New York Times Editorial Board member Mara Gay reacts to the latest developments in the Trump impeachment trial ahead of a critical vote on witnesses. Aired on 1/30/2020.
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Mara Gay: America Is At 'A Very Scary Moment' In Its History | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
A trial without witnesses and evidence is not a trial, it’s a cover-up, and a crime against the American people. Call it what it is.
75% of the American people say they want witnesses and evidence introduced in this impeachment trial.
Republicans: “Eff the people!!! Why should we care about what the American people want?”
David Grover :
My previous statement stands.
Your comments, referring to an alternate reality, merit no further response. You are a symptom of a larger problem that is currently plaguing the country. Between now and the election, I sincerely hope you experience an epiphany, and adjust your perspective.
@David Grover – The criminal president stopped witnesses. The House democrats had the long experience of trying to get Don McGahn White House Counsel as a witness by going through the courts.
This was not about winning the impeachment for the democrats. By going through the courts first, the dems proved that Trump would obstruct and tie things up in court. By going the impeachment route, they have exposed the other end of the snake, which is the GOP is just as corrupt as Trump. All of the GOP participated in a cover up of Trumps crimes in office.
Now we get to see how the people react.
@coolmodelguy haha you big baby
@j walsh Putin’s puppet left in 2017. The one that didn’t bomb Syria, because Putin told him not too. The one who told Dimitri Medvedev, to tell Putin that he’ll have more flexibility after the next election. The same puppet that only sent blankets insted of military weapons, because Putin to him too.
The Socialist had 17 witnesses in the House hearing, none of them had first hand knowledge of hearing, seeing, or knowing of any crime Trump committed, yet, they did a partisan impeachment without knowledge of a crime, then they insist on the Senate helping them “:look for a crime”:? The Senate holds the trial on evidence provided by the House, Blame Pelosi!
A scary moment indeed. If I were the whistleblower I’d insist on being relocated out of the country with a permanent security detachment. Twump is going to declare open season. He is above the law.
No he’s not. If you let him then he is. He is only a orange stain squatting in the White House.
Get involved.
He pardonned those Military Trained Killers last month — he has a LOYAL HIT SQUAD now.
If a whistle blower even exists!
Stand up for your rights USA. Vote volunteer get on the phones and fight back. It’s not the time to roll over and play dead.
we must call and email our senators and write/comment on their social media accounts! start now and do it daily until the final vote count is over on removal!!! they need to hear and see our voices. no one else is going to ride in and save us, we need to stand up and do it now!!! go straight to your senators’ social media pages and leave a message now while you are online, then send them emails, and follow ith phone calls!!! we must do it before it is too late, America needs us!!! voting is great, but if trumputin is not removed then there may not be any elections, get woke!!!
Times two. Vote volunteer do all that we can or shut up and take it.
@mary jones trumputins Senators Don’t listen to the people, they listen to him.
Wow, what an internet super hero you are! The best part is all that Democrats have as a platform is a rabid hatred of Donald Trump. It’s both hilarious and depressing that you’re too stupid to realize you have already lost because you are everything you claim to hate.
Remember: In a televised interview with Lester Holt on NBC shortly after he was elected, Trump states “the Constitution is archaic and BAD for America. If that wasn’t a first clue on Trump’s disdain of our Constitution, and nobody caught it then we are ignorant fools.
@peter baxter definitely don’t want the GOP and other corporate purchased congress persons rewriting anything at the moment
the US could take a page out of the French history called Bastille day…. and vote every evil doer out of office.
@peter baxter No has not a child. He is like the movie, Damon , evil ,vindictive and malevolent. I am fearful for America and the world . He already has lined up the UKs NHS.
@peter baxter And McConnell said that his opinion was that impeachment is a political question. not a legal issue….
Who showed disdain for the Constitution when the Socialist launched a partisan impeachment , without a crime that met the high standards set by the founders? Pselosi, Nadler, Shumer, & Sack of Schiff, that’s who.
No one is above the law!
unless you’re a politician trying to get yourself elected.
This sets a precedent that the president is. Embrace your new banana republic.
@James Oxford unless you are a republican politician ,,
Two words.. white privilege.. any person of color would be imprisoned..
Now that’s funny!
And in walks the racist who doesn’t realize that that word can also apply to them. Such a stupid comment, removed from any real sense of intelligence or reality. Thanks, Jussie.
Tom Hodgson and in comes the racism denier.. i cant get on steam and play a game without hearing the N word.. go back to fantasy land where rich white crooks actions are justified..
Karma will have her say!
Tick Tock!
That may be true. However Trump’s defeat is definitely NOT assured as the Democrat Party struggles to elect a candidate.
And should they get that wrong and/or a huge majority of voters remain disengaged, as is their normal practice, Trump WILL win and fair representative government, the rule of law and a fair(er) distribution of wealth will die for our lifetime, and likely—that of our children.
Tomorrow as the Senate votes, I predict Trump will be crowned King.
@Baily Roe Don’t count on it, the only justice is what you make.
There are a lot of really good conservatives , that want nothing to do with today’s Republicans.
