Rachel Maddow discusses the legal and political consequences Donald Trump supporters in the wake of the incitement of insurrection and breach of the U.S. Capitol. Aired on 01/06/2021.
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#Capitol #TrumpSupporters #MSNBC
Maddow: Trump Supporters Moved Past Politics With Criminal Violence At Capitol | MSNBC
And blsck folks were shot and gased for protesting in the streets …. where’s that same aggression now towards unrest?
@April Strickland these statues were losers. Not historical. The needed to be torn down.
@April Strickland someone has died ..a woman shot in the neck! They shot one of their own LOL! Useless.. Trump supporters are absolutely useless.. just like he is!
First of all they deserved to be shot for rioting and killing innocents and second liberals are the biggest hypocrites ever they live rioting when it’s convenient and then act appalled when others do it
WE win after all.. 2 Georgia seats upset, reversing the senate vote ..2 seats upset ALL VOTERS MATTER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbU5-NkbZ1A
@Jessica Hicking Foolish liar. The unarmed victim was murdered by a government agent.
All the politicians who helped promote this sedition should be charged.
@Oscar Moreno It’s all good. I wish I could say this year would be.
@DAVID no sweat.
charged and fired and in prison
Joe’s first Day..kicks off with murder im the house
When native americans went to protest building of pipelines, they were dragged, shot with water cannons. There guys are just walking in like nothing happened. Go figure.
Because they have the Trump shield.
@Marvin Martian martians are from an other planet. Humans are weird.
@winesap2 stop the bs
AZ hear .We respect our Native American.They are very sacred
@Ag3nt Twenty Twenty Ok name them. I’ll wait
If those were black people stalking those officers, the “protestors” would be dead.
@Mark Townes – You *began* your original comment to me *by calling me a misogynistic epithet* …little wonder you were then mistaken for a MAGAt.
#LetBygonesBeBygones, however…
TRUMP wins after all.. 2 Georgia seats upset, reversing the senate vote ..2 seats upset ALL VOTERS MATTER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbU5-NkbZ1A
I want all the BLM supporters to pay close attention. The government agent who murdered the unarmed white woman in the capitol will be awarded a paid vacation. The agent’s identity will be covered up.
I am white and I believe you.
If they were black, Seal Team 6 would be chopping them down left and right.
@louis vicroy i was in the military and the first comment was correct
I have two boys in the Army, one in the special forces. The U.S. military takes an oath to defend against enemies foreign or domestic.
However they are not policemen and in this case it is up to the national guard to take control. Not the U.S Military. It is against the UCMJ to follow unlawful orders.
The Military takes an oath to Defend the constitution. Not the president.
@Darrel Leeseeing I live few blocks away where the biggest riot occurred and I can walk and see all business still closed down from damage. Good one
@Tuck Frump all I want you to know is this. You are weak and pathetic. And if it ever came to a civil war for your leftish views, you would be swallowed up quickly…enjoy your soy milk little boy
We don’t need seal team 6 for such a low taget. We would send Buford T Justice. He can take care of them.
They’re being what their leader is……….criminals, who’s surprised?!

This is a crime. A bomb in the capital. How us that even possible?
It didnt happen. But americans came to show who is yhe real boss the politicians work f0r US! And we wont buy the bull and we will not.allow comminists.to steal our election. Let freedom ring. And stop watching CNN FOR NEWS. They stopped reportiing the facts
TRUMP wins after all.. 2 Georgia seats upset, reversing the senate vote ..2 seats upset ALL VOTERS MATTER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbU5-NkbZ1A
@John Smith Fake news
@shkspr 78 yes it was until Antifa. Showed up and started took up the cause and went way off from the intent of the real protesters. Just like BLM. Except there are more Patriots that don’t follow like sheep. We dont want to destroy businesses. Or burn our government’s buildings or hurt our police. So it’s easy to tell us apart from the instigators. I bet that scared those politicians like pelosi a Mitch. Tho!
@mark Evans it was the RNC HQ.
Oh, that’s what they mean by ‘deplorables’.
I think we need to use stronger words than ‘deplorables’
@Vesperitis T***p Fluffers
@James Sean –

Clinton nailed it and was condemned by the media.
A woman who was shot inside the Capitol building after it was overrun by a pro-Trump mob has died.
@The Truth Is Out 777 that sounds like the kind of BS a Trump supporter would say.
WE win after all.. 2 Georgia seats upset, reversing the senate vote ..2 seats upset ALL VOTERS MATTER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbU5-NkbZ1A
@Mo jed dont feed the The Truth Is Out 777…… fail troll is fail
@Mo jed

