The National Urban League's Marc Morial discusses why this year's Juneteenth shouldn't be about what Trump has said, but should be about remembering the history and a day to remember the Black Americans lost to police violence. Aired on 06/19/2020.
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Marc Morial: Juneteenth Needs To Be About Remembering | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Bunker boy will take credit for anything, that have nothing to do with him.
The SOB is a pathological liar
@William H ” I don’t even like to talk about that, because it’s fading away. It’s going to fade away.”
Ten states saw a record number of coronavirus cases this week. Twenty three states are seeing their number of cases go up.
@Margaret Nicol Holiday TV specials include “Frosty the Orange Man” “How the Grinch Stole America” and “White Christmas”! lol! #staysafe
@Margaret NicolTrump does claim to be “the Chosen One”
@Crystal Giddens so much is made up every day, just listen to that Orange Maniac in our White house, ever day he says stuff that he just makes up.
@GoT fan 2320 Well of course he is. The Chosen One prophecy was an ancient prophecy which foresaw the coming of a great vampire leader. Box ticked? Sucked the life out of the US.
No it’s only been a month. Change hasn’t even started
@spaxxed that was already in the works. Donald DUMP has been killing himself. Until the election real change won’t happen. Look police still killing. It being recognized though…. My slogan… NO DO OVERS
@Ismail Malone ?
@spaxxed why the? U don’t get it
@Ismail Malone his English isn’t as good as his Russian.
@Thr33D3vil CLEVER! All you lefties are so predictably clever. I’m being sarcastic you know, marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt?
Juneteenth is a bitter day. It’s a day to remember just how hateful people were. It was the day a General had to come down to Galveston Texas to inform slaves you are free. The news was shared this way because all attempts prior were stopped- even by way of murder. It’s a day to remember where we were and how far we have come from that.
Not far enough – yet – but getting there!
Juneteenth should be remembered for what it was and to make sure that sort of thing never happens again by dealing with inequity and racial issues effectively and justly.
Thr33D3vil looks like your ignorance is greater
Crystal Giddens it’s black Friday
No. But you don’t want any kind of slavery whether it was then or now. Should never happen. And yes, there is still racism that occurs now unbelievably so you have to nip it in the bud and call it out as it happens.
The best way to do this is build an identity and personality that isn’t only about race, be human first, and gtf over the past. You didn’t suffer those things.
Margaret Nicol oh wow a scientist! How will I ever refute that answer?
November 3rd can’t get here quickly enough.
Start now by supporting Charles Booker. He’s going up against Mitch. Vote, vote, vote!!!
137 days…
Yes, then the bitching’s gonna start all over again for four more years.
@spaxxed We’ll all be too busy setting up a new progressive party which will kick both Reps and Dems and their money out of politics.
@Margaret Nicol No you won’t.
Trump will make prison famous. That’s where he’s going in January 2021!
I have never even heard of juneteenth. do they make this stuff up or what?
You must be BRAIN DEAD.
It’s called history and you can find it in books, history books and by ignoring the past you can’t understand the present, let alone have a decent future

@flyinhawaiian49 Anybody ever tell ya that you look a lot like Frank Zappa?
Remember Juneteenth !
Well, Body Bag President, It will be remembered through out History. The stacks and stacks of dead bodies. The Red States will experience the Body bags piling up! Sorry, for your loses! Go to his rallies, there is no virus! Donny says So!
you are intoxicated with STUPIDITY
Remember too take your bleach before you attended the Lying Toddler In Chief
Hateful Racist Rally
@Fred A You would be dead your first day if you had my job.
@Jesus Saves See you on Sunday Jesus. I would bet that your Heavenly Father isn’t to pleased with how you are acting though, you know, because of the reason you keep repeating yourself???
Proverbs 26: 4:5
Do not answer a fool according to his folly lest you also be like him
(5) Answer a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own eyes
I’m choosing to do the the first
stay safe peace
@Jesus Saves Aren’t you people supposed to be atheist? I mean, hypocrites aren’t supposed to believe in God, are they?
Why does it always have to be about him. He has no clue. Basically, he is s racist. He is such a vain person, it’s all about him. Make America sane and lawfully responsible again.
6 19 20 Hey Fran Fran, Trick question? The behavior is consistent with a narcissistic pathological liar with no insight. He hasn’t been able to move past his issues due to the lack of parental love; imho. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
Virginia Tyree oh come on Pelosi. You can’t really think that
6 19 20 Hey again@David Hale,
No core values, no real political idealogy, it’s all about him. Always has been always will be.
Trump: “I made America famous. Before me, nobody had heard about it.”
A big empty blog between the Pacific and the Atlantic run by another big empty blob?
America will be great again WITHOUT tRump and WITHOUT racism ! Vote Biden.
Americas dumbest president! Smh
Because he got a lot of backlash for wanting to hold one of his Nazi Rallies during Juneteenth…DOESN’T MEAN HE MADE IT POPULAR.
I approve this message
He just want people to forget that black people had realized great accomplishments that have been destroyed by hateful racists .
Marie Alphonse I assure you we don’t care. And if we did play this “race is a team sport” game, “our” (it makes me puke to even pretend to groupthink that way) accomplishments dwarf yours. By orders of magnitude.
Juneteenth should be the biggest voter REGISTRATION event every year .
Excellent idea
We doing ours today at the Arkansas Martin Luther King’s Commission Voter Registration event with Free Food.
LaDyZiNaDa Awesome! I like the free food idea. I’d say free with voter REGISTRATION or proof of REGISTRATION.
I even saw Romney’s concession speech in 2012(around 3am)! Hey, pro sports watchers have late nights during championship seasons! LOL
What about those of us who were already registered?
Just kidding! Sounds like fun! Don’t forget election day parties! Stay up late and watch the counts come in for the West coast! I’m on the East coast so it’s a long fun night for me.
Impressive. He spoke to a black guy
Praise Juneteenth, everyone!
Trump lives in his own fantasy world.
He is unfit TO BE .
Youth tired of remembering dead friends of theirs. They realize it’s time to act.