New Treasury Department data reveals that large corporations and companies linked to Trump associates received millions in loans for small businesses hurt by coronavirus. Stephanie Ruhle tells Lawrence O’Donnell that it’s up to Congress to decide whether to forgive these loans now that “we see how abused this program became.” Tim O’Brien also joins. Aired on 7/7/2020.
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Major Corporations, Companies Linked To Trump Associates Got Business Loans | The Last Word | MSNBC
He’s helping his friends with our money, wow. What a shocker.

Now you know the real reason why anyone supports this orange pestilence. It’s because he’s a grifter’s best friend.
@Sovereign Butterfly: Why don’t we call Trump what he really is amongst others. He’s a corporatist.
@TheBase1aransas: Trump gave a tax break to the top 1% of 1.5 Trillion by 2027 and seeing they don’t even pay taxes! Why would they need it?
@B W Who?
Surprise! Donald Trump took a good thing, and made it into something that makes you feel sick.
Kanye West has plenty of money!
This isn’t ok.
They’re handling this like they handle everything.
Stay tuned. This is just a small part of the Big Sting Team Trump has been planning for decades. God Bless @MSNBC for stepping in it again and running with it. If it wasn’t for what I’ve learned from the Q drops, none of this would make sense. Team Trump is bringing truth back to government. Let justice be done though the Heavens may fall.
No wonder Kanye wants to President. Being a crazy narcissist is highly profitable at taxpayers expense.
@TheBase1aransas You Q people are like Inspector Gadget working for Perdue Chicken, but investigating why so many chickens go missing on their farms. When will you realize the emperor has no clothes on and the great and mighty wizard isn’t great and mighty at all?
@Bee Majic Why are you against the American Constitution so many people DIED FOR? Your god has no clothes and is totally #EXPOSED. Learn to grow food.
@TheBase1aransas You mean the constitution that promotes checks and balances, and a free press, while making it hard for someone to act as a king? I think Trump with his absolute power statements is the one against the constitution.
The Republicans continue to steal betray and stay silent while they steal from the American people.
And insisting on austerity for the rest of us.
You have 66 upvotes as of now. Tim O’brien seems to forget that 700B is the exact number of the initial bailout Obama and McNoname suspended their campaigns for in 2008 to twist Congress arms. The Banks own the politicians and the media. And [they] both hate @POTUS for a reason. You are obviously ‘commissioned’ by the Com U Nst. Are you implicating Tim O’B?
Obamagate did he get a take…
I’ll be buggered….
Who would have thought….
OBAMA got some…
can you imagine 4 more years of this shitshow??????
Go figure, not surprised. The rest of the GOP got their sticky hands in the cookie jar.
This is not all about the gop. Rich people from both parties got richer.
@Arthur Dent democrat congress woman from las vegas. They say it in the video
@Demon Dog Only, Republicans are in the White House and Senate and currently hold key positions, like Pompeo, Mnuchin, Moscow Mitch and too many to mention. So yeah, there’s a democrat in las Vegas. Cool story.
@Arthur Dent i’m not a republican but lets face it if the hate continues it will destroy America. Both sides need to work together and if you really cant stand republicans then atleast be better then you feel they are
It’s not just their hands, they all took a dive into that jar.
Remember Trump white house did not want to publish companies and corporations who got the free money.
Trump is corrupt and his friends are crooks.
Yes and now we know why
Trump is corrupt, a crook, a pathological liar, and a sociopath.
Please explain how this is free money. It’s either a loan or it’s money used to pay people who would otherwise be on unemployment.
@WilliamW the loans likely won’t need to be repaid (because of easy loan forgiveness conditions) and the money taken doesn’t need to end up with employees (because the program did not stipulate the strict terms of use)
@William W you could say that you earn money doing something like ebay and qualify for it, most likely you would get 3,000 that was completely forgivable, because obviously you’re not a major employer or a Trump ally. The loans themselves have no terms for repayment.
The most corrupted mafia family I have never seen before.
better to say the history has not seen such a corrupt person. is he clean in any way , or all cheat, lie, corrupt, misuse his power
The mafia have morals trump and his mutant children have none
Nettle Boyss Sunvanbeen …..Endless episodes of the Sopranos!
More like openly corrupt
Was this a surprise? It is what the Trumpocracy is all about. Now it is just too lazy and corrupt to even try to hide it.
Michael Bray It might not be a surprise, but it needs to be reported. Then acted upon.
No need to hide! They have Barr and the trump-unsupreme court. And they need only to hide their money and cheat the IRS. Piece of cake.
Scott O’Keeffe The NCTs are our in their dozens “acting upon it”…he will get his comeuppance and it will crush him but more so his family, especially his children. A stellar Dad…
Is anybody surprised? Wasn’t Kanye claiming to be a billionaire?
@Cliff Perkins GREED
@Cliff Perkins Reward money for being loyal.
@Stacy Jaye ofcourse he is!?
Just like trump!
Can people stop asking if anyone is surprised? Yes, I actually AM surprised a lawyer and an entertainer got millions of dollars when millions of regular people haven’t even gotten our $1,200.
@Le Chat Noir I wasn’ t surprised at all. Disappointed, but not surprised
If you wanted to drain the swamp, and you voted for Trump…
Now it is the swamp that is draining YOU!
Well stated .’s either a swump, or a Tramp…”That’s why the leader is a tramp”.

