Madeleine Albright Reacts To Deployment Of Federal Agents In U.S. Cities | All In | MSNBC

Fmr. Sec. of State Madeleine Albright: “For a President and an administration that calls itself ‘law and order,’ they have broken the law, and are creating disorder.” Aired on 7/22/2020.
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Madeleine Albright Reacts To Deployment Of Federal Agents In U.S. Cities | All In | MSNBC


  1. We just have to hold on til Nov 3rd. Keep the protests peaceful then VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! WE WILL GET THRU THIS

    1. I live in Canada but very concerned for Americans. If only we can help but only Americans can change America. Please vote Trump out. He said he’s not going to accept the result if he loses the election. Canadians will pray for you guys.

    2. I think trump goons infiltrate the peaceful prosters and create chaos so he can say “ see they are nothing but rioters and send his unidentified thugs to control the chaos he start it in the first place “ . Its typcal dictator trick to maintain power .

    3. He can do a he// of a lot of damage between Nov and Jan. Plus what McConnell’s Senate can destroy as well.

      A lot of unrest and wealth concentration happened by Bush’s Congrss enacting unfair policies on their way out. Obama’s people brushed everything aside in order to pass health care reform. THAT battle cost all the political capital they had: six years of Republican controll of congress after that fight. Nobody blamed Republicans for ANYTHING.

    4. @Michèle Gagné If it’s a war they want, they’ll get one if Trump doesn’t abide by the results of the election. We’ll bring this country to an economic standstill, with a national strike. Transit corridors blocked, scabs shot. Americans won’t go down without a fight.

  2. Election day is coming. Vote. Don’t allow rain sleet snow or bullying or intimidation stop you from voting. Be ready to go out and fight to defend your vote. Because this may be a prelude to what comes in November

    1. Will be we able to vote? What if these troops are still in the streets of the cities in November. People will be afraid to go out. Everyone request your mail- in ballot.

    2. Meh will wait in line for a restaurant table, movie, carnival ride, But not for their future or Americas !

    3. @Laura Stewart word is they will be trying to delay mail enough that the votes don’t make it back in time to count. Therefore no vote

    4. yeh, a bunch of left sided loonies may try and steal the election just like there was Russia Russia Russia, Marsha .. Oh yea, can’t forget Obummer gate either.

  3. American Democracy is dying under Trump and GOP. When Trump commit crime, GOP keep quiet. All because of power. GOP is a traitor of America. They betray previous leader that sacrifice their life for America. GOP no shame at all.

    1. McConnell is the WORST DO-NOTHING Senate Majority leader in history. Barr WORST Attorney General: They want US to end. United Lands of top 5% rich, white Autocracy.

    2. I couldn’t agree more! You know, since the coronavirus earlier this year along with the historical lockdown, I like many others have have been absolutely inundated with the media, Trump and his administration, and really just everything! I’ve heard over and over from different government officials, social media, etc. All talking abouTrump’s negligence in regards to his leadership or lack thereof on the pandemic! The majority of Americans want Trump out of office yesterday, and not because we just don’t like his personality,, but because he is unfit, and we now have 140,000 Americans that have died because of it! Even now he continues to down play covid19! The American people cannot stop Trump, other than voting him out of office in 4 months, but that’s to long! We need the government to intervene on the American people behalf NOW, otherwise their being negligent and complacent

    1. This is horrible, Trump is only trying to make these cities , look Very Bad ! Stating that they can’t control, their cities, especially the Democrats. This way, again he is removing the focus off of himself….. The 2 books written against him, especially his niece who knows him well…..Anything to make them look really bad ! Especially when Nov 3 rd comes around, many of the Democrats will still be in jail……while the other democrats will be afraid to go out and vote! Gee, they might get arrested……

    2. @Jean Jackson These Democrat Mayors are making themselves look bad. Trump doesn’t have to do it for them.

  4. Is anyone shocked that Chump and Barrf are doing this? As a Manhattan native I can tell you that people in NYC have known for decades who and what Chump is. He doesn’t have one good quality. Not one.

    1. Cut the purse strings for funding. House controls the purse. No Moscow Mitch needed. House already has the votes. This bill hit Congress today. Billy Barr is going to be disbarred. No more power or money.

    2. Everyone, Including his Co Conspirators and Self Interests Groups Know exactly who he was and who he would Become With unlimited Powers. They are all In agreement, Especially the TOP Officials, Justices and Court Systems who Grant him Coverage of his Criminal Past and to date. For them all, they are getting what they expected to get when the Helped Putin Cheat to Put a Street Hustling Grifter Thug In a Position to Help them. All Anyone need to do Is Look at the People who Could have Removed Him and did NOT.!!! They have been the BENEFACTORS of his Psychotic Inhumane Acts and Behaviors. They are Willing Participants and the BS Claim they are afraid of mean Tweets Is just that, BS. . VOTE.

