Rachel Maddow reports on the strong condemnations and calls for investigations of Trump-era abuses of the Department of Justice, but points out that some of the people involved in the politicization of the organization are still there and Attorney General Merrick Garland needs to fix the problem for the good of the country.
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#MSNBC #Maddow #DOJ
Dems need to start acting like the party who won and had majority of the votes!!! Laws have to apply to everyone.
MangoMenace Where have you been the last four months? The democrats don’t have the power, there’s only 48 of them, two are republicans hiding in the Democratic Party.
@Rick Simon BS that has nothing to do with it, even if they had 52 or 54 seats they would still lose to the handicap republicans use called the Fillibuster, they need at least 10 republicans which ain’t happening because they are all Trumpnotized and fear for their jobs and careers.
Your reply makes no sense. Everyone is complaining about Manchin because his vote makes the difference between 49 or 50. But you need 60 votes to break a filibuster (spelling!), so Manchin’s vote would be completely irrelevant to that.
@alteredcatscyprus …. Trust me, whos asking you to trust me….. we are never going to meet so what are raving on about ?
But Biden did not get the majority of American votes and true Democrats know it! What happened to the 200,000 votes missing in Arizona, hmm?
More state forensic audits on there way. All the lies will be exposed.
Garland is an old school institutionalist. Their problem is they think everyone has honest intentions and will protect the Independence of the Judiciary.
@SonOf McGringus I understand your frustration. Rupert Murdoch is Satan’s spawn, and his one son is the next generation of that Satan’s spawn. It isn’t only happening in the U.S. either. Murdoch has left a trail of brainwashed people across the globe. If it wasn’t for Murdoch, Trump would have no voice. But now we have Newsmax and OAN to contend with and they are far worse. Call me insane but I do half heartedly believe this was all intentional for world domination – that conspiracy theory may not be that far off. The QAnon quacks seem to have the leader all wrong. The Pope, Vladimir Putin, and Rupert Murdoch sure seem to have a lot in common these days. Vladimir and his forever president status under the Eastern Orthodox Religion of Catholicism, and the White Christian Nationalism on full display over at Fox news. Who was it again that gave the Catholic Church millions of $ for that cathedral to be built in L.A.? Oh yes, Rupert of course. Instead of giving those millions of $ to help the Black and poor community by building homeless shelters and community centers they decided to help the Catholic Latino families. What does the Catholic church preach? It preaches a life of poverty is a life full of good works for the Lord. Now if that isn’t some good brainwashing. You take the two richest men you can find, combine them with your religion and soon enough the entire population has been brainwashed to think it’s okay to be poor. Strange how California has the highest income inequality in the states. You’re either rich, or you’re poor. There is no middle class. Take a good hard look at that – this is what could become of the rest of America. It’s sure happening again in Russia. The right blame it on the left – but I blame it on capitalism and the corrupt brainwashing that goes along with it. All of these white christian nationalists of the south are being brainwashed into starting up these MLM companies – snake oil salesman. And it’s hidden under the name entrepreneurship or America First. I could go on and on and give you tons of names of those in government responsible for the brainwashing – but it’s mainly the church. It’s the biggest Quid Pro Quo to ever happen in the U.S. Religion was never meant to infiltrate our political democracy at a scale that it has. The founders new this too. But the evangelicals say differently – we are one nation under GOD. To them this means it’s okay to be a bigot, a racist and a misogynistic butthead. That’s how God planned it.
. Oh dear, I just gave myself a headache.
@Chadillac yes, that’s what it looks like
@Michel’le J be careful. There are what the FBI call “accelerationists” among us. These people would love nothing more than to start a civil war. They prey on the vulnerability emotion causes. That’s all I’m sayin. Peace and Grace to you.
From what I’ve seen none of them have good intentions they are all corrupt they need to get rid of the Trump crap, This is going to be another term of nothing getting done-very depressing-stop bringing him into what is going on now. He is still running this and the Dems are weak I was hoping they would take charge-so many people fought to vote for them and they are not tossing out some of these corrupt idiots and get rid of McConnell I hate GOP
@Paula Gray I’m well and in good hands..