Great observation. The swamp is draining you…. wow…
Like in Russia… Swamp drain you
This is disgusting as the small family businesses got peanuts.
If they got anything at all.
Mitch didnt want to give Tax {Payers $1200.. He is still holding up the second payment.
I received nothing for my business
@LaTonya Milton yeah…
they ”ran out”
they could have been heros, all they had to do was lead well, and they failed when we needed them most
maybe next year
@LaTonya Milton I am so sorry to hear that. We must vote in November to make changes!
The look on Moscow Mitch’s face while Trump was signing that stimulus bill said it all.
That’s why they signed the bill real fast!
Why involve Russia? Mitch is from Kentucky isn’t he? To blame other nations for America’s failure in stopping this criminal is an own goal.
@Samantha W Moscow Mitch is in reference to McConnell getting a ban lifted for a Russian Oligarch who put an aluminum plant in Kentucky as payment.
So trump takes government money for himself? He is a cpleptocrat just like Putin then.
@NewLifeStartsNow It’s because ” If someone said it , it must be true !” SAD But
it is an unknown common
fact that an excellent education can be wasted because of blowhard mentality ! Some of us are jaw dropping amazement when someone with excellent educational
achievement can be a functional moron !!
Now do you see it? Trump’s a facist a liar, cheat and theif. You can’t take care of a country playing games like this Donald TRUMP! Remember when asked about the matrix of the loans and TRUMP pointed to his Head and “me, I am”. Then you knew we’re going to get Screwed America. Dam cheatin snakes. Kanye West the sell out! I’m so glad I don’t buy his music. I never liked him anyway. AMERICA! Dumptrump!! On his FAT Ash in November!! 2020!!!
james moretti Thanks for your response, James. Really appreciate someone out there who is present in the same real world I’m living in. Take care.
Another four years of Donald TRUMP would never never restore faith in humanity again. This Man has brought us closer to a third world country like never before. Capitalism abounds and unchecked because he’s fired All restraints. Remember when TRUMP said That Obama should have taken the oil after the Iraq war? That told me Trump is here to steal
low and behold. Trumpsters! You know how to pick em. No wonder he said he wasn’t talking a salary. He’s went for the Goose. Trumpsters!!!, Trumpetz!!! Where you at! Somebody needs to check their Pockets too. You never with this clown in Office
@james moretti Everything the Russian government ever did was corrupt. You know how many people just disappeared because they didn’t agree…stop playing devil’s advocate.
Kanye is so essential
Devos really needs the money. She has 10 yachts.
Amway Scammers!
Christian Xander James ….Betsy’s got a great tan! I bet floating around Lake Michigan on those yachts
costs lots of gas money
! Mitch and his Grifter Wife should be investigated thoroughly!,
Now y’all going to tell me, Kanye is not running to split the Democrats votes
Bought with money made from the Amway pyramid scheme.
Even if Trump admitted to his corruption his loyal subjects would still say its “Fake News.”
@Gregg Arsenault I just said daddy hunter did no wrong.isn’t it. But i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
@CmC RR100 I just said daddy hunter did no wrong.isn’t it. But i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings
@D W I just said daddy hunter did no wrong.isn’t it. But i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings
Stay Hungry are you ignorant or just plain stupid? Didn’t I recommend engaging brain before posting? Is that too fvcking difficult for you?
@TheBase1aransas <---Did you guys know its possible to get paid from home by posting anti american rhetoric for nazi affiliated groups? Just ask this guy and he'll hook you up.
Shocker, the only bill republicans are willing to pass is one that gives money to their corporate masters, friends and family. This is failed state levels of corruption.
Trump’s presidency has been nothing more than a four year long smash & grab crime spree for him, his dysfunctional rotten kids, and their cronies.
@Allan Gregory Like Stormy earned her money?
Any facts there or just runaway emotions.
Colin Cleveland incest…..a family game everyone can play
Ernst Bohm What does “deal with it” look like to you?
jo-ann varley Not as simple as just Murdoch’s press. As an Australian I find Murdoch repugnant and he can’t die soon enough. But there are many dysfunctional things about the press, and social media, which have contributed to the mess the US and other nations which have bought into populism.
Kanye announced he’s running for president — perhaps Trump offered him money to do so as that might siphon enough votes away from Biden that Trump wins again.
Did he? Missed that. Kanye is despicable
@Deauq E — Yes he did … I can’t say how serious he is, but if he were to run and the race tightens up from where it is now, as it did in 2016, then Kanye might swing the election to Trump. And yes, Kanye is despicable.
He is such a POS you will probably vote him in
Specially Black people’s vote that were not going for Trump.
@Romulo Silva Black people have his number. He’s only going to make a fool of himself.
Rich got all the money, poor got pennies if that…
Charles T. “Thems’ that got may have, thems’ that not may lose, so the Bible says and it still is news,
Mama may have, and Papa may have, but god bless the child that’s got his own, that’s got his own.”
trump’s administration is the most CORRUPT ever
William Samsil: The White House that used nuclear weapons on a defeated Japan were the worst.
Becoming the first nuclear “super-power” is the beginning of this empires’ betrayal of humanity.
@gary grine: What he said made sense to me. Admit it. You’re not looking to make sense.
@gary grine more then you
@John Watt trump is the worse president ever and the DUMBEST.
Teflon Don and McConnell’s Mafia must go!
Barr’s Gestapo as well…
This is just fraud pure and simple with no oversight in place, 700 billion dollars no less, lock them all up