An Alabama man convicted of killing three police officers is lending his voice to defenders of Nathaniel Woods, a co-defendant who is scheduled to be executed for the same crime despite questions about his culpability.
#NathanielWoods #CNN #News
An Alabama man convicted of killing three police officers is lending his voice to defenders of Nathaniel Woods, a co-defendant who is scheduled to be executed for the same crime despite questions about his culpability.
#NathanielWoods #CNN #News
Give the man his stay, Governor, lest you go down in the books as a murderer yourself
It’s a Republican
@Muhammad Ahmed Oh oh
These are the folks Trump should pardon
You’re low IQ. Trump can’t pardon him fool. They should start executing idiots and you’re the worst offender.
logic rules clearly logic doesn’t rule with you
The police, sadly, can’t be trusted to deal with conflict of interest cases like police killings. Whenever a policeman is killed in the line of duty, the government needs to take over the investigation.
Not much to investigate on this one though….. I mean what’s in question? Three dead police officers and no dead criminals. Well, not yet anyway.
@joe mathis oh wow. Lol. I hope that was sarcasm
Marc H very often dead police officers are dead criminals
Sterling Archer really? What’s your point? Three police officers serve a warrant and end up dead. Are you thinking they deserved it for some reason because some police officers out there are criminals as well?smh. The video was about a criminal who’ is on death row for murder and didn’t actually pull the trigger, and whether or not racism in the prosecution was a factor.
But Dylann roof is still alive and so is george zimmerman this wrong on so many levels idk what to say. Smh
logic rules

@ you Zimmerman was 200 lbs & trevon was a teenager – keep your racist comments to yourself
@Shawn Connolly so the black jurors that found Zimmerman innocent are racists? You’re so brainwashed. Teenagers are capable of murder don’t you know snowflake. I never said anything racist, you’re delusional. Take your meds
Julie Zimmerman killed a thug that was trying to kill him. Proved in a court of law. Trayvon was a bad seed.
stephen hancock & 2 years later he was arrested for following and pulling a gun on someone over road rage –

& he’s a good seed ??
Shawn Connolly No comparison. Zimmerman not a scum bag like Trayvon.
How tf can you be sentenced to DEATH when you haven’t killed a single person?!?!
W TF? – I would either do tacos (the real kind, not taco bell) or steak and shrimp with mashed potatoes and gravy.
@E Rayburn Jefferson County alabama is 40% black so where were blacks during trial
Are you serious? That is totally common. If you shot yourself during the commission of a felony you would be guilty of murder. If someone dies by accident or ill health during the commission of a felony you are guilty of Capital Murder. If the police legally shoot your partner during a felony you were committing, you are guilty of murder. If the cops illegally shot your partner…
After that it is just a question of sentencing.
@Jack Sam It can still be premeditated if it was spur of the moment. A guy could just go “watch this”, whistle to draw the victim in and beat them to death. And it would tick all the boxes.
@Bill Biggerson Honestly, I think he just had grossly inadequate and/or incompetent counsel. That deal he was offered should never have been declined.
What??? This is insane
The family refusing to acknowledge that they’re killing a black man who didn’t kill their loved ones is really telling.
@OutsideTheRopes Jefferson County alabama is 40% black were he was tried
D’Angelo EL Mirage
Don’t worry, their vengeance is soon coming through that corona virus
@Bill Biggerson Black people there don’t run the judicial system so your point is mute
@OutsideTheRopes they do make up jury who convicted him was my point and where were they when trial was going. If the black people in his community didn’t care why should anyone else
The blood of the innocent powers the “justice” system.
The Justice system is corrupt
I was baffled as to how the legal system could allow this so easily. I then found the answer to all my questions.
One word, Alabama.
@OhGibZ and male
One word, lynching
Everything bad that happens to a black person is racism. We can’t even interact negatively or positively with each other without racism coming up. This sh*t isn’t working out. It’s time to remember where we were going before the “interference”.
@White Jay This fucked-up country was founded on racism, and it hasn’t changed when it’s all institutionalized. Show me a white person getting the death sentence where it wasnt purposely justified.
@White Jay Please White Jay can we put all of that aside for now, A man who never committed a murder (he was served with a minor misdemeanor) is due to be executed in the coming hours.
Such a primitive country
Jeffrey Dohnger We have the least racist policies, but half of this country had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th and then 21st century and have those policies forced down their throats for the greater good.
You still have southern states where citizens are mad they can’t display confederate flags over a courthouse.
@Bacons Strip Meanwhile, people in LA and San Franshitsco are swimming in their own feces and used drug needles while illegal aliens are murdering US citizens with impunity because of leftist policies and illegally ignoring federal immigration laws.
Clean up your own filth before you start harping about someone else, turd.
It makes you look like what you are; a brainwashed fool
Nah, just some of the population.
Such a primitive country
Kill em! He deserves it.
Im not shocked at this at all
@Tyler Hingleton… I respectfully disagree. If a person is acquitted, then they’re not guilty of the charges against them.
Please stop with the black man is always getting screwed over speech.
It is not true!
@W TF? It is fucking true. Just look at the fucking jail population, fool. Most of them in there long-sentencing just for minor offenses. Institutional racism is a real thing that you’re not aware of. Your ignorance holds no bounds.
@Tyler Hingleton Listen here little man, swearing does not make your comments true and it does not help you to convince people.
The fact is, the police were acquitted and everyone’s life goes on. End of story little man.
@W TF? Listen here, dumbass. Just because he was acquitted doesnt make it right, and black people are 4 times more likely to get shot by the police than their white counterparts disproportionately, even unjustified. Stastics back that up. End of story, dumbass.
@Tyler Hingleton … Listen here little Tyler! Listen here boy. Swearing does not make your lies true little fella.
Nice try though little guy!
COPS want revenge. Simple as that
Will riots happen??????
And southerners call policies to help the poor communist???
Paul… it’s all just gone nuts in this country… nay, this entire fuked up planet!
“Yeehaw, a grate layfe fur awl is ahn eyvil vahrus of sayten”
How many innocent people in the prison for what they know nothing about
Maybe democrats keep lists on them, like the kkk did
All of them
Less than you think

