Man at Trump rally appears to make hand gesture commonly used by white supremacists | USA TODAY

White supremacist hand gesture seen at Trump rally in Florida.

At a Trump rally in Florida, a man appears to have displayed a hand gesture that the Anti-Defamation League calls a hate symbol used by white supremacists and other far-right extremists.

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    1. The okay symbol as a white supremacy sign is literally a joke made up on 4chan. I assure you it’s nothing more. Back when critical race theory was starting in universities the running joke among many people was that the theory could make anything racist. So comical fools on the internet got news reporters to spread an internet meme that the okay symbol spells WP for white power. The idiot in the video is just trying to get attention… it worked. Ideally the lesson from this is to be aware of how the news frames our thoughts before we have them. The okay symbol is still just the okay symbol. The crazy drama over this old internet meme is lasting quite a while. I’m sure you feel a pull towards excited and enraged at the sight of that because I know would be too had I not known the backstory. I don’t think a lot of people these days take the time to communicate properly to one another. I hope I helped a little. ☮️

  1. Thats not even the “okay” sign. His fingers are spread apart which could mean hes trying to say “white power” and i think hes only doing it to make trump look bad. Trumps supporters disavow that bs.

  2. Oh will ya frickin stop.trump has disavowed the white supremacist numerous times he is not responsible for these yahoos

  3. トランプさん勝負強いところあるから V2 達成するのではないでしょうか❓ 話題のスキャンダルも私的には後2週間速く出てほしかったかな 投票に反映される為に😆。

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