Malcolm Nance tells Ali Velshi that the Russian cyberattack on the Ukrainian gas company at the center of impeachment is "2016 being played out again by Russian intelligence with the intent to hack the mindset of the American public once again" with leaks of disinformation. Aired on 01/14/20.
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Malcolm Nance: This Is ‘The Dawn Of The DNC Hacking 2.0’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
We will remove Putin permanently from this earth soon !
I’m not saying his fat head would make a perfect target. But I’m saying his fat head would make a perfect target.
You’d have to get t rumps face off his crotch.
Don’t keep us waiting do it now. Thank you.
t’rump supporters have about as much interest in facts as my dog does with using chopsticks to eat dinner!

Republicans love communist hackers.
adelgado75 She is….even if my dog will occasionally eat her own poop!
Maybe electing a reality TV host who dodged the draft
and cheats at golf
was a bad idea.
@BillHK OMG you nailed it. HOW is it that so many DONT. We have the WHITE SUPREMACIST, the 2% getting UNPRECEDENTED TAX cuts (has no one paid attention to the escalating DEFICIT. Trump is only operating half staff, yet MILLIONS per WEEK TO HIS GOLF RESORT and his FAMILY VACATIONS with winter ski resorts and summer boating with an arsenal of SECURITY has NOT CROSSED ANYONES MIND?!?!? REALLY REALLY REALLY OMG AMERICA AND ITS DEMOCRACY are doomed. WTF IS WRONG WITH AMERICANS. GO AFTER TRUMP for his CRIMES
@Brexit Refugee thank YOU so much
The barbarians are at the gate.
@Dawn-Marie Langlois In many impeachments around the world, the Impeached party is only removed when there is overwhelming public pressure in the form of protests. For this one to be successful, mass protests must be seen at the Kentucky offices of Mitch McConnel and every GOP Senator. If they don’t feel the pressure, they will keep acting on behalf of Individual 1.
Don’t forget about his lying, thieving, deceiving, and killing. tRump is as immoral as they come.
In 2015, Western European intelligence agencies began picking up evidence of communications between the Russian government and people in Donald Trump’s orbit. In April 2016, one of the Baltic states shared with then–CIA director John Brennan an audio recording of Russians discussing funneling money to the Trump campaign. In the summer of 2016, Robert Hannigan, head of the U.K. intelligence agency GCHQ, flew to Washington to brief Brennan on intercepted communications between the Trump campaign and Russia..
The contents of these communications have not been disclosed, but what Brennan learned obviously unsettled him profoundly. In congressional testimony on Russian election interference, Brennan hinted that some Americans might have betrayed their country. “Individuals who go along a treasonous path,” he warned, “do not even realize they’re along that path until it gets to be a bit too late.” In a 2017 interview, he put it more bluntly: “I think Trump is afraid of the president of Russia. The Russians may have something on him personally that they could always roll out and make his life more difficult.”
In July 2016, a loose-knit community of computer scientists and cybersecurity experts discovered a strange pattern of online traffic between two computer servers. One of those servers belonged to Alfa Bank in Moscow and the other to the Trump Organization. Alfa Bank’s owners had “assumed an unforeseen level of prominence and influence in the economic and political affairs of their nation,” as a federal court once put it.
The analysts noted that the traffic between the two servers occurred during office hours in New York and Moscow and spiked in correspondence with major campaign events, suggesting it entailed human communication rather than bots. More suspiciously, after New York Times reporter Eric Lichtblau asked Alfa Bank about it but before he brought it up with the Trump campaign, the server in Trump Tower shut down. The timing strongly implied Alfa Bank was communicating with Trump..
Also, Trump and his campaign were promoting conspiracy theories that had only been published in Russian by a Russian propaganda outfit.
It’s a team effort.
America has become a Soviet Exsperiment, ! You guys are Gladamiear Puttins Guinea pigs, !!!
The same folks who believed the “Red Scare” storyline (in the 1950/60ties )now seem to think that “Kleptocracy Russia” is some sort of friend.
