Two Indigenous leaders in Manitoba endorsed a Liberal candidate during an NDP campaign event with NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh standing behind them.
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Hahahahahaha. They must think the LIEberals will give them more money. Everyone knows what a great job Justincompetent did with the drinking water problem. Nothing but confidence in the libs
I’m sure they know the situation better than you. lol.
Drinking water has been an issue for the last 6 terms consisting of equal parts leadership conservative and liberal.
@Landon Breeden except that Trudeau said he’d solve it. He managed to double the national debt and still no results.
@roof pizza how is being a shill for the libs going?
I bet you get alot of hate
@roof pizza lol just looking for more welfare handouts
So easily fooled. Jagmeet voted with Trudeau on EVERY SINGLE BILL.
That’s not true. The conservatives teamed up with the libs to vote down ndp bills more often
@Jordan Gerber Regardless; it’s still true.
@Howdyah Workthisthing? Well, I want a wealth tax, climate action, and pharmacare. The libs and cons vote against that. The ndp keep putting it forward and promising it. The choice is clear
@Jordan Gerber And who pays sunshine
@tobias1959 Ah yes, you’ve got me. Best we just keep giving tax breaks to billionaires and subsidies to oil companies. No other country has ever done these policies so they’re definitely impossible. That’s sarcasm sunshine
PM Trudeau Government did state they were going to audit all moneys the aproximately 650 bands across Canada and monitor the spending of the monies Chiefs have been getting from the Federal governments in the next few years.
Voting against the Wealth tax means the 1%, dont pay their share. The Liberals & Conservatives did that
The 1% already pay their share, our economic failures are elsewhere.
The THREE absolutes of life. DEATH, TAXES, AND STUPIDITY.
Don’t forget the Liberals ok alot of these schools
So did the Conservatives? What is your point?
@Daily dose Not really
@Just Working for the weekend John A MacDonald was a conservative and introduced Residential schools but ok, think they didn’t have any part to do with it. Cons are equally as guilty as the liberals in the past.
Dumas: “My organization is not partisan but we support the Liberal candidate.
Dumas: “We cannot accept the status quo in government.” Supports the Liberals.
Lol sad eh
So rather than endorse a competent candidate, they’ll support indigenous only.
You won’t find leadership in any of them. Realize they don’t care about any of you. When they kneel down in front of those graves it’s all for photo ops and votes, unfortunately after the election you will be ignored again.
Roll call how our elected politicians have been voting, during the pandemic. Liberals & Conservatives voted against Universal Pharmacare ubi & Wealth tax
no one has ever accused them of being smart
Just look in the past and how liberals have helped you and you can see that they have not,supporting liberals is a big mistake for all Canadians.
Anything to keep the pandering and freebies coming.
Check the Chief’s bank account.
Because he lacks integrity.