William "Roddie" Bryan Jr., the man who recorded the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery in a neighborhood outside Brunswick, Georgia, has been arrested on suspicion of felony murder, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said on its website.
Bryan witnessed the deadly encounter between Travis McMichael and Arbery on February 23 from a vehicle behind a pickup that stopped in the road. Gregory McMichael, who was in the bed of the pickup during the shooting, told police that Bryan had tried to help them stop Arbery earlier.
Kevin Gough, an attorney for Bryan, said earlier this week that Bryan had taken a polygraph test that confirmed he was not involved in the shooting.
Bryan was unarmed at the time of shooting and that Bryan did not have any conversation with Gregory or Travis McMichael before the shooting, Gough said, citing test results.
Bryan took the test voluntarily, Gough said.
#Arbery #CNN #News
GPS tracking map app of a phone can prove complicit behavior.
If that is the case, then they need to subpoena the Abrey phone as well, lets see what times of night he’s back for water.
hot100easypack Why would that matter? It won’t change the fact that they pursued him and cut him off and pulled a gun on him and when he tried to defend himself against a man with a gun they shot him. Trespassing is a misdemeanor I mean if he had some stolen property from the construction site or something but he was literally just jogging. When the white couple walked on the property they weren’t chased down with guns only the black man but hey we don’t know all the details everyone could just be speculating on what they think happened.
@Nevyn of OZ 1973 Great PI move. Reminds me of when theyd stick a pocketwatch next to a tire so itd get crushed on the time the person left the hotel or his mistress Haha. All you gotta do with your idea is go into their google maps timeline & they are busted
@pamela gilmore thats the same guy saying theres no such thing as a hate crime there’s no reasoning with people like that
@hot100easypack He is dead stupid , you cant investigate dead people LOL
Damn bowl cut straight outta of the movie dumb and dumber. Who man’s is this
You think maybe he used to be Amish?
@Suzy Q you’re right that isnt whats important but everybody feel free to laugh at his cut
@Rix Slade English-100
@Wake up Dead lmao
Never get involved with the law. Ever.
I hope they revisit every case McMichael ever worked on.
@The Infidel He was the trash.
This is what passes as a police man ever black man in USA is a target they come from the military then into police seeing ever black man as enemy ,they have low iq no skill. Lazy out look and the low pay attracts dumb people like this and they also go to church on Sunday
@get lost Who is “we” and why not?
they won’t w….white supremacy is real as one takes a look
so they won’t
Looks like another member, Moe of the good ole boy network got arrested! Hmm who else is next….I think one of these boys gonna be singing soon!! Stay tune!!
They must have found more evidence of extra video, emails, phone calls for sure.
@Hai Coai what the hell does this have to do with anything ?
Rex and Sucky to accuse of guilt by association is pretty easy in this case. They may have something else to pin to him; or their playing the fact that he didn’t tell the men to relax even once. Never know, he could’ve been a hero
Yes, they did. Watch this clip again. They said it here. It was in the police report that the guy filming came along to block Arbery off from behind. So, he can’t claim that he had nothing to do with it now when his enrollment was mentioned in the initial police report.
Excellent! Give them to death penalty. Cowards, 3 against 1. 2 rifles and 2 trucks. This was planned. How deplorable!! Yes, get the police and all involved.
The DA needs to be arrested and convicted of conspiracy to cover up a murder.
Klemonster 56, Recusing yourself is responsible legal professionalism not a conspiracy to cover anything up.
So sad. This is a reality.
How many Arbery out there under US soil?
A lot

There’s so much seriously off about this story, it’s crazy.
Only thing off about it is the lies that suspect and media tried to spin because a dead man can’t speak for himself
I agree. They have self incriminated to an egregious point. Also It’s quite open and shut. This is a strange crime to cover at a time like this. My condolences to the Aubrey family. The truth is not being told about the Covert-19 disease. This seems fishy. Kind of distracting.
One word explains it all:
As with ALL cnn and msnbc stories
Good! If he didn’t know what was waiting around the curve, he wouldn’t have been filming.
Don’t know if it’s true, but I had heard the McMichaels were following Arbery, then they pulled around him and stopped in front of him. I think that’s what McMichael said happened. Bowl Cut claims he was hanging out at home when he saw Arbery running and the McMichaels pursuing him, and he got in his car, followed, and filmed because he knew the McMichaels, but he did not know this other fellow, so he figured they were pursuing him for a reason.
This smelled fishy from the start. I hope that the local law enforcement lose there jobs in the least. It was obvious that they hushed it up because they were former coworkers.
I bet they didn’t mention anything about him until they found out he leaked the video!!!
Nah the McMichaels had been started before the video was released that they had a friend aiding them. I’m surprised it took this long but glad they got the guy the video was from too.
Go to the 2:50 mark.
I don’t understand how some one think they have the right to take someone life away! I can’t image how scared the poor guy was!!! They need to be locked away forever!
I LOVE how the Mass Media states unequivocally that he was “JOGGING” ….. despite being being videotaped walking through a Home under construction (ya know, as you do when “jogging”) , despite a felony conviction for bringing handgun to school, and convictions for obstruction of justice, probation violations and shoplifting charges
Mont 3000 black supremacy. https://youtu.be/BmOWBiNEpYI
@Armed Archangel or the fat black kid that punched a 75 year old man repeatedly in the head in a hospital in Michigan just the other day?
Nah, it was self defense. He feared for his life.
@Tom Jones im sorry I thought they were the ones chasing him down like a episode of Dukes of Hazard. I didn’t know he was chasing 2 vehicles while he was on foot
He’s about to sing like a canary

How many more people have been murdered in this country that we will never know about before the camera’s .
Or beaten. https://youtu.be/BmOWBiNEpYI
Austin Gause https://youtu.be/BmOWBiNEpYI
Watch the video of the “nice innocent jogger” getting arrested & tazed in a park in 2017.
7 year old black kid killed in a drive by shooting in SC, suspects still at large. Didn’t even hardly make local news. Doesn’t fit media narrative
@Austin Gause Kind of like all the crimes committed by joggers against white people every fucking day in this country.
The video showing the jogger run up and attack?
Uhh, I don’t think anyone has been convicted of anything…
You clearly hear him MOUNTING his hand gun SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL..WHILE FILMING THE VIDEO…!! Good job D.A
Mounting? Like on a turret, or what?
Also how he pulled up on him he was blocking the other side of the road. He is guilty