House impeachment manager Rep. Madeleine Dean joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss how they will make the case to the jury of senators who were “witnesses and victims to the crimes” that Trump incited an insurrection, including how Trump’s “series of lies radicalized” his supporters to attack the Capitol: “He lit the match… and sadly he played on these people’s fears and ignorance.” Aired on 01/16/2021.
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Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of "The West Wing," Lawrence O'Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. O'Donnell convenes diverse panels of guests, including a variety of politicians and cultural voices, to offer unique viewpoints and perspective. In his signature style, O'Donnell highlights the latest news developments and offers his take on the political stories driving the national conversation.
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#ImpeachmentManager #Trump #MSNBC
Madeleine: Trump Is ‘Guilty Of The Worst And Highest Crimes & Misdemeanors’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
This insurrection shocked me, it broke my heart to see what happened and indeed what continues to transpire. Only truth will settle us.
And only the Republicans, particularly Trump, can tell that truth. The duped will not believe anyone else.
It shocked me, but it didn’t surprise me. I knew in my heart something like this was going to happen. It’s truly a horrible and heartbreaking thing to see.
I hope and pray no more attacks will happen. May you all stay safe. 

@IncognitoTorpedo If he said it now… They would believe he’s being forced to… Its too late. Can’t see Trump admitting that he lied. He actually ‘believes’ he won by a landslide… because idiots wanted to appease his tantrums
or death
She is very well-spoken and is able to summon the correct level of gravitas.
@mark broderick She dug her own grave. Like so many on MSNBC.
fis that
oh wow
@Shoahshana Goldberg-Shekelstein At the very least she speaks in whole sentences and doesn’t ramble like your dear cult leader!
@Shoahshana Goldberg-Shekelstein It means she speaks English instead of Trumpish. Whole sentences and everything!
@TheBase1aransas No kiddo – you are still fast asleep. When you wake up you’re going to be really embarrassed that you let a con man fool you for so long. Still, better late than never.
Don’t give him the dignity of Marine One to leave the White House on the 20th, just call a cab and march him to the gate!
If he leaves to mar logo just an hour before Biden is sworn into office the captain of the jet should hand tRUMP a parachute and say I don’t work for you anymore…get out of my jet…NOW
Nope – he’d turn that into a parade. Better to lift him out and dump him.
@nofaithjusthope If only.
So true