thank you..be blessed
If anyone of us committed these crimes we’d be put in handcuffs and dragged to jail NO QUESTIONS
@Tricia C Apple could not initially inform the customer because they were under a gag order not to. Those gag orders were renewed annually under Barr’s corrupt regime but they expired when not renewed under this DOJ. Hence Apple was able to notify customers after that expiration. — (Please don’t think by stating these facts that I support the Apple corporation in any way, I don’t. I just wanted you to have the facts.)
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr

@ThunderDog97 I appreciate your information, thank you!
@Tricia C Have a great day Tricia.
a coup from within, scary times
Spot on! Rachael. AG Garland needs to get out a Great Big Mop, and start mopping up the stinking Day-after-frat-party-Mess left behind by the previous administration.
I’m hoping to be wrong but I judge that Garland is a conflict adverse weakling who will pretend to have some other more important tasks to do than cleaning house or dealing with Trump. When he tries to do this, let’s remind him that he has the entire DOJ at his disposal and is expected to multi-task.
Barb A
I suggest you hold your breath until they do things the way you want LOL
The whole justice department needs to be cleaned out. Corruption is rampant!!
Sergei?? WTF. Think again clown, as black man I realized that the democrats are full of crap too. They’re just a little better than the KKK gop.
@ireman570 yeah but what choices do we democrats have? The GOP has gone full fascist full white nationalist party
Yes yes and yes !!
@Kim Clarke
enough said.
@Kim Clarke tell it sister !!!
What is it going to take to get the DOJ to do what seems to be best described as anything.
Garland is the problem; he doesn’t want to clean house, doesn’t want to deal with Trump, he is making weak and tepid noises about voting rights but it’s just eye wash.
Mike R.
now say it the way you really mean it. What is it going to take for the DOJ to do what I and the other leftest want no matter if no crime has been committed? Pretty simple.
It is a “I just hate Trump” complex LOL
@Mainely Amazes me that you all think you know what the DOJ is doing and working on under the new AG. I understand the mistrust after the past 5 years but jumping to conclusions benefits no one.
As long as they collect that check, and pretend they are doing something, they will never go away. We need audits on these people!!
Your statement holds true because so many pretend they are doing something, but are they really?
DOJ…Do your job. We stand to lose our country to incredible, banana republic corruption. It must be stopped.
Apparently their job is illegally spying on people for political ends and has been for decades.
Sandra Louth- it’s already been lost you need to get it back , good luck
because no one seems to be that interested in getting it back
The courts will iron it out
too busy trying to appear non political and worrying about that to hold people accountable.
You’ve got the beginnings of a chant there. “DOJ… DYJ”.
America has so many traitors that it is stunning.
@Snap Dragon about 1 million UnAmericans, and 73 million dumbasses
@Belly Dancer Em Trump won the election. Biden won by fraud
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr You’re just making a fool of yourself here, go and get help, “Post-cult recovery is for many former cult members a difficult process, involving struggles at many levels to return from a restrictive, authoritarian culture to a life of freedom and autonomy.”
Candy Wilson
_”America has so many traitors that it is stunning.”_
There is nothing stunning or surprising about it; it’s just that Americans seem to have zero memory. This has been going on forever. More than 200 Reagan Administration members were charged with crimes back in the 80s and 90s. And do I have to remind you of Bush lying to Congress to get a war started that ruined the U.S. and got half a million people in Iraq killed? Every single cabinet member of the Bush Administration should be in jail today.
But not in America.
It really is. Trump has taunted his successor, Joe Biden, ahead of the US President’s summit with Putin next week – and doubled down on an infamous moment from his own meeting with the Russian leader. He needs to be locked up soon he in a maniac and interfering and something should be done about it-I can only imagine when he lost the election all the US secrets to Putin-he’s not right in the head
Good for Nadler!
