CNN's Sara Sidner was confronted by a demonstrator during her live coverage of protests in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, following the police shooting of Daunte Wright.
#SaraSidner #CNN #DaunteWright
Man confronts CNN reporter on live TV during Daunte Wright protests

She stood her ground in a highly confrontational moment. Good job!
@Dr Dre neither was Dr Dre in 80s in drag.
Bwahahah manufacturing consent and y’all woke rage for the machine instead of against it.
Don lemon -“riots are a mechanism for restructuring this country”
Chris Cuomo – “protesters don’t have to be peaceful”
Fucking media…
I’m blown away at how divided America is, I’ve never seen so much fighting against each other in a country until the past few years (Trump era). And I’m old enough to remember Newt Gingrich in the late 70’s-early 80’s.
I wish I can laugh at this, but it seems to be out of control.
@Pedro The Mexican If you think CNN is bad (they’re not really), you should watch some of the Sinclair owned local news around the country. Some of them are almost Newsmaxx level crazy.
“We never get to tell our story”
“Okay then tell your story now”
“No because you’ll just edit it out”
“We’re live right now ”
“I don’t care ”
Well that was productive
@charlie pastrami That’s good. No president was or is perfect. Some are just notably worse than the rest like Trump.
@Nick Dionne Yes, saw this and loved it.
@Thomas Reaves LMAO WTF?! How dumb.
Sounds like my ex
@LiftnLeap welp, you can’t argue with crazy
She gave him an excellent platform, and he wasted his opportunity to discuss the community’s perspective. He was yelling, cursing, and rambling on and on.
@boonexy first of all… what? Second of all, I am as outraged as he is about the needless murder of unarmed black men, as a black woman with a black family. I am saying he didn’t need to attack a reporter who very clearly was not against him or his interests, and because he chose to do so, he trashed what could otherwise be an excellent opportunity to be heard about why he has these emotions.
He was filled with anger. His city is burning down. This reporter earning ratings from it.
@SanzScript he dont even know why hes mad
@JAY SPLASH that’s because he has a lot to pick from!
Nothing but respect for this woman. Don’t let them control you and what you’re there to do
@Reid Elson I agree with you. Newsmax, OAN, and Fox manipulate too. Not many objective news platforms left in America. Sad times.
@Reid Elson project veratas
@John Harrison he was the chance to talk but she blew it. I could sense you are a fox news diehard
She seems like the sort of reporter that is actually genuine and does her job. A lot of others would have shut that down due to the language or took offence when he said they twist the story. Good on her!
@Luke Rabin watch project veritas . Bet you won’t. You don’t want the truth. Global warming is the next thing for cnn
@biekgiek project veritas has never lost a court case.
@ItsYoBoy Kris Fields shut up fake news believer.
She owned him …. he wasn’t expecting someone to put him in his place. LOL. He’s a thug and she just put him in his place which he was NOT EXPECTING. Give this woman a raise!
@wild stingray she doesn’t know what a “thug” is.
Thug Life
@Brady B. Hull says the one that can’t spell lol
@The Putinator it’s only racist if you are.
The way she was able to descalate the situation ( hand on shoulder, making eye contact, showing you’re listening) while still reporting was amazing. The police should be taking notes.
She should try police pull overs and try de-escalating a fleeing suspect.
@Nick Dionne they can have it on video, they can prove in court, the guy could confess to everything in front of the entire nation, and the liberals still won’t believe it’s true
@Greg A They are truly brainwashed
Anger destroys blessings,
like fire destroys wood,
and having the opportunity
to enlighten others, with such
a huge platform was definitely
a blessing! #notimetowaste!
Agreed…he blew it
@J Str8 facts!
For anyone out there who is watching this, what Miss Sara Sidner did is textbook “De-escalation,” and it worked flawlessly! Great job, Miss Sidner; we appreciate you. Please stay safe!
@Doyle Hargraves 2007 she might be brave, but she is working for a propaganda company that is inciting violence and hatred.
@David Emmet agreed
@M lol
Shut up fake news believer
@My Tale you are the sheep
Props to you mam. U held your composure like a true professional. Gave that man nothing but respect when he showed the opposite. Can we get a round of applause for this woman.
Lol she did nothing nothing is professional in CNN it’s all just a bunch of goons making up stuff like the guy said he deserves the round of applause cause taking that crap to the court house is the correct answer she shouldn’t be out there if she’s complaining about dumb gas tell the rioters to take it to the courthouse instead of being dumb
Ma’am is spelled with two a’s.
That guy had a chance to really put it on the table and he blew it. GOOD JOB DUDE. REALLY HELPED US OUT
Right? Like come on maaan. Done did all that jaw jackin abs still left with what he came with… nothing.
@joe clark 95% of mn black pop lives in Minneapolis…they pay the Somalis to go there….i didnt see a black in person till i was in my late teens….we really live in a bubble
@Janette B he said what he said, and it is, what it it’s! I don’t think one black guy making a statement was trying to represent the whole BLK race!
@isabel lind lol that’s funny but in all seriousness true. One of the biggest misconception now a day’s is black folks thinking every Karen/white woman who call the cops on them is a Republican. And that’s not always the case democratic white women call the cops on black people a lot. But no one pay’s attention so…
Sara Sidner just gained mad respect from me! she handled that in such a firm but understanding stance! never before seen such passion in the job!
People love the fight so much that they forget what they’re even fighting for.
Thanks a lot Sara. Excellent reporting as always. You`re a treasure.
never try to interview crackheads, Sara…STAY SAFE!!
Perfect de-escalation!
1. She was talking clear and calm 2. Aknowledge what the guy was telling 3. Expressing concern for his safety… This was text book!! 

Sarah is an incredible pro! I love her realness
Great job Sara! That was a tense moment and you handled it like a BOSS.
Sara sidner is a soldier, I remembered she was covering the Ferguson Missouri riots and they hit her with a brick. They was telling her to get out of there and she said she was cool. Salute Sarah Sidner!!!
Sara Sidner in the Libyan compound..that was tense.
You’re doing a good job reporting Sarah! Thank you for keeping us informed live!