Chief diplomatic adviser to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, Ihor Zhovkva responds after US President Joe Biden said he will not give Ukraine F-16 fighter jets right now.
#CNN #News
Chief diplomatic adviser to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, Ihor Zhovkva responds after US President Joe Biden said he will not give Ukraine F-16 fighter jets right now.
#CNN #News
He didn’t rule out the Mig 29’s that are still available in the former Soviet block.
Remember the time Biden blocked MiG-29s that Poland wanted to supply to Ukraine in March 2022? We are talking about those MiGs still.
Most of those have already been sent!
There may be decisive battles, but the history is long and demography is critical. Russia may fail, but they are not going away. They may sign some kind of treaty eventually, but they do not seem to respect documents.
@Mark My dear, I understand that you may not be from the United States, but let’s imagine for a moment that you are. However, I must kindly inform you that I disagree with your opinions and believe that you may not fully understand the topic at hand. It’s important to show respect towards the people of Ukraine, and I kindly request that you refrain from making inflammatory comments. Please understand that I do not wish to engage in a conversation with someone who appears to be deliberately provoking others. you are a troll
@From zero to something Your comments openly tell me you aren’t from the US, and definitely not from Texas. When you make that comment without even acknowledging that Obama & Biden helped overthrow the Ukrainian President in 2014 speaks volumes about you, and your first comment, being a complete load of bullsht
@From zero to something and no grown man addresses another man as “my dear”. You are as suspect as it gets
@Mark The only thing I can find is claims made by Russia about it and you don’t have anything either because if you really had anything substantial you would have send a link but the only thing you do is spouting Russian propaganda “it’s easy to find, everyone knows it” but you can’t back up your claims.
@allabout perspective Everyone knows YouTube removes comments that provide outside links. Your lack of knowledge about what agreements were made when the Berlin Wall came down tells me you are a kid
It is folly to withhold training of Ukrainian pilots on F16s ! Consider that at some point the US may decide to give F16s to Ukraine… then they would have fully trained pilots…instead of having to wait a further 6 months while their pilots are trained.
What’s really folly is continuing to give these corrupt losers hundreds of billions of dollars.
I can almost guarantee you somewhere in the world right now Ukrainian pilots are being trained in that exact machine. Whatever we may publicly say, and remember Biden is allowed to do that as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces he doesn’t technically need Congress is for approval for training missions only to declare war
They are being trained of course as we speak
Do you know how much an f16 costs? You guys are so willing to throw money into a foreign war when we have problems in our own country
@Shane Alan
Is it either / or in your little mind?
They will definitely get F16s eventually. I think they need to stop openly saying what they are giving to Ukraine.
That’s deliberate. DoD has released everything or almost everything to the press. They probably want to keep the other side informed about the weapons etc. This is a good strategy if your goal is not to spook Russia. (It is a war, but ideally, Russia should not feel that their country is in danger, for obvious reasons)
what happens behind the scenes is mostly likely very different to what is being said on the media. i cannot know if jets are coming or not, but im very certain that lots of steps in various directions are made long before we hear of it.
I hope so.
Right, nobody wanted to piss off Russia, especially Germany in the beginning, sending helmets
, our country, Czechia, started to send T72 tanks and BMP armoured vehicles in April, they didn’t talk about it, there was no single article in news, but many pictures on social media with trains loaded with tanks, heading towards Ukraine, so everyone knew, and accepted it, we don’t have to let our enemy know what we are doing, they know anyway, probably, even it’s not official, we don’t care, we are just providing military assistance to a country, that was invaded, that’s it, it’s not an escalation but help a country in need, I wish our army had long range missiles, there would NO discussion about it, they need it more, our neighbours falling under Russian sphere of influence once again is threatening our safety too, unfortunately, our Soviet weapons don’t really make a difference, so thank you USA, for sending weapons that can make a difference even in small numbers, like HIMARS and M777, Sláva Ukrajině 
, Sláva USA
, from 
Indeed. Last year the media was a large player in the blocking of the delivery of airplanes, in fact the basic cause. They need to tone themselves down a bit (large bit) and realize that it’s blatantly stupid to tell your adversary all you are going to do. This is just cheap sensationalism at the cost of dying Ukrainians.