    3. @David DeQuasie This isn’t the first time I’ve read comments like this. It would seem that he had a bad rep with everyone there.

  5. To all trump lovers if this is what you truly think America should be take your child king and go to russia and bow down to your TRUE LEADER PUTIN. It’s where you all belong.

    1. U Really should extract that head from Y O U R a $$$, it seems to B shutting down the oxygen to the brain.

      he is trying to shut down the election. do not underestimate this Agent of Russia’.

    1. I’m a citizen,does that mean I can put on a diguise and come kidnap you? Please provide your address 😛😬

    2. These cities and states are run by Democrats who are using the BLM movement to sway the election. Once again using blacks as political pawns.

    3. @lloyd gray Sorry, you did. Except I’ve been scared of this happening to ANYONE. I’m old, but I would fight like my life depended on it if a guy dressed like them came at me or mine at this point. Even if they had insignia or badges. Trump has destroyed my faith in the Gov’t.

  6. I seriously *cannot* believe that any American would be ok with this. This is absolutely, without a doubt, fascism. We should ALL be outraged and taking action against the tyranny!!

  7. “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.” —Orwell, 1984

    1. If you want a picture of the future under Democrats, think of Chaz/Chop. That’ll be the whole country, then.

    2. Orwell warned us that the ending of the USA will be wrapped up in a flag. conservatives must love fascism to support trump

    3. isnt ari the guy who was doing a live shot telling his audience that the protests were peaceful while standing in front of a burning building? yep that was him

  8. The GOP is either silent or in support of the rise of fascist America taking root in the form of the Trump administration.

    1. Silence = Complicity.

      Isn’t it time that Trump owned buildings begin to spontaneously combust and burn to the ground?

      Send a message that even a cheeto can comprehend.

    2. They stand to gain, seeing as to how they are becoming an ever-dwindling minority themselves. They refuse to adapt in a positive way to the changing times and technology. So the alternative, outside of obsolescence, is to utilize Fascist strategm and change the country into something other than what it has always SAID it wanted to be (and in many ways lived up to, if still flailing along the way). The real question, besides how this will mess up America’s own internal structure and world-standing, is how they think they’ll be allowed to play with the rest of the world once the smoke clears. They’ll be military-policing their own for quite some time to reach anything resembling reliable order, if they really want to double down on this sort of thing, so being a military bully will only go so far elsewhere – not to mention their military’s funding being indirectly cut by the internal damage itself. They could “labor camp” everyone, maybe, once the initial pogroms pass, but each necessary evil along the way only further erodes their standing internally and globally.

      Interesting to see how they’ll pull it off, if/when they go full forward. Hopefully they don’t fall back on the tried and true starting a fight with someone else they know is big and requires draft-level commitments. Can’t picture that going off well, either, these days – will be more resistance to that sort of thing now than even in Vietnam, unless they can false flag something in-country and successfully blame someone else. Hey, it’s been done before in history ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  9. People never learn from history at all. The Republican party allowed all of this to happen to the Divided States of America..

    1. @soylentdean Its big cities that have the most people, often minorities, who have seen the worst the system has on offer. People elect Democrats because they at least TRY to do the most good for the most people. Besides, people WANT to live in cities: best night life, culture, services, etc. Trump only left NYC to avoid legal prosecutions.

    2. @JJ Teacher You’re right, they have seen the worst the system has to offer, but for the last 60 years Democrats have run these cities and keep SAYING they’ll try (at election time, anyway) then do nothing to help minority communities. How many chances do they get?


    1. Richard Conner Especially those State and city governments run by women…he has real mommy issues and has had to import wives from countries where they train their women to be subservient. He fears strong, educated, accomplished, intelligent American women, such as Madeline Albright, who I have greatly admired through my 34 year Federal career.

  11. Camo wearing secret police used to intimidate citizens and suppress protest is something I never thought I’d see in America. Vote the tyrant out in Nov.

  12. Heard a joke today.
    Guess who is really truly happy about Trump’s presidency?

    James Buchanan!
    Because he finally can get rid off the title of the worst POTUS in American history.

    1. Thinking small, though. Imagine how all the “axis” types of countries are loving America’s slow decay in front of the cameras for the world to see. Democracy, huh? Let’s see what it can really handle. THAT’s gold, for them. American’s keep going at each other and threatening their own freedoms – and by extension their own power elsewhere – then that releases some of the blocks that America’s presence as a balance of power entity has on others who would otherwise get a bit more uppity and start flexing.

    2. Sa Sa A rock would be a better president than what we have now. The rock would not stand in the way of the experts in the fight against the virus.

  13. Trump hates a lot of “L” words: Liberals, Liberty, Leaks, Laws, Lincoln, Logic, Latinos, Lives, …

    1. Loves I I words
      Incessant lying

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