Maybe 1%
This is beyond sick… They law owes both the suspect and the victims’ families a thorough investigation before they can execute a potentially innocent man.
@Taylor Wooten by a bunch of racist inbred bigots in Alabama. I can’t imagine a less sympathetic group of morons to be on a jury.
@BP BP I am from Mississippi, so don’t judge a book by its cover.. There a lot more racist people up north these days,, by far!
@HNH Outdoors so what juries are wrong all the time in the wrong this time
If we are going to start looking at old cases in search of true justice, maybe we should take a look at OJ Simpson double murder case? I’m not confident they got it right.
pedo biden at the hair sniffing again ! *_Creep._*
2020 ain’t ish change.
killing is wrong but killing one that hasn’t killed is horrific.
DesExp He was convicted in a court of law with a jury. He is part of the crime.
stephen hancock So if police comes to your door with a warrant somebody kills 3 cops and you get convicted for that murder how would you feel
Doesn’t this man deserve a fair trial?
He did not get a fair trial those jurors are idiots
@Shannon Dove … It was extremely fair sweetie!
Been done
Schumer also deserves a fair trial before he is sent to the chair for high treason
The 3 cops didn’t deserve it either
A random jury of some of our “peers”, are not the best at making judgments for minorities….especially in alabama.
Who are the majority on earth? who are dying more than being born? Who are the indegenous people of the entire planet, I mean what color are they? I mean what race of people are the original and the majority? Be true and answer the question? We know the original people are the majority on the entire planet aka Blacks so u kill one, thousands gets born in one day because we are the COSMOS of the universe..So they might execute him tonight, be Ready for this planet going back to the original people in 10 years because the lines of killing innocent Eumelanin indegenous people of the planet is over and the creator is restoring her children back to what was stolen aka the lands and rulership..These Negus are waking up and the kings and the Nigitis are soon to shift back into their consciousness.. Welcome to AQUARIUS AGE my dear
When you can be executed for killing NO ONE, one has to wonder if this is America.
This is Alabama. Still looking to lynch somebody
The law includes all participates. Fry them for killing three men. Only black lives matter to the left.
@stephen hancock too bad you weren’t there to join them.
Doc Moto Too bad you are in the 70IQ race. You think killing a person is cool.