Come on CNN, get your act together and quit the chase for dollars. Profit is the result of good work, but putting profit on the foreground is bound to hamper that good work and ultimately cost you. It’s the spiral staircase down.
Ukraine needs help because if Ukraine falls USA will have a bigger problem. Russia, Iran, China will support each other against West that they so much hate. And those countries do not play honestly.
Considering the extent to which the west is committed to saving Ukraine, a defeat in Ukraine would be the kind of failure that would resonate all the way to Washington. Effectively, such a defeat would hand over the world to the likes of Russia, Iran and China. At the most the west could hope to hang on and try to survive in an increasingly hostile world. History is not kind to losers.
Fog of war

100% support my country USA to aide Ukrainians in defending themselves and their country!!

And start ww3. Yay I’m excited lol
No one asked
She looked at her student wondering if she could ever get through
@babadook WWIII will happen sooner or later. This situation can’t continue without eventual escalation unless Putin dies or he throws all caution to the wind and drops a nuke or a dirty bomb.
Ukraine troops are brave
@john. That’s a nice thought. It must count for something ? What , exactly ?
I want Ukraine to get everything they need to fight, but Sometimes, it is so irritating how some Ukrainian officials Demand the weapons. Zelensky asks, he doesn’t demand weapons. He doesn’t act like the West owes him. This guy acts like we are obligated. Hopefully, this war ends this year with Ukraine winning.
Exactly. The US is doing a lot and he should know that without the US , RUssia would have gotten to Kyiv already. Be thankful and grateful. Work on things behind the scenes and not in the military. Especially when it comes to military assistance and strategy. U don’t want RUssia to know your every move
The Budapest agreement gives Ukraine the right to ask forcefully. They gave up nuclear capability for everyone to live in a safer world. The US and UK and Russia signed this agreement. Russia broke its promise.
I hope people caught the last point the Ukrainian official mentioned!!! The US did announce Fighter Aircraft Training in one of the announcements made by the US last year…
good point
When and who was it? I’m not trying to troll you trust but verify as they say.
You can’t spell Ukraine without UK. Once U.K. send their jets, the rest of Europe will follow.
Very dagerous..
uk, send F-16?
Ukraine should have access to everything the US military has to offer, including troops and nukes. They are our European family and it’s time to show Putin and Russia you do not mess with little brother!!!!
24 feb 2023, Biden Diplomats Trying to Block U.K. Plan to Designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as Terror Group israel 24 news, thanks biden
I trust our Generals and the Pentagon with the big picture. One of the huge problems with the F-16 in Ukraine is that they require almost perfectly maintained airbases to operate from. Smooth, very clean runways. That huge air scoop on the bottom of the fuselage will suck up anything on the runway into its engine and its landing gear cannot handle rough surfaces. The kind of conditions existing in Ukraine with constant rocket attacks would be difficult at best to maintain in an active combat environment. Compare F-16 to the Swedish SAAB JAS-39 Gripen which is directly designed to independently operate, rearm, refuel, and be maintained from highways by small crews and the problem with supplying f-16s becomes obvious. The problem with the SAAB is that there aren’t many of them whereas there are gazzilions of F-16s. The Russian fighters are also designed to operate from their typically poorly maintained airstrips and thereby also from highways and airbases in combat zones.
The other huge problem with supplying standalone fighters operating outside of the combined forces infrastructure that NATO air defense and the F-16 is designed to operate in, is that the balance between air defenses and air superiority is heavily weighted on the air defenses end of the spectrum for both Russia and Ukraine. Basically, the odds are high that anything in the sky gets shot down meaning not just a loss of a machine but more importantly, the loss of a highly and expensively trained pilot. The machines are far more replaceable than the pilots. However, NATO’s combined air operations are are designed specifically to operate in this environment and can, and would quickly attain air superiority over the skies.
