Alberta Federation of Labour's Gil McGowan says many Cargill workers are afraid but feel they have no choice but to return to work.
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Soooooo they asked the workers,,a poll, or more fear mongering by the press and spokespeople assuming it.
Yes they did. The report was on one of the local stations here in Edmonton. They interviewed some of the plant workers and they do not want to go back. My neighbors cousin works there and he’s terrified to go back.
@Sinister Minister some? Majority rules in a Democracy. .oh wait forgot where I live.
Does Canada have wet markets, too?
No we don’t.
Yep. “A study from WAP estimates that there are 1.4 million exotic pets in Canadian homes and backyards.”
@Sinister Minister Canada would be a cold place to keep exotic animals, some of whom come from warmer and tropical climates.
No, but they eat wild roadkill just like americans.
We have criminals and illegal guns, why not?
returning is a meat plant is not safe.
No different than goin to to the grocery store?
No different than your free flight to get here?
Cargill needs to give you better living arrangements
Cargill needs to give you better travel arrangements to and from work.
Kenny should test you guys
Or has he?
One person died there….out off how many? The truckers should be more scared than you are.
Maybe some temp workers that will take the risk?
Temp workers rule
Go back to work it is only fear that is stopping you your freedom is at stake
Murder Hornet’s are on their way if Those Cargill workers don’t go back to Work
Where do I apply?????
Highest unemployment rate in the country won’t be hard to fill positions
I’m in Nova Scotia and employed BUT we rely on foreign seasonal workers because social assistance is free money… why work?
I like it…yes reopen.
Better to be safe than sorry, but then again you can’t be sorry if your dead
Canadians: I’d rather starve to death than to risk getting a mild flu…..
Why does everyone keep saying Canadians.
Canadian here, been working the whole time. Didn’t take any government assistance. And still putting food on the table and paying the bills.
@Amanda E I’m working too! Generally speaking Atlanta Canadians prefer government hand outs like CERB, social assistance…. working is complicated
temporary foreign workers have ZERO rights to unionize
Stop ordering from Amazon.
It’s keeping me from throttling the next weaselly busy body who tells me where to stand.
If there was a HUGE out break, then most likely they all have been exposed and didn’t get sick.
Pay them, more than the CERB. Might help.
New normal is for germaphobic morons not me.