Author of “What You Need to Know About Voting—And Why” and former U.S. Assistant Attorney Kim Wehle says access to absentee ballots is vital now that American democracy is at stake.
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Mail-In Voting Is Not Political, It’s About ‘We The People’ | MSNBC
Trump should never complain about fraud when he is the poster child for it.
@William H Music 2020 REPORTED!
@Glenda Graves it was all psycho babble fake news propaganda
@diane frady you really are that stupid. Part of it is his residence

libt @rd reprobates 

@kimmer824 And standing on the gallows with Rump and Pence and all his enablers in the senate!
@diane frady Trump and Pence are the Patriots sending your corrupt dem on kkk rats to the gallows, stupid. Try to wake up. It’s all going to come out. Nothing can stop what is coming. NOTHING!!!

Everyone here in the UK has the option of a vote by mail – we call it a ‘postal vote’. We’ve had it for years and there’s no problem or fraud. The system and allocation of postal votes are carefully monitored so the opportunity for fraud doesn’t arise. It’s a critical democratic option for those people who may be disabled or unable to physically make it to the polling station. Everything that Trump has said to discredit postal voting is false. He is just trying to undermine democracy.
@Brian Daniels
I dont want to be reduced to a barcode.
Its against my American civil.liberties, big brother aversion, religion & plain common sense.
No Thanks.
Ive worked data systems since before Windows no computerized system is infallible. Todays ingenius gamer- hackers find the back door eventually.
@diane frady Now more than ever since Ivanka owns the voting machines.
@Anne Rigby ohhh
To recall a respected leader that didnt need
constant spotlights & pathetic praise. Who walked & talked as a confident well educated responsible adult. Those were the good ole days… Sigh.
So should we write in Michelle as VP???
@Brian Daniels Federal elections are pretty hard to hack. Domestic mail is also hard. Thats why most of Trump supporters election fraud examples are at
the local.levels of govt. The worst Fed offense was to get another republican, GW Bush, elected. His brother Jeb Bush Gov of FL “arranged” for thousands of absentee military, foreign service, corp workers, travellers votes to “accidentally” fall off an inbound ship near the coast of Florida. That sparked the longest & fiercest battle over
election fraud in US history. John Kerry should have won .
Im surprised Hillary didnt fight the 2016 results.
@Lord Baxter Thats over a local municipal
election. I repeat, US Federal Election hacks are rare & extremely difficult.
djt out this fall–the suppress wont work-not this go around!!!!!!!!!!!!
Make America Great Again!
: America was Great before Trump.
@Renas Dupont Jesus is a globalist…one who is *for* the whole world, over one country.
@songbird If you are attempting to stay intellectually honest. What is the difference between socialism and communism? What did you read? If higher taxes to rich and corporations is not what you read. What is your ideal America? Which God are you referring to with 5,000+ known religions in the world today. Staying intelligently honest.
@Mike Albert Rump has been a failure and Liar since day 1!
@Renas Dupont Rump family has their crap made in China!!
@diane frady yeah because those before made the manufacture go to China
When Trump and his administration vote in person, then I’ll take mail-in voting fraud seriously.
@Uncle Ed
@Yolanda Gonzales The debate schedule for Biden vs the President has been limited only by the Biden Campaign.
Biden can’t win a debate against Grover from Sesame Street, which is reecist.
@Peter Bills
Biden has actually always been a very good debater. But I suppose I shouldn’t mind you lowering expectations of him.
So what you are saying is only democrats would be voting by mail, and cause fraud. Republicans would never do anything wrong
Early vote , If you can’t get out or you’re out of your state just do it vote by mail in November request a absentee ballot immediately , wear your mask period
dont wait til election night to request mail in ballots. it takes time for the system to add you to the database and the timeline to mail them in is very strict.. and at the same time have a backup plan to get to the polls incase you dont get your ballot in time for an election. we are already seeing states not even send out requested ballots at all.
Absentee ballots are very restricted in Texas, the most gerrymandered state in the Union. (Not the Confederacy, for those who are a century behind in their history).
A R. The mark of a troll – always try to redirect the topic under discussion.