Its ok to burn and intimidate other people’s homes businesses and livelihoods and be called peaceful protesters… But when it hits home people legitimately fighting for the integrity of their vote and constitution they are called violent mobs, rioters, criminals, thugs and insurrectionists…we are living in the twilight zone where the media cartel who has a monopoly on truth spins warps and twists the facts to suit their agenda
Who are these people that they took theirs kids to this disgusting act?
Those were not patriots they are now no better than the people they call animals!
Deplorables. Trailer trash.
MAGAott morons. they are everywhere that stupid is
Foh great
IT WAS PROVED WITH FACE RECOGNITION : *Antifa infiltrators entered Congress pretending to be Trump supporters to stop the electoral challenges* They entered the building TOO EASY almost unchallenged which means it was all planned by the Democrats to disrupt the Electoral votes challenge and blame Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60TLCfN1mWM Please share. AmericaVsBigTech.com
I can’t believe how easy they stormed that place they let them in
@Tuck Frump Ahh, racist, AND a Democrat. Imagine that! LOL
i thought that they showing a re-run of the seattle protests….it’s the winter of love
@blake jones You think today looked like Seattle in 2020? WOW, that’s some imagination!
IT WAS PROVED WITH FACE RECOGNITION : *Antifa infiltrators entered Congress pretending to be Trump supporters to stop the electoral challenges* They entered the building TOO EASY almost unchallenged which means it was all planned by the Democrats to disrupt the Electoral votes challenge and blame Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60TLCfN1mWM Please share. AmericaVsBigTech.com
@Scott Morgan
1.Not a fan of BLM (the organization) but I support the slogan.
2. Are you putting the Klan in the same plate with BLM?
Of course it was.
oh great
See them laying about. Like they won. Surround the Capital. Go get these dispicable creeps off The Property sacred ground
Don’t they look relaxed? as chill as if at a music festival or something!
@Vangelina Barrow I’m like. What in the name… And we act like Trump’s not the Problem. He’s so Horrendous
@Eric Wright yeah but he’s really not the problem. He’s a symptom. There’s a much larger issue to uncover. Take a look at 2Tim 3:1-5 and note the attitude of people in “the last days” it identifies what we now know as the Karen’s, Chads and Ken’s and all hypocritical narcissists so prevalent worldwide. And then connect that to the ultimate narcissist who is in control right now 1John 5:19. These people have adopted his spirit his personality and they are so clearly marked by it as if they have a glaring tattoo on their forehead.
So while we marvel at this and watch in horror. Keep in mind that these things are foretold to happen and there is light and hope at the end of this path. Check out jw.org for more info. Stay safe! x
TRUMP wins after all.. 2 Georgia seats upset, reversing the senate vote ..2 seats upset ALL VOTERS MATTER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbU5-NkbZ1A
Toh great
Hey something positive!
Donnie just destroyed the GOP for many years to come.
NOBEL price?
Breaking news: Tweetlers account just got blocked!!! YAAAY!!
@Blitz Roehre k, I’m in Australia. Just grabbed some snacks. Thanks
@Bernes McBernes thanks, still catching up on the news over here
@blue dog anytime freind
@blue dog Australia here,yes definitely,he has a certain amount of time while it’s down,to remove any and all false info and anything that may be inciting violence etc,if he doesn’t he will be banned forever ,I’m not sure in time frame of temporary ban.yaaaay,I believe twitter doesn’t want any blame for what’s just unfolded,this should of happened a long time ago.
Foh great
America: Zero days since the last right-wing attack on democracy
Zoh great
IT WAS PROVED WITH FACE RECOGNITION : *Antifa infiltrators entered Congress pretending to be Trump supporters to stop the electoral challenges* They entered the building TOO EASY almost unchallenged which means it was all planned by the Democrats to disrupt the Electoral votes challenge and blame Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60TLCfN1mWM Please share. AmericaVsBigTech.com
Dear SUSAN COLLINS, so do you still think “he’s learned his lesson”???
Doh great
She’s “concerned” and offers thoughts and prayers. Maine!?! Why did you send her back?
@Guillermo Hernandez Russian bot go back home to Putin! Lock Trump up!
@R Patrick Holguin report him for inciting violence, like I just did.
All this is gonna do is push more and more “moderate” Republicans away from their own party….great!
“Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” – Samuel Johnson
“With all due respect… I beg to submit that it is the first.” -Ambrose Bierce
Rachel “I am done” – so should be the rest of US.