New NBC/WSJ poll shows public opinion is moving in favor of an impeachment inquiry. Aired on 10/08/19.
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Majority Of Americans Back Impeachment Inquiry Or Trump's Removal From Office | MTP Daily | MSNBC
The only poll friendly to Trump is Putin’s pole.
Not gonna even try to compete with that. LOLOL
Biggus Dickus just curious who’s poll is this like do you where it came From?
There will always be that 30% who will stick by this traitor no matter what. They are impervious to facts, logic, and basic human empathy. They need to be defeated at the polls and slowly erased from the gene pool.
hondacbx1975 lol
Logan McLean what’s wrong with Democrats taking power when statistics and facts show that America has done best under democratic presidents? What’s your logic about moderation got to do with bad republican administrations?
@Jaime agreed regarding the gene pool cleansing. Never has the world been so shocked at how many morons reside in the US. 30% is waaay too high. Either improve the education system in rust belt and southern states or pay them to use contraceptives
Jaime Stark human empathy starts with helping a woman with her baby not talking her into killing it because it was an inconvenience now that’s logic and a fact of the majority who do it
The quicksand is getting deeper for Trump. Some on his side are even suggesting he’ll resign. Imagine that.
Trump has malignant Narrissism. When we vote him out or impeach him or use the 25th. He may be gone from office. But we will see and hear him until he is dead. He will tweet about crooked Hillary everyday , then the witch hunt and how no other president did as much of the country. We will only be rid of this hate filled man who thrives on dehumanizing people with his ugly words and actions,
@Debra Pelsma good thing some of us could care less what he tweets. Just get the media to not bother with him so we dont have yo hear his whiney voice any more!
Terry Kane nobody is suggesting that
Debra Pelsma the left dehumanizing killing babies and against motherhood
39% says not enough evidence? What? Lol.
proven guilty in multiple situations from Russia and now he got caught doing the same thing with Ukraine.
Mike Blatzheim treason is every single word the President says is spied on that’s treason Because the far left is stopping him from doing his job right and doing that is making my country less safer fory family
@Mike Blatzheim It’s not a deficit to investigate corruption, full stop.
@dozzer009 “just to own the libs ” ? No I am a grown up , that’s not my attraction to Trump , I like him because hes the only one who advocates for American citizens, plain and simple.
Democrats advocate for fake asylum seekers and illegal aliens . That should be the worki of the UN. Not my politicians. Trump understands this concept
Get the Supreme Court to enforce those subpoenas. That’s what their there for
TheDesert IsPatient
Oh I couldn’t agree with you more. I just have reservations about the SCOTUS for obvious reasons.
dozzer009 We will know soon whether our American Democracy is one big fraud, and the whole World will know too.
TheDesert IsPatient because the don’t want half of the democrats to go down with him if they impeach there will be plenty to follow after that
I’m for impeachment. Get on with it.
impeachment, removal from office, forfeit the assets acquired as a result of his crimes while in office.
And 20 years of community service.
Here’s a trowel and a bucket.
Go build that wall orange one.
@Power corrupts yes! NYC can get grimey, he can clean sidewalks, and all the people he stiffed for all those years have a chance to yell at him.
Yeah. They will need to put an ankle monitor on him.
Maybe he could clean the toilets at the statue of liberty.
I don’t read the WSJ or watch NBC so why do you keep saying public opinion Let Fox take this poll it will be different outcomes I watch and read all news not just yours like some people and the average American certainly doesn’t read the wall street journoul mostly just rich people or colleges and universities
Power corrupts you all are against being modern you don’t want free speech this isn’t the olden days I’m voting republican this year
No one is above the Law including the President… Impeach Trump for the crimes he’s committed while in Office in full public view…
Claudy TheArtist everybody but Biden right commie ?
BREAKING NEWS! ‘Cause Donnie breaks everything.
Wait so politicians are waiting on “public opinion” to dictate their next move? How about enforcing the LAW as you do with every other U.S citizen and not rely on whether a majority of people like it or not.
Vicki Ross Tudor The poll was from TWJ only people that read it are rich or in colleges and universities
@Ronda Michalides Why are you here? You just keep posting the same general thing? Why do you watch this channel?
For goodness sakes just get rid of him already
I’m sick hearing abt him
any longer
I’m for impeachment and prison and I wasn’t included in the pole.
Me too
I’m gonna include the pole in you, now bend over.
YouGoobers the poll was from the WSJ what did you expect
YouGoobers here, here…me too!

Do not pass go, do not collect 2 billion dollars, go directly to jail
Stop this fake president from using taxpayer money for his own personal gain.
Elvia Yribe stop half the government from using taxpayers money to line their pockets
Oh come on! Let’s do it and let’s do it as quick as possible!!!
“Anyone who cannot accept the outcome of the election is a threat to our democracy.” -Hillary Cankles Clinton 2016
What or who landed Giuliani senior to jail ? I understand the Ghoul dad was a jailed bird .
We support impeachment impeach him get him out of congress period
What more evidence do we need? He did it right in front of all of us ON CAMERA!
I like how these polls carefully word and structure things so they can later manipulate the results to promote an agenda.