The man who carried a Confederate flag into the US Capitol during the January 6th insurrection has appeared in DC federal court. Scott MacFarlane reports.
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Insurrectionists must go to jail!
Guantanamo Bay.
@Shirlee Hicks
I really don’t think anybody died as a direct result of the violence last summer. You are talking about ordinary crimes..
I agree including all those in Portland, Seattle and Murderappolis.
@Jock Young I really don’t think you’ve been paying attention. I’m talking about people killed in riots.
Meanwhile Antifa are still carrying out terrorist attacks daily and weekly for the last 12 months. In the last month they have set fire to multiple federal building (some with people inside), burned other buildings to the ground, assaulted police, vandalised private property and assaulted 100’s of innocent civilians. That’s not including the chaos they caused last year which was obviously much worse.
If they did the crime, let them do the time.
Andy’s a rich man apparently
Shouldn’t we execute traitors?
@Seeking The truth Protest = burning down half the city. terrorist Overthrow = walking around the capital building taking selfies.
Are you dense?
Meanwhile Antifa are still carrying out terrorist attacks daily and weekly for the last 12 months. In the last month they have set fire to multiple federal building (some with people inside), burned other buildings to the ground, assaulted police, vandalised private property and assaulted 100’s of innocent civilians. That’s not including the chaos they caused last year which was obviously much worse.
@coi tip We know who were burning down buildings. Boogaloo, proud boys, and every other right wing militia group sent in by trump to hijack the message. Again, are you comparing an overthrow of the united states’ government to protest. Yeah you past dense. You are a solid at this point
To quote Trump: Deal with traitors the way we used to deal with traitors.
@Islamisthecultofsin foad Islamaphobe.
@Laura Goldschmitt yes. It may or may not be a Russian hate farm bot. It’s using a reference to independence day (the movie). “Release me” is what the alien says in the scene where he tries to exterminate a president. Boogaloos are a well known white extremist group that uses ‘ironic’ references to movie themes.
@Ryan Aita Eye witness were ya?
@Robert Arthurs Classy comment!
My advice: Do NOT drop the soap! Maybe you will find LOVE in prison. I am rooting for you.
Lol, yall are ridiculous. He will tie up with white supremest and be just fine or go to pc.
Youtubers have a lot to say about my opinions because of my username and my avatar.
And I’m the one calling out depravity?
Let it sink in
You need to watch Oz, that’s all I’ll say.
@James Stewart I despise cryptic dumb messages
Trump already has a note from his doctor to get out of criminal trials:
Phone Spurs.
Love that
And maybe Pumpkin Skin Cancer also
Good one this!

They better not let trump back on social media or we will be dealing with this sh*t for YEARS!
The Fact that whites sat and watched TRUMP direct this Terror attack,.. then allowed him to waddle away unscathed is all you need to know about this country,,,,
We’re stuck with them. I’m really not looking forward to 2024.
@Jody Carter oh yeah cause Rudy said so, wtf?
@LR Vogt Yeah, but he’ll be sending out insurrection posts daily.
@Jody Carter No, the question is who in their right mind would believe for one second that Rudy really has Hunter’s hard drives. How would he get them?
News anchor: “what about President Trump who instigated the insurrection?” Reporter: there are 60-70 people charged……..
@RYNNY KITTY come back when you can form coherent sentences
@SkyGemini let us pray
Trump was the Osama bin Ladin of the insurrection, the feds should storm Mara Lago!
@RYNNY KITTY I must have missed the video of her beating police with the flag.
@David Smith lol now you care about the police? The cop that died had a stroke! No one killed any police! How many police died from the hands of “peaceful protesters” this year?
I’m relieved the judges are citing the Republican lie about the election as reason to not go easy on these people. It shows that they are not Republican stooges. I was concerned about that.
A lot of them are though.
Give Garland the additional funding he’s requested to keep building up the strength of the DOJ to legitimately be a force of justice again. Barr also has unaddressed accountability for enabling all of the criming and I hope to gawd he gets his too
Some are. There have been some drumpian judges letting these clowns off. I don’t know why they aren’t being tried in DC, but in their own states.
@SkyGemini I was wondering about that to. The fact that a judge is OKing the nonsense recount in Virginia was a surprise to me.
Homeland security threats each and every one of them.
@Miguel Love gitmo is the jeffbezos of human rights violations.
Two wrongs don’t make right
They belong in Gitmo!! Write a real letter in support of the arrest and prosecution of donald trump. Write another to Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney and show them your support. Or next time they will succeed, and trump will do anything Putin tells him. Russia is offering to help them, 147, turn the USA into an American Aparthied. It is our duty to stay involved and support the Biden administration. I’ll do my part. But I can’t do it alone.
United We Stand.
Meanwhile Antifa are still carrying out terrorist attacks daily and weekly for the last 12 months. In the last month they have set fire to multiple federal building (some with people inside), burned other buildings to the ground, assaulted police, vandalised private property and assaulted 100’s of innocent civilians. That’s not including the chaos they caused last year which was obviously much worse.
@Stefan Schleps gitmo is inhumane!!!!
I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy
Do some research
Blablabla anything to change the subject. Typical@Brian Choo
If dragging the battle standard of a defeated secessionist govt. and symbol of slavery into the National Capitol building and seat of the US government isn’t sedition, I don’t know what is.
@IHC Terra I’d love to see those stats. Funny how you didn’t cite them.
