1. @Mike Graham grow up, get an education and maybe you stop hating people that are different and harm nobody, but loving life.

    2. @tbuc Biden is an idiot, he made Russia a monster not only stronger, they got 20 millions more population and also once they have all Ukraine, Russia will be 50 millions more with control of 70% of the world humans food and animals. Russia wants more population and they got it from the idiot Biden and by the way the majority who’s fighting in Ukraine against Ukraine are from Ukraine, they got 7-9 millions refugees and about 13 millions from the added states, Russia already has more Ukrainians than Ukraine itself.

    3. ​@Ovidiu Zambrean Biden is an idiot, he made Russia a monster not only stronger, they got 20 millions more population and also once they have all Ukraine, Russia will be 50 millions more with control of 70% of the world humans food and animals food. Russia wants more population and they got it from the idiot Biden and by the way the majority who’s fighting in Ukraine against Ukraine are from Ukraine, they got 7-9 millions refugees and about 13 millions from the added states, Russia already has more Ukrainians than Ukraine itself.

    4. Biden is an idiot, he made Russia a monster not only stronger, they got 20 millions more population and also once they have all Ukraine, Russia will be 50 millions more with control of 70% of the world humans food and animals food. Russia wants more population and they got it from the idiot Biden and by the way the majority who’s fighting in Ukraine against Ukraine are from Ukraine, they got 7-9 millions refugees and about 13 millions from the added states, Russia already has more Ukrainians than Ukraine itself.

    5. @tbuc Biden is an idiot, he made Russia a monster not only stronger, they got 20 millions more population and also once they have all Ukraine, Russia will be 50 millions more with control of 70% of the world humans food and animals food. Russia wants more population and they got it from the idiot Biden and by the way the majority who’s fighting in Ukraine against Ukraine are from Ukraine, they got 7-9 millions refugees and about 13 millions from the added states, Russia already has more Ukrainians than Ukraine itself.

  1. She’s like an SNL character. When there’s something to tell us, tell us. Until there is, WHY come forward with this kind of nonsense. There’s a reason why these things are not announced publicly they can impact ongoing investigations and prosecutions.

    1. @A A As opposed to Faux News viewers and their blind acceptance to all the lies they’ve been told like worthless unthinking lapdogs???

    2. @D.1.A_Mayby A Trump and Faux News sycophant lecturing anyone else about lying is like Jeffrey Epstein or Ruben VERASTIGUI lecturing anyone else about pedophilia. You are not qualified.

      Shameless trash. LOLOLOL.

  2. This is a time for media to smarten up and not be chasing stories that may harm ongoing legal investigations/prosecutions. Kinda pathetic that media outlets even need to be told to tread carefully when it comes to something with such high stakes.

    1. They and govt bureaucracy are on the same side, and so is every Soros funded prosecutor, just like the faked Steele Dossier paid for by Hillary’s lawyers. GOP isn’t much better. At least they don’t support castrating kids or killing a living baby the day before it’s born.

    2. @fred Exactly. No one more hateful than Jan 6 MAGA insurrectionists wanting to murder Americans and burn America to the ground. 🤣🤣🤣

    3. @Mike Graham Exactly. When will CNN learn that you can make more $$$ by aligning yourself with MAGA Con men and lie to your viewers every single day like Faux News does??? How silly of CNN to think journalistic integrity still matters in America??

    4. @Al Jay “The Walls are Closing In”. Season 7 Episode #9847.

      Mushrooms in the dark order from a huge menu and are fed the same thing.

    1. SOoooo Don don’t you think that this WOMAN is totally inept at having a clear thought on her own, you know just being a mere woman. ORRRRRRRR did your gender equally class CNN made you take work. Don’t worry Don if you get fired from CNN …… MSNBC will probably take you at about 50% of your current salary.

    2. Maggie is a known liar but CNN has no low and will do anything to get people back to watching.
      The continued witch hunt of Trump just serves to bolster claims that there are many that fear him running for President again.

    3. @D.1.A_Mayby A Trump and Faux News sycophant lecturing anyone else about lying is like Jeffrey Epstein or Ruben VERASTIGUI lecturing anyone else about pedophilia. You are not qualified.

      Shameless trash.

  3. Up until now, this investigation, though long, has seemed so professional. The Foreperson that has been on the news was not the right person to be on camera. She was coy, and unprepared to be interviewed….if I was the prosecutor, I’d be so pissed. I agree with other comments. Why does the U.S. have to turn everything into a reality show?

  4. She didn’t say she’d be “surprised” if nothing happens. It took 3 seconds for the newsperson to misquote and misreport the intention of the quote.

    1. The fact that she is doing a press tour … she is going to blow the entire thing. She has given PLENTY to get this thrown out
      – what she is doing is unprecedented and TOTALLY ridiculous.
      Just mind blowing that it’s even allowed.

    2. @Martin Reiter thanks. I’ll listen again. UPDATE: I got ‘sad if nothing happens… frustrated if nothing happens.’

  5. How can DON LEMON sit at a table of women PAST THEIR PRIME? Stunning and brave. If you’re black and gay, you can say anything with zero consequences.

  6. “I will be sad if nothing happens.”
    It’s just a reality show for her and she’s in it for the limelight… which she is getting. I agree that her grandstanding can’t help the prosecutor at all.

  7. That someone like this Grand jury foreperson was even empaneled on a grand jury is beyond comprehension. How was she vetted? Seems to me that she has broken so many rules & regulations that she ought to be prosecuted. Also blame the media for giving her a public platform to showcase her fifteen minutes of “fame” Her revelations will undermine months of work & labor by the justice system. If I were one of the other members of the grand jury I would be livid. Shouldn’t there have a gag order in place to prevent this sort of behavior?

  8. OMG how did this person get elected the foreperson of a very important grand jury! Of course we are eager for the information she has detailed for us but her coy, childlike demeanor is absolutely unbelievable. WOW!

    1. Biden is an idiot, he made Russia a monster not only stronger, they got 20 millions more population and also once they have all Ukraine, Russia will be 50 millions more with control of 70% of the world humans food and animals food. Russia wants more population and they got it from the idiot Biden and by the way the majority who’s fighting in Ukraine against Ukraine are from Ukraine, they got 7-9 millions refugees and about 13 millions from the added states, Russia already has more Ukrainians than Ukraine itself.

  9. Her behavior makes me understand why they say “A Grand Jury would indict a ham sandwich” Not that’ I disagree with their decision but…. yeah, not a person to talk to the press.

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