1. @UCJEQhFX48vE_OUpg6sw9eWw did Mueller Time get Trump? Did stormy? Did avennetti? Did impeachment? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–• Have you accepted Trump as your president yet?

    1. @Deplorable Centrist CNN didn’t tell him Trumps wall is going up on the border they are to busy repeating the word Russia it’s been over 3 years now and their lemmings still believe.

    2. @Buck Melanoma The world does still talk about Obama who not only took a US economy facing a full blown depression (after the GOP’s financial deregulation & the greed of Wall Street unleashed by that mismanagement had caused the 2008 financial crisis) & turned it around to usher in eleven straight years of continuous growth in the stock market & reduction in the unemployment figures, both trends that continue to this day, with Trump’s only contribution, aside from his taking credit for it in the exact same way he also stole Obama’s credit for the changes to Veterans care Trump has also claimed was his, was that Trump switched from saying that the employment numbers were rigged before 2016, to claiming they were real & due to him (by magic I guess?). The only things Trump has done is to massively increase Govt debt to record levels (by giving away the largest ever tax cut to the super-rich & largest corporations only, with almost none of it going to anybody less wealthy than a millionaire) as well as hugely exploding the Trade Deficit as well (you know, the one he said he’d get rid of?! Guess he must’ve really meant “explode to record imbalances”? Easy mistake to make, rather like when he sided with Putin over the American military, intelligence services, FBI & rest of the world who knew that Russia was bragging about pwning America, but Trump stood next to Putin & deferred to him before returning home to claim thst he misspoke, saying “wouldn’t” when he meant “would” & that far from capitulation in that display of subservience toward Russia, he’d really told Vlad off?!! That was so embarrassing that it’s not even spoken about by the GOP who couldn’t even pass that bollocks off as anything but the disgraceful selling out by a frightened & overawed little coward who desperately hoped the world bully would be his friend? He still fights hard to prevent America from even talking about Russia’s humiliating them by messing them about over the internet; pathetic weak little man! He should take a look at how Obama dealt with Putin’s invasion of Crimea, standing over Putin & getting in his face physically before the meeting that threw Russia out of the G7! That’s the G7 that Trump begged to allow Russia back into, but was literally laughed at to his face & told that he could capitulate in such cowardly fashion but the rest of the free world certainly wasn’t going to humiliate themselves alongside him?! Trump tried to claim that his cowardice was somehow on Obama then, just like your idiotic assertion about Obama’s economic miracle that is still carrying Trump now as he desperately claims credit (something that only morons buy, so enjoy telling folk how that economic miracle wasn’t really all that as it was “slowest recovery from a near global crash ever”, despite US GDP being far better than anything seen with the austerity policy followed by UK, Germany or anywhere else in the world, or Obama’s saving of the entire American Auto Industry was a mistake (like Romney tried to argue) or that this current 11yr growth spurt is really down to Trump’s being there for the last 4 years only, etc, etc?! Tell yourself that the record trade deficit due to the disastrous trade war with China hasn’t hurt Americans cos somehow, magically, it’s the Chinese paying the tariffs (nice of them to pay the import tariffs here in America for us?! They must be nice people in Asia, to secretly pay US import tariffs?), just like you’re told & if you wonder vwhy all those prices have gone up in the store, then don’t worry cos those are paid by China as well apparently? Billions of dollars here in the US being paid by some magic way that nobody else can see but Trump, who’s word is golden! After all, it’s not as if he’s a criminal who’s so desperately afraid if anybody ever seeing his taxes, as aside from revealing that he’s the worst businessman ever in US history, loosing more in a single decade of a catalogue if business failures including failing to make money running casinos even & loosing more as a single individual than many bankrupt corporations loose? It’s not like he’s been convicted of running fake upwelling scams as Trump University & banned from running a charity after using his Trump Charity to steal from veterans? It’s not like he’s piping money into his bien banks by charging the secret service agents more than three times the cost bit the most expensive hotel rooms in America, each night they stay at his clubs, just one of many scams to pipe out taxes directly into his bank account? No, that’s all just “haters hating”, isn’t it & he’ll reveal his tax returns as soon as that pesky audits done as there’s nothing in them to show why he’s so afraid of Putin that he sides with Russia every single time & hides their attacking his country?! Yet in your world, the strong leader who saved the economy & is respected around the world has made you cry about how he turned your economy around & ushered in 11years growth while the weak & pathetic Russian puppet who can’t even strung together coherent rants about windmills causing cancer & who refuses to allow anyone to even mention those pesky Russian attacks without firing them & claiming that his own intel service is framing those poor Russians to help the Dems (just like his own staff testified to Congress for the Dems & the FBI, judges, Intel officers, Military Generals, TV stations, newspapers, most of his own staff , ambassadors, etc – THEY ARE ALL secret Dems, betraying him, lying & using facts & reality against him! Poor old Donald! Don’t vyou love him MORE than America itself? If not, then youre also a secret Dem, as there’s only those brave GOP Senators who refuse to look at any reality who can be trusted to put loyalty to Trump above the USA. Those traitors who put America first, like McCain, Vindman, Mueller, etc will be sorry when America bows the knee to Putin, Kim Jong Un, Saudi Arabia & King Trump, you’ll see? Then he can change the history to actually fit the deranged hatred of his base so your ignorant comments about a great US President who’s place in world history is assured will fit in with the new alternative history of Dear Leader Donald & his pathetic, cowardly existence which will forever be a stain on American standing, even beyond the decades that will be required to fix some of the chaos caused by such a deeply disliked & ridiculed little coward who can only hold his own when bullying those who can’t fight back, unlike his predecessor who could hold his h as high as he fought for America instead of surrendering & pretending he’s not being very publicly f**ked by a train of murderous despots as Vlad tells him when to squeal? As Trump would say “squealing for Vlad is a good thing! Not a bad thing” & you’ll cheer, whoop & squeal along in your deluded excitement! What a timeline, huh! Enjoy your country’s ‘greatness again’ dude, as America now stands next to the biggest bad boy, Russia, while her troops fight & die for Trump’s Saudi friends (but it’s okz cos he negotiated a great fee for each American soldier who dies! That’s real leadership, Trump style!

    1. If by “stable” genius you mean hay and livestock I’d have to agree, he looks like he has a real head for donkey sht.

    2. Arman Bajwa
      Did your Mother marry your first cousin? Thatโ€™s why Trump doesnโ€™t want you crazy shits here.

  1. Shrine of Trump .. i.e like a temple.. ..๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅI dont even laugh it makes me sad..

    1. why what bad has Trump brought to you ? guessing you don’t work as taxes have dropped dramatically. lowest unemployment, best ever economy.

    1. Such a shame but very typical of our political way of thinking.Take the easy way out and whitewash the true state of affairs..in this case build the wall first…all this at the expense of the hapless taxpayer.

    2. well if the white people never stole trillions of dollars from them in the first place they wouldn’t have to live that way

  2. That is pretty messed up, that they would build a wall to hide the slums, because of Trump’s visit! Send Trump to Wuhan China without a mask!

    1. They were already planning on building it, and it’s for security. They have random cows and elephants roaming around, you don’t want one blocking the road during such an event

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