Rachel Maddow asks where Trump administration officials like the Secretary of Homeland Security, acting Attorney General, and the Secretary of Defense are in responding to the Trump supporter raid on the U.S. Capitol and who is in a position of leadership to insist on the resignation of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and others who incited the mob. Aired on 01/06/2021.
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#Trump #FederalLeadership #MSNBC
Maddow: Where Is The Federal Leadership Response To Trump's Violent Mob? | MSNBC
Another example of an incompetent administration.
Incompetence?? This was a willful act of sedition and an attempt at a COUP D’ ETAT by Trump and minions a crime that demands accountability.
Can the Republican party embarrass itself any more than this ???
@Sean O exactly, this was the plan
@Sean O EXACTLY ! Trump even talked about it in his last rally in GA… did anyone paid attention? NO
@Sean O Exactly ! This was not incompetence .. this was planned Chaos.. planned insurrection… planned.. It all went exactly to PLAN .. tRump’s plan.. his vile cohorts in the congress .. His reprehensible administration .. they are ALL to blame ! They ALL need to face the full extent of the laws of this country !
Fully exposed herd mentality
@geofo60 Geof Harris you’re long ways away from the danger of losing your subtle humor
BLM. LIBERALS. “ANTI RACISM” “condemning and abusing those that don’t submit”……. but this is bad lol.
Antiffa actually did it dressed as trump fans DC police reports..lol
@Evert Morse That is very disturbing !
@loki 1 really? Interesting how the trump supporters will buy into any conspiracy.
Maybe they are all actors trump pays to go to his rally’s.
“Where is the Federal Leadership?”
They’re hiding like the spineless cowards that they are.
This. That’s all it fkng is
@None Given I reported them for terrorism, inciting violence. Try to free yourself from fake news and foreign propaganda.
At the strip club on s. Capitol street like every night, VIP floor.
“… the best people…” DJTrump
Dont expect leadership from Team Trump. Expect cowardice, denial, lies, and attempts to dodge accountability.
And now Trump lackey resignations.
and so pelosis tells u to eat cake and u do
@Shannon Skelley lol… I am not a Democrat… but you are clearly one of Trump’s sheep
@Everblue Freediving you are a demo rat
God I love this woman she says what others won’t.
You meant “man,” didn’t you?
Exactly.. It needs to be said..!!
This will be the end of the Republican party.. All of the heads of Federal agencies just proved themselves impudent…
Antifa is responsible for this, not Trump supporter!
Antifa Twittered , dressed in black, wear MAGA hats, carrying Americans flags to mix in with Trump’s supporters.
Antifa has been supported by CCP China..
R u idiots blind? Wtf is really wrong with u people? U idiots r so sad and blind!!!!! Democratic leaders should b mad and livid about the voter fraud! Look at the numbers. Stop watching this crooked mouth deep state mouthpiece. Wake the f up Republicans and Democrats!!!! This is divide and conquer!!!!! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!!! U idiots r acting like stupid sheep lead to the slaughter. This is not Republicans and Democrats!!!!! It is the military industrial complex against normal non- political candidates! The idiots n the media made TRUMP. Now they r trying to tear him down, just to prove they can! Wtf is wrong with u sheep! Keep listening to these cnn, nbc, CNBC dumbasses! The United States people r smarter than this ! Come on people! Stop letting these crooked mouth chicken heads like madcow tell u your opinions. Form them yourselves! When BLM was rioting and burning and murdering police officers, what was said by madcow? Nothing! Put your preconceived notions away and open your minds! Really, try it once, just for kicks. Have an open mind American people. We r the greatest country n the fn world for a reason. Don’t forget it!!!!!!!
@Ted Hallett Methinks you are the special kind of stupid! Seem to recall all the looting and burning down of your cities at the BLM protests were kicked off by Trumpers (specifically the news video showing a guy in a police-issue gas mask shouting ‘I’m a civilian’ as he kicked in the winow of a Target store before disappearing into a particularly convenient precinct house)!
@Frank RenewablesCheap it’s so typical and obvious. They all speak like thier leader
Trump removed all the heads of many agencies and put idiots in thier places. This is another issue I have with trump…he hasn’t appointed anyone intelligent to any US agency…he appointed boot lickers who will do what he says.
