Canada has hit a major milestone with 20 per cent of the eligible population now fully vaccinated, Dr. Amy Tan on what this means and what's next.
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this will never end
At this rate, that’s true. Only 20%?? Geez, Canada. Get the lard out.
@Beth S _Get the lard out._
We’d love to, but Ford doesn’t face the voters in an election until next year.
@Beth S You still cannot see it’s all by design?
@Beth S that’s actually a positive. Thing
Ooooh the Delta variant, sounds great. I can’t wait to get all the latest vaccines every few months. SCIENCE rocks!
LOVE IT!!!!!

I’m sorry, what does she mean by “some sort of normalcy?” Didn’t this all start off a promise of 2 weeks to “flatten the curve?”
The next steps are to get back to NORMAL. Not “some sort of normalcy.”
You’ll be returning to a “new normal” as per Justin trudeau. You will never see normal again. Giving away your freedoms is easy, getting them back not so much.
@DAV3TV what freedoms were given away during this pandemic that we won’t get back?
@DAV3TV – oh please, Justin doesn’t give a rat’s behind about you, and you’re just jealous.
@Pojomania – please don’t use logic, it just freightens them.
You need “some sort of normalcy” before true “normal” returns. Canada could be COVID-free, but that wouldn’t change that most countries aren’t and thus that a few measures (even if they’re just travel restrictions) may be necessary for a while.
Lol 20%. USA is at 47%.
@Francois Dupont Agreed. Though our single dose % is 65% and the USA 53%
Who knows if those are true statistics I don’t believe anyting
@toronto daddy Well Canada is still behind by 150 some million then
@C7777 X That is OK we all have that stupid friend. We still love you C7777 x. and hope you bring your education above the 3rd grade.
@Francois Dupont yeah right
Wow, only 20%?
20% of the ELIGIBLE canadians.
At least we know who and where they are:) HA HA HA GO HO HO AND AND LOL:)
I have the incredible super ability to juxtapose seemingly unrelated concepts and phenomena to forge entirely new paradigms… there.
Moi/Me as well et:) Mother Nature says HI
“I use big words to make myself sound smarter than I actually am”
@KingInTheNorth Smarter only has 7 letters though
Boooo no one cares anymore, next
75% of Canadians so no
I really hope you will never have to lose a relative because of this evil virus. For those who did like me, I sure do care because no one wants to be next in line to lose its life. Wish you the best! Cheers,
@M Mans Take care M Mans sorry for your heartbreak. Take heart there are true Canadians that care and we will get through this together. TJ is just that ignorant friend, no worries.
still not cute enough try harder
That’s it? Only 20%? That’s not a milestone, not even a inchstone.
80-90% now. You can’t help but laugh watching this
This was a weird interaction
i already stopped wearing my mask while driving alone in my car on grid roads in saskatchewan. feeling confident. hahahahaha
I went a step further and stopped wearing my mask outdoors if the nearest person is 6 metres away.
I stopped wearing my mask while having sex with my wife.
I started wearing a mask when i take a poop
@Ferd The Terd Along With The Baaaahaaa! Flock.
@Ferd The Terd your taking the safest poops. Covid doesn’t stand a chance against you!
She’s so happy to be on tv

And Ontario remains closed. Thank Emperor Ford!
Don’t forget your numbers though. 15% of those 20% of Canadians who have received both dosages can still contract the virus. lol.
You may want to check your information on that one.
@Dallin Bissett you can still catch covid and transmit the various. The only thing it may do is that you MAY NOT have severe case of Covid.
Another clueless conpririturd who just can’t seem to get any of their facts right.
Hidous, soulless human impersonators
what a shill !!!!!!!
Ah yes “trust the science.”
Even though science is the reason we’re in this mess.
Thanks Wuhan!
100% — digging up my copy of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
Nobody cares what you need.