Finally the message and tone we need from Democrats!
Well , Jeff locked up kids so he would do anything.
The whole bunch locked up kids and would do anything!
Forget about the asking & negotiating phase of “inviting’ critical witnesses to testify, go straight to subpoenaing them to avoid wasting time.
And lock them up if they refuse.
I’m retired military and I saw this exact behavior from weak officers and NCOs who were conflict adverse; they will stall, delay and pretend to have other duties when it’s time to fight.
Peter Jeffery
you need to go to law school LOL
@Mainely And these cowardly pols got away with it during Judiciary and Intelligence committee hearings!
Wow. Good for you Rachel! This isn’t a Left wing channel, this is a moderate channel telling Dems to wake up. I hope they listen to you…common goddam sense sure isn’t setting in.
For me Merrick Garland looks like he don’t wan’t to upset the Republicans!
I saw weak “leaders” like Garland in the military; they are conflict adverse and don’t want to deal with problems or get their hands dirty. We need a lion, we have a self serving and timid little coward.
Garland is a good attorney general. He just needs to get more gutsy and a lot less wussy about getting on with cleaning up the mess in the DOJ.
@lynn Judd we see…
perhaps he just doesn’t want to bow down to the leftest Democrats?
@Alex Hamilton He get refused to get confirmed under Obama because they did not put him up for vote!
I won’t believe it until I see it. Democratic leaders have a history of weakness and voluntary inactivity. I’m sick of it.
I read one comment as follows ” The Dems are playing Tiddlywinks and the Republicans are playing MMA” Who do you think will win? The Dems are weak and afraid of GQP. In other words you need street fighters not gentlemen in the DOJ. Conclusion hail emperor Dump! We bow before you.
@Grand Wonder Again…this is true. Laws are great. But Democrats do not use the power they are given. Write all the laws you want. Do a million investigations. Dancing around, tiptoeing around, and just plain refusing to use the power they have is the biggest problem. Dejoy is still in the USPS. After all the destruction he caused. Incited nutjobs can do violence and deficate on our Capital and it’s just a normal tour passing through. I don’t think the average person has caught up with the damage to this country and the changes to our every day lives. Day after day is a steady parade of revelations of mind numbing corruption. The bottom line is that Trump’s criminals are still free to roam inside our government and do their dirty work. And what does MG do? Defend Trump with the power of the Department of Justice.
It does take longer to do things by the book instead of just going for it and seeing what you can get away with
they need to fight
Corrupt officials in the DoJ need to be fired ASAP!
I expect revelations of worse things before we get to the completely atrocious.
@Jetsam Peres oh come on, most christians are that in name only, they would lynch jesus if tried to preach today
Oh it’s going to be so bad that people aren’t even going to wrap their brains around it.
George Dunn
I expect a total meltdown of the left when nothing is done to Trump. I also expect BSnbc to run Trump stories 24/7 until 2024. Because they are obsessed and possessed
@Alex Hamilton You could be right, Alex: History is replete with accounts of civilizations that fell because warnings went unheeded.
@Alex Hamilton I agree there will be plenty of coverage. At some point his lawyers are going to argue Trump is not mentally competent to stand trial either in criminal or civil cases.
The Republicans are still running the country in all but name. THIS HAS TO STOP NOW.
The people in the Justice Department should see this Rachel Maddow breakdown and plea… as always, clear and compelling.

@Michele Benedosso Rachel is awesome.*****
Really? REALLY?? The left have destroyed their own minds. You really do need some help.
I’m glad after the last four month somebody besides me figured that out, also Trump is still president in all but name, because the choose to try to ignore him, when it’s obvious that is not working.
You’re delusional, turn off this fake “news” bs channel.
Impossible as it may seem, with Дурак Дон, the ex-Mob-Boss-in-Chief, the truth is always infinitely worse than what is reported.
lol I like that.