recall ( no pun intended) her pleading the 5th amendment. The Supreme Court has held that your silence doesn’t invoke such rights, you have to plead such for it to be recognized. But I’m sure you already knew that.

    2. @Gladio Stay Behind Network when you tell the truth you don’t need to plead the fifth amendment saying I don’t recall or I don’t remember is the same thing

  7. Did you say on Jan 5th on video, “”You can’t allow it, to just transfer power “peacefully” – Marjorie Taylor Green

    1. What’s even more hysterical is that people on both sides of this issue feel the same way about the other perspective. Only 1 perspective is correct, and it isn’t the side of the prosecution in this case…sorry fam…no I’m kidding I haven’t watched the video yet 🤣 Be back in a few hours!

  8. when the court room laughed at her response”I’m just answering the question” I know how this is going to go smh 😢😢 that’s why she is in office now those are her supporters right there

    1. @Shelle Capos In my opinion, while this judge wasn’t perfect, he did shut down the defense a lot when they needed to be. He has been a lot better than the Rittenhouse Trial judge. That dude was so bad that he was trying to say that zooming in on an iPhone image edits and changes the image.

    2. @Tyler Gregory it literally does. Your phone interpolates the image and inserts the nearest neighbor color to add pixels to the image.

    3. @Jeff Mccool It doesn’t change the image, it enhances it. Your phone does not change an image to something else just because you zoomed in.

  9. This is an example for why any candidate has to be screened regarding their true intentions of getting elected and a thorough investigation and background check regarding their conduct and mental capabilities. We are paying these people a tremendous amount of money to represent EVERYONE and not be wasting the countries time on idiotic exercises in futility because of THEIR OWN particular objectives and agendas. She is one of the worst examples for what is truly representative of American patriotism and far too indulgent in her own beliefs to be representing anyone. As someone who lives in the state of Georgia I can assure you we are far from being anything close to what her conduct represents along with Cawthorn, Cruz, Hawley, Goemert, Boebart and Trumps other Posse of Insurrectionists in Congress and the Senate.

  10. The fact that her whole demeanor is so smug makes her lacking proper responses to questioning absolutely infuriating. This is basically what we will be dealing with if she and others like her aren’t removed from office all together.

    1. Let me see if I can guess who you might be referencing when you say she and others like her, basically all the Republicans and especially the conservative Republicans. But not Maxine waters, or Nancy pelosi, right?

  11. The person in charge of courtroom audio needs to be fired. I can hear every whisper and throat-clearing from spectators and the courtroom stenographer’s typing, but I can BARELY hear the judge, the lawyers, or the people on the stand!

  12. I am seriously concerned about this one’s ability to carry out her duties with such a faulty memory 🤨🤨🤨

  13. Conveniently she kept saying…….”I don’t recall”, “I don’t remember”. Guilty is written all over her face. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Well, she’s digging herself a bit of a hole here. Because the problem she has is that when you say you don’t recall, you can’t then say that you didn’t make the statement. When you say you didn’t make a statement, then the prosecutor would need to introduce evidence supporting that you did make the statement. But when you say you don’t recall, the prosecutor may and can use all those statements as actual evidence against you when the trial begins.

  14. “I don’t know I don’t think” she’s been coached by her lawyer to deny deny deny. Vote her out. Guilty!

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