They have to remove right of way the clown from the White House.
yes please..
Shut up stupid!
they have the right to execute these protestors for treason.
The Mayor of Washington, D.C. …
took charge!
This entire Treasonous ordeal started when McConnell and friends let Trump off the hook with the impeachment. Hold them accountable
Trump’s Republican enablers are his political whores. We should not let them off the hook. We should demand their resignations.
Joe Conner you’re right. Excellent point ( sadly )
isn’t it satisfying that the Dems are totally innocent and will remain?
A confederate flag in the Capitol; I weep for America.
@You’re Not Forgotten China CCP voted fro Biden….
@Liberty Freedom I live in Washington d.c. you are incorrect. These were Trump terrorists. Stay in your lane.
@Liberty Freedom anti-fascism is an ideal beholden by blue-blooded patriots. My great grandfather was an original member of antifa. Only they used tanks, bombs and bullets to put the fascists in their place. The only good fascist is a dead fascist. Why do you dishonor the sacrifices of one of our greatest generations by supporting fascism?
@You’re Not Forgotten Antifa is responsible for this, not Trump supporter!
Antifa Twittered , dressed in black, wear MAGA hats, carrying Americans flags to mix in with Trump’s supporters.
Antifa has been supported by CCP China..
@JJ Rousseaux I live in Washington d.c. you are very wrong or lying like Biden!!.
Antifa is responsible for this, not Trump supporter!
Antifa Twittered , dressed in black, wear MAGA hats, carrying Americans flags to mix in with Trump’s supporters.
Antifa has been supported by CCP China..
Where’s the fierce police action? why aren’t they being tear gased? I know why…
We all do!!
These thugs have dishonored EVERY AMERICAN that died and served for this country.
@caretta1000 I work for a living and don’t need to loot. We are all tired of you trump minions. So please whatever you so called tough guys or poor boys please bring it on.
@MrMike4073 You won’t be disappointed. The para military groups have been preparing for this day for decades. I just hope to stay out of the crossfire.
@caretta1000 LOL Para military…..LOL. You don’t have a clue. I come from a military family (15) all Marines. 10 are lifers. My dad was a sniper in Vietnam. After his 2nd tour he became a sniper instructor until he got his 20. 5 family members are also scout sniper’s. So bring on your paper military. You don’t know what fear is. LOL…..Para military

@MrMike4073 I live in Alaska, everyone just about has a sniper rifle, or hand gun or more AND KNOW HOW TO USE THEM. My folks we’re military just officers and ship captains. Did that look like a paper army in Washington today? They could have burned down the capital if they wished. You won’t be disappointed, they’re coming. Just minus the looting!
@Tech ti Which attitude? It took hours before the federal troops arrrived. Remember the peaceful protest at the Church in Washington? There were more troops to attack peaceful protesters, than to defend the capitol.
To see the zombie hordes climbing the outside walls of the Capital speaks volumes about MAGA followers.
Good night and good luck!
this is just showing your enemies just how easy overtaking your government buildings would be
That’s what you get!!!!!! when you keep on accusing your fellow Americans of being the enemy!!!!!!
Yes, this is very, very serious.
Omg well said!
@Scapegoat for Failed Capitalism I think the point was that it took one dictator wannabe, political 14 supporters and a few mindless people. But this is how dictators ( more capable the this wannabe ) act, having followers who willing to act under the blessings of political supporters and motivated by their leaders.
not quite, you’d have to be white to pull this off. Any other race would have been riddled with bullet holes.
One thing we learned is amendment 25 doesn’t mean Jack
Good night and good luck!
Now some Republicans,want to use the 25th Amendment,to take trump out..
Hold them all accountable! If not next time around we might not be lucky.
And have you called for the same of BLM “protestors”
Agreed. Every senator involved needs to resign. They ALL played a part in the events that unfolded today.
That doesn’t make sense.
That’s what you get!!!! when you keep accusing your fellow Americans of being the enemy!!!!!!!!
The blood shed there today was on thier hands!!!
The traitor confederate flag, says it all.
They should 100% be arrested, drump first.
Cannot!!! Because they are whites