GOP stands for ‘Government of Putin’ for a reason.
GOP stands for ‘Government of Putin’ for a reason.
And all Dems are Socialist freeloaders waiting for uncle Bernie’s handouts.
Hey GOP…thanks for not doing the right thing again! Give my regards to putin!
The woman us spot on. This situation goes WAY BEYOND TRUMP!!
Jim Crow Detroit?
This situation goes way back to Mitch McConnell!
NYT wack job!
Straight up lady, not just America but the world is in danger with this guy at the helm
The Bloated Orange Baby may be at the helm, but it’s Putin that’s in the Captain’s chair. That’s the scary thing.
@Sun Wukung That ain’t what your boy Mueller said. No collusion!
@john carioscia No, he said there wasn’t enough evidence to indict on Conspiracy to Defraud the U.S. due to the Obstruction, and the fact that he couldn’t prove that some of the campaign staff, including Drumpf Jr. and Kushner knew they were breaking the law. There was proof of collusion all over the place. However, because collusion isn’t a statutory crime, Mueller didn’t call it collusion. It was evidence of Conspiracy… just not enough to meet the standard of a beyond a reasonable doubt.
@Sun Wukung Then why did the Socialist launch a partisan impeachment, without a crime that met the high bar set by he founders? Their was no bribery, treason, high crimes or misdemeanors”. Think of how this will affect future presidents every time the presidency & House are occupied by opposite parties. Impeachment was never meant to be a political tool.
This is what the corporations paid the GOP Senators to do, tear up the Constitution and the rule of law for the wealthy elites . . . . so the oligarchy can completely take over.
@Trey Atkins I told you, it’s not the Senates job to help prove the Houses case. Why would anyone help the party attempting to impeach them. that makes no sense.
@Trey Atkins Nixon wasn’t impeached, he resigned, & Clinton had 11 charges against him, 4 for perjury, he lied to Congress, Trump had 2 charges, both frivolous, & not impeachable offenses, why do you think the House wanted more witnesses, they didn’t have an impeachable crime, & that’s why it failed in the Senate. Get it?
@john carioscia Not complying with Congressional subpoenas are frivolous?
@john carioscia When subpoenaed, that person is to comply with that subpoenan, period.
@john carioscia The charge of obstruction of Congress is a serious offense, John.
Strike back November 2020 and let it be the end of the Republican Party for decades to come.
You assume there will be elections in the first place; he could declare a “state of emergency” and “postpone” elections
I think there’s a risk they could use the coronavirus as a justification to postpone elections. And after this farce of a trial I’m not sure any Republicans would try to stop them.
@Mac Mcleod So, the question remain What are you going to answer him??? What will happen if the corona virus spred in America. How can you stop a spreading in a country with such an amount of uninsured /under-insured people, who can’t afford going to hospital? You can’t use your usual inhuman ignorance “they must prioritize” argument because it is you ,well payed American citizen who will be crowned by death virus. Homeless people dying in the streets. Firefighters, polis officers, nurses tech personal working in nuclear energi facilities afraid of getting the crown, so they stay at home. How are you going to solve that? Put sick people in jail? Shoot them?
To arms, two arms, the Russians are coming.
The president’s defense: Anything done that he feels is in the national interest can never be a crime… Welcome to the next major step towards fascism, Russian style…
King George style
@Luke B
Dont need a law to be broken to impeached
@Mike Dias More like Putin style.
@Sun Wukung shut up with your nonsense, thats all not true besides, the liberals are also being ruled, but by something they can’t influence, they just resist against what they have.
The Jim Crow Senate.
@Scot .harvath i know the GOP is history.
DEMOCRATS were the Klansmen. You people truly are belligerent and pathetic now…go home.
P.S.: Don’t blame the Russians for meddling in our 2016 Election. We, the American People are about to let it happen again! “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!”
And, people thought I was being melodramatic back in 2017 when I said the U.S. is becoming more and more like 1930’s Germany.
You where melodramatic, misinformed, & over reacting.
@john carioscia That’s probably the about same thing fascists in Germany said, when people tried warning the public about Hitler.
@Sun Wukung Delusional? Get real, America is doing better then ever. TDS is blind hate!
@cmulder002 Our job is not to let it get that far.
Remember the time when we were proud to be Americans. What is there to be proud of now? Nothing,America is a bad joke. Speaking for myself
To be honest, I always found this exaggerated American national pride quite bewildering. Why is it necessary to call America “the greatest nation” or the “greatest democracy”? Why the superlative? Was there a contest? Who competed? How is this greatness measured? Why not just “our great nation” and “the first (modern) democracy”?
@E. agreed, very well put.
The rest of American you’ll find under the couch. Looks like the didn’t even dare to bring their laptop with them.
I agree
Revolution is the only option at this point sad America’s to lazy and those in the 1% know it!
Republicans are fighting to give us Kings again, the very thing we had to fight for our freedom from over 200 years ago.
Republicans are fighting to give us Kings again, the very thing we had to fight for our freedom from over 200 years ago.
What’s wrong chicken little? Is the sky falling?
Putin must be smiling….