Russia may be a good friend to the West in time to come ……. but not under the present post-Soviet regime.
Yeah… and it sucks
Nah, this is a practiced method. “Operation Infektion” is one example. The CIA website has a report on it, but there are other sources too.
Italian racial slur.
@Dawn Oceanside OK sorry for Slurring
Rethugliklans won’t attempt to stop it because they’re involved with Russia very deeply!
Meanwhile, back in the real world
the ones in the wh & those who violently defend him are on his payroll,, ie jim jorden, collins, nunez,… i would bet my life on it.
@crocusflower On the payroll of the Constitution, Law and sanity, yes, they are
*Fake POTUS financed by Putin, through Deuche Bank, to solidify Putin’s War on Global Democracy*
@Mohit Kalro There’s a reason why Trump won’t show his tax returns. He’s broke. Would a billionaire try to make money from his office as president?
@Cort nah he ain’t, he’s just good at hiding it like his father, difference is his father (Fred) didn’t use the Russian Mafia to bail out his failed businesses. Why do you think Putin has come to collect now.
Omg you nailed it. Please God bless America
That’s why you need to be showing to the American public how people in my country (Russia )live (survival). In case America’s voters decide to trust Putin’s benevolent motives and usefullness for US economy !!!
Then you have Facebook saying its okay to lie when posting political statements? To sow dissension and divide, feed the hatred, fuel racism, violence towards your neighbors whom have different views. Total dischord. And Russia sits back and laughs? Sadly it’s always been around, they just knew what buttons to push. Maybe this is a bad analogy but it’s like you’re doing a house renovation and through a hole in the wall you discovered you have 9 million cockroaches?
that’s one of the reasons i deactivated my fb account
Yes, Facebook needs to be abandoned and fail. People can find ways to replace what were the useful parts with other methods of sharing/communicating. Your analogy is spot on.
Fk Facebook. Only narcissist use Facebook. Same as IG but at least most are selling something on it.
We view and discern information along with Malcolm Nance. I agree with Malcolm. Accept your role and responsibility.
Trump – has to take a lie detector test … Question – ” in your private discussion with Putin did he tell you to get rid of Marie Yovanovitch”
Obviously Pinnoccho will fall it
pathological liars pass lie detector tests all the time. ive seen it happen. I knew a girl who stole grocery bags of groceries from her job. she was ordered to take a polygraph and passed with flying colors.
that was decades ago but maybe tech has changed or the testers are better trained.
I’m guessing everything after Vlad said “bend over the desk” is kind of a blur
@Michael Schwartz .. hah hah hah ! Good one Michael.
Since inauguration day and as of January 10, 2020 President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims.
That total does not include:
> the facts he has intentionally ignored and/or misunderstood;
> the false or misleading statements made on his behalf by his children, staff, and Rupublican enablers and other employees.
> his multiple infidelities;
> his oath of office.
Trump: “When I can, I tell the truth”
–Devan Cole, CNN, Nov 1/18
It also includes comments such as “it’s a beautiful day” because somebody will disagree and chalk it up as a lie. Get a grip, that count is a bunch of hog wash and not a fact.
Nance is on the money …
Malcolm Nance = Black Alex Jones
Whatever Putin doing its working people believe the president lies man people making Russia look genius
With Trump in the Oval Office, the Russians can as bold as they like. So-called AG Barr has Trump’s back with his vision of a GOP president with absolute power.
John Swo Anyone seen. The The conference with. Barr. Sessions Rosenstien and maybe one other. Celebrating right after the muller report. Came out. You realize they are friends and working together while some of we’re thinking. Session was in trouble for lies before Congress. And that’s also when al Franken. After I thought good question was out.
. Like some said. If it was a movie we’d think it was to far fetched.
Always good to hear from Nance. He’s been right on target every time for years.
Here’s the thing in my mind – the Russkis intentionally got caught hacking Burisma so that their next step of disseminating fake emails etc will appear to be legit. Clever
Nance needs his own show.
Why didn’t anyone tell me Trump is a Russian asset?