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I know, right
North bay Ontario has now 2 covid patients from Manitoba
Big deal hardly news worthy
They’re just looking to spread it
They’ve now had 60 weeks or so to prepare. Get PPE, get beds, get staff… But instead of doing it, they just stalled for over a year, and now they want YOU to “do more”….. Think about that. Then think out-of-the-box with your voting next election.
@Zombie ok but those who put nothing into society should receive nothing out of it
Don’t ask Questions. Just consume product and get excited for new product.
@yodatagz same as those who do nothing to protect society like you anti vaxxers.
@Mitch Zurbrigg I’ve taken many of vaccines in my life just haven’t taken any rush out the door. I prefer my vaccines to finish trials before I take them. I’ve worked when I’ve been allowed to threw the pandemic you’re welcome for the welfare.

@Mitch Zurbrigg

Crushing? Overwhelmed? Terrifying …cmon
What ever, Karen…
@Aspect Productions You still hiding in mom’s closet Poindexter?
If Ontario ERs are also overwhelmed,how the hell do they have room to take Manitoba’s’patients’?
The GTA ICUs are overwhelmed, if you can read and understand English. They too have been transporting up to 100 patients a day to surrounding hospitals in Guelph, London etc. Manitoba is sending to Thunder Bay and Sault Ste Marie. Maybe that’s the problem Jack and your 50 odd ‘likes’. You can’t read, you can’t comprehend, even the simplest of data. GTA is overwhelmed, not Ontario, twit. But ICU capacity in places outside of the GTA is very limited.
Now I’m in the middle of it lol
I will be driving through Manitoba next week.
@ransom182 lol I am bro. Straight thru from Kenora to Moosejaw.
Safe Fun Journey!!
@Sarah Lunafire thank you!
I’d worry more about mosquitoes.
@CPGJ oh and don’t forget the wood ticks…
yeah we have enough information from this virus too open back up.. it’s the flu
Want me to still keep hiding? I gotta go pee.
@Fat Cat make sure you have your mask on…
Yep…pretending makes them

We just need truth and honesty.
We won’t get it with our government
We’ll never get it, they’ve already double and tripe downed.
We need to stand up and take this country back and get rid of the corruption and we know who they are now!
What Manitoba needs is to stop cycling their PCR tests so high.
And eliminate excess ICU beds.
I guess the Manitoba lockdowns are really effective
They weren’t any lockdowns. It was free reign all pandemic.
Remember how a month and a half ago it was Ontario’s hospital system which was overwhelmed and nearing collapse?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Where are the stories about Ontario hospitals now, huh?
The numbers have come down since then. Lots of data to look at…if you want to look.
There’s videos of empty hospitals
@Sparkles999 Rose there are also videos of full hospitals
Exactly…interesting as to how they play the game…lets see the hospitals inside…
What is with this guy …sounds like the last president in the USA
Apparently the vaccines aren’t working, I guess more lockdowns will become. lol
So this is why I saw a car from Manitoba in Ft. Erie ON
Everything open here in Florida. Whats going on up there in Canada.
Canada’s so called system of quarantine is absolutely senseless.
In fact Canada’s testing system is not at all trust worthy.
Ontario’s Fat boy Ford boasts on a news cast ‘We have some of the toughest lockdown measures in Canada”. More of the same, just in Manitoba.
@Sue Kennedy – Are you referring to the zipper on the pants of Matt Gaetz? What’s going down there in Florida? Oh, right. Minors.
Why does he talk like a Southpark caricature of Canadians?
Definition of nonsense (Entry 1 of 2)
1a : words or language having no meaning or conveying no intelligible ideas.