He can get that ride , in handcuffs!
Bring the police, as many as possible, cuz the right has been trying to water this down, trying to say it wasn’t as bad as ‘they’ say.
@William Conrad Stop the lies!!!!
@Justice 1ST What lies?
@Justice 1ST Federal prosecutors on Thursday announced charges against John Sullivan, a self-described left-wing activist who recorded the fatal police shooting of a Trump supporter inside the U.S. Capitol last week.
Sullivan, the founder of a group called Insurgence USA, which formed in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, is charged with illegally entering the Capitol, civil disorder, and violent or disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.
Sullivan, 26, faces separate charges of rioting and criminal mischief in connection with an incident in Provo, Utah on June 30, 2020, where a person was shot and injured during a protest against police brutality.
@William Conrad Ahh, you found a leftie journalist. Well, that explains it all … he hypnotized those right-wing militia and Qanon zombies into attacking police injuring 14 and killing one, smashing windows and doors, looking for hostages. defecating in the hallways … glad you cleared that up for us
The left is suddenly against violent ANTIFA/BLM protests. The Bill Ayers/KKK party has a proud 75 years history of political violence. Maybe the right’s learning what it takes if you want a voice in DC?
He is the OLDEST kid in the USA!!
I was just thinking about how many more witnesses dose it take to prove something happened and how. The whole world witnessed it.
Trump wont be satisfied until he leads his little army into war against our military or and local police. It’s his dream and desire. He wants people to die just for him.
Seeing an event reported on on TV isnt being a witness wtf are you talking about
@Donna B Ridiculous!
@Sheila Boston Thank you!
@Donna B I will sleep very well with Trump out of power. Now go on with your life and stop being foolish for a fat old now powerless failed reality star.
the mystery to most of the world is how can Trump still be free and not charged with any crime? He incited an insurrection – isn’t that a crime in the US?
@Ce Nut that’s great, anyone can make unsubstantial claims! Just like Trump can claim the election was stolen so can people claim he is a criminal… Got to provide evidence.
Where’s the evidence. There is none…
No, as you will see, in America inciting an insurrection is not a crime if you’re rich, white and powerful.
@Jon Patrick
the left always has to include race in EVERYTHING! White white white white white….
Let me know how that mind set has worked out for you in a couple years. I’m sure you will get so far with color in your eyes
@Joe Schofield – I linked you a DC prosecutor’s channel. Did you look? It will be difficult for you to watch, but please to so. It might be good for you. He describes the evidence there – a lot of it is financial documents, transcripts that sort of thing. That’s why I provided it. I’m not a legal expert- he is.
Paul, you should spend time buying kevlar helmets and flak jackets for your kids… the Deplorables are going to target antifa families. they learned this tactic from Anders Breivik
Why isn’t anyone talking about the officer who lost his eye. ??? The FBI said this in their statement ???
Because that is a wound compared to a death
Tfis that
oh wow
Trump wont be satisfied until he leads his little army into war against our military or and local police. It’s his dream and desire. He wants people to die just for him.
@Remey Momma exactly. This is why he pardoned those “Military contractors”.
@Fitawrari Fitness not for long
The Trump Family needs jail time. And if 17 Republicans dont convict Trump … them America and all its values…is a lie.
@Remey Momma ANTIFA is not my people. Your people caused 2 billion in damages, killed 20, and wounded 800 police officers. You should be arrested for treason.
@William Conrad The economic plan President Biden has put forth benefits every state and and everyone. Increase in vaccine, stimulus relief, increase in Federal wage. Why wouldn’t Trump supporters give him a chance? You have nothing to lose.
@Remey Momma I liked Trumps 5% economic growth and tireless efforts to help American workers by fixing horrible trade agreements that hurt average people. I like border security and military strength, peace in the mideast, and no more wars. I really appreciated having a President who advocated for Americans, and didn’t spew hatred for American founding principles. It’s stunning how these accomplishments drew 4 years of nonstop hatred to destroy him politically and personally. So, no – I won’t be giving him a chance.
Yes I agree
absolutely jail time
the only lie is that your antifa anti-Americans are going to be protected by the police and military..they are majority deplorables
A person dont have to be smart to see the crime this man has committed.
@firestream93 Treason is well defined in all legislations. In UK it includes shagging the heir to the throne’s missus.
Here we are less dramatic than in the USA. Dodo Al Fahed died in the tunnel! ( FactCheck: Sorry to spoil a nice little conspiracy but it was a simple drunk driving accident with tragic consequences, nothing more. That seems not to be the case at Capitol Hill.)
Federal prosecutors on Thursday announced charges against John Sullivan, a self-described left-wing activist who recorded the fatal police shooting of a Trump supporter inside the U.S. Capitol last week.
Sullivan, the founder of a group called Insurgence USA, which formed in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, is charged with illegally entering the Capitol, civil disorder, and violent or disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.
Sullivan, 26, faces separate charges of rioting and criminal mischief in connection with an incident in Provo, Utah on June 30, 2020, where a person was shot and injured during a protest against police brutality.
@firestream93 None. They’re playing to the masses of uneducated morons running around like ferrule cats.
@aarkaarkangel Luckily America isn’t the UK, right?
@Joe Schofield Mueller’s report was full of crimes, Barr covered up, but they will all be gone soon enough and obstruction of justice carries hefty penalties. Hope he runs far.
Imagine this in future history books my kids will be getting an A+
@Babygirl_faith xx WE WITNESSED HISTORY. We thank God it wasn’t WORLD WAR III.
I can’t help but wonder if the security briefs that they wouldn’t let Biden into would have reported on the planned attack.
Maybe worse: What if there was information that was purposely ignored so that the attack would succeed.
Of course. Trump replaced four Pentagon chiefs late 2020 with his own lackies.
The Trump administration has been downplaying and withholding information Intel on white supremacist groups for 4 years.
so your question is to whether or not they withheld information from Biden,
daaa… Hu…. Daaa yeah, I tink so.
Trump’s guilt is public. The contributors are public. His process leading up to it was public. If I announce I’m robbing a bank in public and then rob the bank, I’m still going to prison.
exposed again
@David Eby Sarcasm, ever heard of it? Next time I’ll be clearer.
Trumps guilt is from nor knowing what you guys take to be pleased. Yall are unreal
you aren’t going to prison richard. the deplorables dont take prisoners
I love that she mentioned him playing off their ignorance. Because that’s exactly what it is
@s g Feelings do not qualify as “truth.” Sorry, try again.
@Bryan Reynolds They get away with it because they are registered as an entertainment source. They are not real news. But a lot of ppl watch them for news not realizing that they are being fed a bunch of lies for entertainment purposes.
@David Eby Give it up. Seriously. You aren’t turning any tides here and you just look weak and pathetic and silly
@Ronnie Marion Not really. It seems I’m the only one on here with a brain!!!!
Yea i like Trump too..i see thegood in him.. Just like someone did for me
True, the world was a witness. Trump is guilty.
Guilty of what ? Be precise.
Tfis that
oh wow
@Carolyn Lyford Sullivan too many to count.
True true
Jesus Christ what is wrong with this Republicans? Do they not fear God. Racist, narcissistic, selfish, lying, psychopath Trump didn’t care about them! He send those domestic terrorist to harm them! He first care about the Constitution, democracy, or American people or the country. He only cares about himself and Power. Isn’t it enough you all stayed silent with his lies? Isn’t it enough he tried to have the VP hang? What else can Trump do for you to wake up! Trump is an American Hitler!!! I guess that’s who you all want to be and represent to!!! He perpetrated to be an American President with your assistance! He threatened Secretary of State in GA to overturn election. We all heard it… what is wrong with you ppl
The” I’ll be with u” part.. was how they were essentially let in, also why no one quickly came to stop them. INSIDE JOB…
Gfis that
oh wow
True true
diaper donny is the very worst of humanity, and yet members of the gop still support him.
My Representative is very well-spoken and articulate. I’m proud to have Madeleine Dean as my Representative.
Dangerous criminal caught in the act Red Handed !
So true

Republicans: “Trump didn’t incite the rioters.”
Rioters: “Yes he did.”
lol busted again
Love how they are all snitching at each other