@Islamisthecultofsin Yes. This is true. This was wrong. However, at one point, the ppl who waved this flag, fought to END the slavery. And ppl who waved the confederate flag, fought to KEEP it. Today, we are not a slave country. And we try to promote democracy and justice around the world. However, we also need to look in the mirror, or in the back yard, if you want. And to fix what is wrong with US. And we see, the same ppl, who defended, justified, promoted and glorified the slavery, they carry the confederate flag. (and also the flags of Romania, Nazi Germany, Kekistan, USA). Do you UNDERSTAND what I mean, or you will PRETEND you do not? Good night, and good luck.
@The Logic Party peaceful protesters were released, rioters were charged with felonies.
Funny how Brown Shirts can’t seem to keep that straight. They love to conflate protesters with rioters.
I’m too busy to cure the ignorance of those who are indifferent to the truth.
It is like leading a horse who isn’t thirsty to water.
@Joe Shopper Actually Donald Trump’s should be first, him second and the self identified shaman, third.
That guy would probably do it again if his leader Trump told him to.
@Jeffrey Snipes The charges are, among others, entering restricted property. The Capital is a secure area, it’s not someplace you can just storm your way into whenever you feel like it. He was part of a crowd that absolutely broke in, injured people INCLUDING police, and threatened lawmakers. If he didn’t want to risk going to jail he shouldn’t have joined the attack. He did, and he’s going to suffer consequences for it.
@Just Aguy …. Who’s lying to you?.. step out of the darkness into the light. Quit serving your dark Lords..
@Andy Hutchinson LMBO the “dark lords” are the Qanonsense zombies. Well, not lords, just Conspiritualist zealots who march blindly forward on the word of a shadowy figure that NEVER reveals himself but says SO many things you really want to believe are true… but they’re not.
NO one likes to look back and see they’ve been hoodwinked, that they’ve been completely engaged in what turned out to be a lie. So I feel for you on that level. But, it has been.
The election was certified in every state including states whose administrations were run by supporters of the Orange Julius Caesar. It was ALSO certified by the administration’s OWN CISA as the most secure in history. Every credible law firm dropped out trying to defend what is indefensible, leaving only the dynamic duo of Rudy Tootie and the kraken lady. The defense against defamation by the kraken lady is, honestly, “no reasonable person would have believed what she was saying,” and Rudy is about to squeal like a pig in a gate as the noose is tightening on him. It’s really, honestly, sincerely time to start re-evaluating your position, bubba.
@Just Aguy .. what’s the matter hit a nerve butt hurt Biden boy..
@Andy Hutchinson Hardly, I just find it difficult to tolerate obstinate ignorance.
The nation can rest a little easier now that the traitor Kevin Seyfried is being prosecuted.
They’re traitors, every one of them is a flight risk.
@Jeffrey Snipes Here comes again the whataboutism, he cannot admit that the Civil War happened…
@Jeffrey Snipes Dude, five people were killed in the storming, one of which is a Capitol police officer, just admit man, it’s a fact that this is an attempted coup.
A lot of hateful comments on here.. your all the ones creating division…your all too stupid to realize it…
That’s generally what occurs when you believe in double standards..
Meanwhile Antifa are still carrying out terrorist attacks daily and weekly for the last 12 months. In the last month they have set fire to multiple federal building (some with people inside), burned other buildings to the ground, assaulted police, vandalised private property and assaulted 100’s of innocent civilians. That’s not including the chaos they caused last year which was obviously much worse.
@Jose Padilla – And after watching MAGAs *beating Capitol cops* with ballbats, fire extinguishers *and* an American flag-still-attached flagpole on January 6th, we *don’t* want to hear their pseudo-pious ‘Blue Lives Matter’ spiels again.
NO PLEA DEALS! They’re traitors. Don’t show any mercy!
@Dino if you compare Obama’s administration scandals to trump admin. scandals, yes dems are angels. (zero scandals in Obamas two terms, I honestly lost track of the trump scandals)
@music man 1970 WRONG. Let me correct this for you. “It was MAGA hat idiots. Democrats weren’t involved. Only idiots that believed the 30,000 lies from Diaper Don the Con!”
@Jason Sands Saw and heard the Trumpist and Qanon cultists before during and after. NO Biden supporters Jan 6! It was very obvious! But the lying claim was put out by GOP. Show one antifa BLM or other leftist arrested Jan 6.
Meanwhile Antifa are still carrying out terrorist attacks daily and weekly for the last 12 months. In the last month they have set fire to multiple federal building (some with people inside), burned other buildings to the ground, assaulted police, vandalised private property and assaulted 100’s of innocent civilians. That’s not including the chaos they caused last year which was obviously much worse.
Spam-posting Choo is spam-posting…
I love how they call everyone a sheep, yet sell paraphernalia of their Sheppard on their own front porch

Don’t forget their golden dumpie,, now that blew me away..
I don’t think America can trust them not to regroup. They need to be deprogrammed in prison!
Yeah because our prison system will do that? People outside of prison can’t get health care, spend $ on them instead?
Trump put a chip in them.
Spoken like a true Marxist. Agree or face the state.
You people do know that prisons are full of gangs and neo nazi i groups ect ect .
@Darron Mayo it’s not about free speech, it’s about a bunch of idiots beating cops ,defecating in the halls of congress, trying to steal the election for a loser who was a spectacular failure as President. They definitely need some sort of mental health help.
Right keep them in jail because how stable can you be to go to prison over a president x president only one I’ll go to prison over is one of my kids that’s to real these people want give God that much respect
@J Pgrass . . . Huh? Here’s the hint of the century: USE PUNCTUATION!
Keep them all in jail. Bring the guy who said he was going to The Capitol with them . They are All GUILTY !
Finally, we have found the notorious “his son Hunter” they’re always bashing on Fox News
Remember, these people actually believed that some kind of massive “vote fraud” prevented them from getting their way. Not only are they that stupid, but they have guns.