@songbird everyone that can go early vote in Texas , wear your mask
@Jock Young Plus a majority of protesters were wearing masks!
This is just another way to disenfranchise minority voters. Look at where all of the polling locations are being closed down.
youre racist to think minorities are not able to do something because of their races
@Renas Dupont
Of course minorities are able to do something when Republicans shut down their polling places. They are able to vote by mail. That’s the whole point!
Not just minorities…in Texas, it’s anyone who is under 65, can see, and is not disabled. Allowing only the elderly to vote by mail empowers the Republican vote.
If you believe that , you’re dumber than your pedophore Traitor leaders.
OUT with all the Trators.
tRump’s only tool is PROPAGANDA.
…so like Hitler, and there the comparison doesn’t end either
Hitler was a Democrat!
@J S Trumps heritage is German . Heil comrade!
@M D
Not all Germans were Nazis but all.Democrats are.NAZIS.
I’m going to use the Sgt.York defense. If Trump’s fer it, I’m agin it!
Trump thinks of fraud as what smart people do when they don’t get caught
Yes that can be true but when you catch people like this with proof prosecute that’s what I’m doing !
IKR! Those coal miners in PA and WV are such idiots. They deserve what they’re gonna get promoting climate change through their works.
….anything done legally is fraud to him!
Like Biden and al on the Russian scam, Bengazi, washed emails, kick.back Biden…bag man hunter?
One incident of 50 (and more to come)
The incompetent and obvious Voter Suppression in the Red State demands that Mail-in Voting be encouraged to assure that every Patriotic Citizen has the ability to VOTE.
The ONLY votes that get counted are from those who are registered voters. Typical Fake Info from Republicans. I call bullshi*.
@Tim Jester fake news
Tim Jester – what’s your source of that statistic?
Tim Jester Lol why lie just really silly?
Mark my words, it’s a clusterf@ck waiting to happen. Democrats screw counting their own caucus.
Your going to blindly mass mail blank ballots to address of an outdated database, with no verification who ends up with them, no verification they were actually delivered at all, no verification of whose is actually filling them out. Count on missing and long delayed vote counts as boxes will mysteriously show up long after the deadline.
What would keep me from following behind the mailman picking these out all day long?
Modern coping machines can reproduce exactly and you think they’re really checking for watermarks or security features ? Or so e I trained partisan volunteers teer is comparing signatures? There a hundred ways to screw it up with no way to correct it.
And when it all goes to crap, and it will, then its get really complicated. You disqualify a portion of the electoral count? How long to wait till it gets settled?
Legal contesting of the vote count us guaranteed.
It’s an idiotic idea.
Remember I told you so.
If they’re so against mail-in ballots, why aren’t they doing something about the chaos at the polls? State after state is having significant difficulties submitting their preferences at the polling stations. This administration is so full of lies and deceit. :-/
Because they WANT the problems with the Polls – they RIG the machines, reduce the number of polls to discourage voting AND they are SENDING THUGS TO INTIMIDATE Voters!!
@D. Price Who are “they” and what machines have “they” rigged?
@D. Price If they try to intimidate I’ll just pull out my handgun and intimidate right back! I’m voting Dem this year all the way down ticket to get the racist thugs and their enablers out of OUR (the American people) W.H. and senate and doj! Let the prosecution begin and get real work done on repairing relations with our allies instead of siding with Russia and other communist states like Rump is doing!
We always vote by mail in my state. It is safer, more convenient, and increases voter turnout.
Yeah that’s what they don’t want.
australia is invaded by moose lime
Renas Dupont:
Thanks to people like you; America is in such a big mess!!!
@chaging1 why is that
@chaging1 and it’s called united states
As a European it is unbelievable to me how Americans have to fight for there right to vote! It’s not a third world country with a dictator…but with Trump and the Rep. everything is possible.
Yeah….everyone you hear here shouting “mah freedom” really mean “I deserve to oppress you for disagreeing with me” It’s 1/3 of the nation.
He sure is acting like a dictator.
Mail-in voters cannot be influenced at the poll stations.
Campaign employees are not allowed in polling places or standing near the entrances, in many states. This is so they cannot influence the voters. I am sorry but I don’t know how many states actually enforce this.
That’s why the republicans are against it, they only “we” they are interested in is” we ourselves”!
It allows more people to get to vote and there’s a printed record. Of course trump hates it.
Personally I am a bit offended when someone uses my dead mother’s name to fraudulently vote.
Republicans just afraid that All of American citizens voting would ruin them, and they are right.