Biden is right. Grow mechanized combined capability ground forces as fast and as big as possible to defeat the invaders, then build up Ukraine’s ability to defend its airspace once its borders in the east are reestablished. Ukraine’s navy will also have to be rebuilt to reduce the existential threat that is being created by a Russian attack on NATO and the west.
None of this is lost on the Ukrainians either. Zelinsky has proven to be Churchillesc in the incredible leadership he is providing. Putin on the other hand, has exposed himself as a corrupt and careless leader who is long past his sell by date and terrible for his people. I think that the whole fighter jet conversation is designed to keep NATO members talking to each other and Russia’s war on Ukraine front and center. Biden has been nothing but spectacular in how quickly and solidly his leadership reconstituted NATO (Putin should be given some credit for this as well, as should Trump for attempting to destroy NATO and our strategic alliances)
@Pogo I love how I just keep talking nonsense and this bot keeps posting its script about send planes to Ukraine no matter what I say. Do better Volodomyr (that’s Ukrainian for Vladimir)
@Zelensky likes to Slobba Zucchini! Some folks ignore the clown and just provide reasoned commentary. And not so much a script but something that RAF trainers have said since last year. Also based on USAAF and RAF experience going back to WW2.
@Pogo Yeah I admire your willingness to try and make someone who literally doesn’t care read your script. It’s real dedication.
@Pogo I agree. The SAAB is by far the best option and what you are saying sounds like path that could be traveled to get it into Ukrainian hands.
It’s “Churchillesque,” not “Churchillesc.”
The US don’t want the spectacle of F16’s being shot down.
Hoping for the best, but planning for the worst is shrewd.
The Ukrainian leadership needs to motivate their people by having hope, whereas supporting nations need to prepare their people to continue their support in the long-term.
No can do…… no support for Ukraine
Absolutely. Ukraine has only lost 11,000,000 (refugees) and 300 KIA and MIA and 500k-700k WIA. With 20 million left to man the trenches they have not yet begun to fight!
The American government has to take care of our people first! We cannot continue to take care of the world…all this aid and money going to Ukraine.
2024 cannot come anytime sooner.
Make American great again!
How about letting them Vote or oppose the current tyranny?
The Budapest agreement warrants the training and supply of the ability to expel Russia from Ukraine. Ukraine, along with other former Warsaw Pact countries, has been a member of NATO PfP. Deciding to upgrade Ukraine’s military, to a minimum NATO standard, is not a huge leap. The question the west should ask is, what capabilities would they want to fight this war? I’ll bet more modern aircraft would be on the list.
Give them the Jets Joe…ASAP
Do you want World War 3? You people are really something else..
The Euro fighter is a better platform for their current needs. F16 is a air superiority fighter. The Euro fighter is a low altitude multi-role aircraft that would be far more effective for their mission.
_”How long or short the war is expected to be?”_ I don’t think what anyone say is what they expect, but what they want to say when navigating in the global situation incl. what happens around China and Taiwan. Don’t put much into these words from the politicians, llisten to the military experts instead (though they are just as divided on the topic).
*_”F-16’s”._* – I believe Ukrainian pilots for 7-8 months now have been training on F-16’s in USA incl. on Luke airbase where F-16-highly-experienced pilots are training on F-35’s (and probably pass on some good tips and tricks). What Biden said was not a denial of F-16,s only “we won’t give what they don’t need *now.”* The moment all Ukrainian pilots and other supporting crew, infrastructure etc. is trained ready, Ukraine _will_ get F-16’s, as many as they need. You don’t give a plane until they can both fly, service and support it.
We are not sending Tanks…
Here have some Abraham’s Tanks.
We are not sending any Jets…
Here have some F16’s.
We are not sending any troops…
Here have some…
Thanks Joe!
Joe pushing us right into World War 3! I hope the libs are happy..