Questions about security for MPs are being raised after NDP Leader Singh was accosted. Michel Boyer has the latest.
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He has training in combat.. who cares, he’s not fighting anyone
I heard he’s trained in the Arts!
Why should he fight? That would be lowering himself to the level of the human garbage that was bothering him.
But what if he has dance training!?
@Mralsfan6 s I think we all know who the real pile of garbage is here.
@Alan Malcheski He sure cuts a rug with Turdeau.
If it was so egregious they could just show the video without the narrative preamble.
“He has training in combat fighting” what a stupid phrase.
I wonder why for the first time in Canadian history politicians are asking for protection from the public?
Goldminer63 political climate in the states are giving right wing nut bars courage to come out.
Because the public sucks.
Trump mentality
Because King iDjT has activated the mental defectives around the world to come into the open. Hopefully they are all being identified for future “adjustment” therapy.
Maybe Jugmeet should go back into hiding like his brother did after there backwards opinions towards the RCMP
Looked harmless they must be out of lies to talk about again in Canada.
I’m willing to bet this is a lie too.
Stupid video can’t hear the announcers won’t shut up
Didn’t look dangerous to me but what was said? Probably pissed that he backed our moron pm.
Funny how that went 10 feet over everyone’s heads
Politicians are nothing more than gangsters with law degrees.
If some of them had a degree of any sort, that would be something.
OMG He’s asking all the hard questions how dare he!
Shut down parliament !!! Lol
Increase security = increase $$$. One politician lost; tens eager to replace.
Disturbing video???? …
oh wait she said …it’s really disturbing Michel! Oh ! no , wait ! it’s pretty stunning!!!! Dang !! Let’s hear the darn thing!!! I’m not saying this is not a real thing …. the reporting sucks! 

I don’t know why we didn’t get to hear the audio or why he changed the actual threat into a euphemism.
I would like to actually hear what was said.
naughty words are violence according to the glow-bowl-ists
@Kevin G “Glow-bowl-ists”?
Now I’m thinking about toilet cleaner and toilet-LEDs.
Well in today’s warped sense of accosting someone , I can see the safe spaces lights flashing on and off but to me it looks like walking and talking. Maybe not so nice talk but truer words were never spoken.
If by “talking” you mean giving verbal threats, then sure, “talking”. I don’t know what he actually said instead of “dance”, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t “hug”. ¬_¬
maybe if the leaders were not so slimy they would not need security
Why do they deserve armed security yet average Canadians don’t? If he gets armed security I start carrying guns for my security. Simple.
security company thinks that more security is needed! big surprise!
This isn’t news, get back to me when shots are fired
“Perilous times” created by the politicians being harassed.
I don’t care…. I really don’t. This is one big distraction once again. Get back to the issues at hand.