Richard Fierro, the Army veteran who helped disarm the suspect in the Club Q shooting that killed 5 people and injured 25 others, speaks to CNN's John Berman about the experience that took the life of his daughter's boyfriend.
Man who helped stop the Club Q shooter: I’m just a normal guy

What a blessing this man it. A true hero on a horrific day. RIP to those that died.
This is what a hero looks like. He’ll never know how many people he saved with his actions, I pray he can forgive himself for not saving everyone. God bless you Sir.
A truly horrific experience I wouldn’t wish on anyone. There is so much ignorance and fear of the “other” in the world. That ignorance breeds hate, fear, and disgust. Those on the right that push the ignorance and fear are pushing people to violence. We need more solidarity, empathy, and love in this world. Much love to everyone involved and those who were needlessly taken
He and the other guy undoubtedly saved lives. So sorry for your loss and the other people too. A cowardly act, done by a coward.
When you say those on the right, do you mean the political right? If yes, that’s ignorance on your part. The democrats use identity politics to separate people and to pit them against each other racially. The conservative are not doing that. Republicans believe that it’s everyone’s constitutional right to be a LGBQT member if they wish. The left have their domestic terrorist groups such as BLM that destroy cities while we hear nothing about that kind of destruction by white supremacy groups.
Can you imagine how Boebert, Greene and Company are going to try to dodge this one. This is at their feet, the poison they spat found a willing accomplice.
Well said twinkle toe.
@John Jobs Having twinkle toes implies agility which would indicate that all of their toes are involved. Twinkle toes*
This man is what being a Man and Father means. Does not matter if he is ex Army, he is a Dad. This is what it means and he has my total support and pride.
Democrats and Republicans identify as their political affiliations instead of being Americans.
Seeing all these comments and hate for Americans by them is terrifying. Especially given their history and acts of rioting, mass shootings and bombings. I’m often scared to leave my home as an American because of them and how violent they are. Being terrorized daily by 2/3 of the country has to be one of the greatest atrocities of all time.
You sure are some vile and inept feeble mentally ill political terrorist American hating traitors.
– ter·ror·ism –
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
@Vintage Pyro So you’re an independent terrorist, Mr. “Pyro”?
@Vintage Pyro , I reread the comments, and nothing was said about America, Democrats or Republicans – so I’m not sure where your statement is coming from?
What hatred for America do you see coming from “them?”
You said, “…Especially given ‘their’ history and acts of rioting, mass shootings and bombings.”
Who are “they?” What riots, shootings, and bombings are you talking about?
The father was charged with indecent acts while in the army. Hd was trying to seduce his commanding officer , who reported him.
@John Brattan The guy was leaving a respectful comment and you have to come in with your nitpicking and quite frankly illogical dissent.
This guy is a hero whether he thinks so or not. He also a great father, husband and friend. Sorry for him and his family. Thank you for your service also.