Maddow: Republican Disarray Runs Deeper Than Mere Politics | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow looks at how the Republican Party isn't merely dealing with a political course correction after losing an election, but rather, a existential turmoil that will determine whether it can continue to function in a way that sustains a democracy with only two major parties. Aired on 01/27/2021.
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Maddow: Republican Disarray Runs Deeper Than Mere Politics | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. I wouldn’t doubt that tRump gets his proud boys and white supremists to threaten the repubs and they don’t have the balls to stand up to them like the Dems do

    1. Alan, I agreed with your comment, up til the last phrase. A large part of the problem is that the dems DON’T stand up to anyone. They talk about nice things, but when it comes to getting anything done they are too busy being conciliatory to the minority against them to actually implemnet anything.

  2. The 🐓 chickens have come home to roost for the RepubliKKKlan Party and it’s a bloodbath and isn’t pretty. 😭 So sad!

    1. @Expat Pete when did they ditch it??? Have you seen how Dems treat black Americans?? Why do so many Dem cities with complete Dem control treat Black Americans so badly-Chicago, Baltimore…Better question might be why Black Americans keep voting for them🤔😞

    2. @MM BS The point was not that individual members did what was right but that the Republican Party as an organisation pursued the votes of the white supremacy movement. LBJ himself said that working for Civil Rights would cost the Democrats the South for a generation. He was optimistic with that forecast at best. No party is a monolith and there are good people and bad people on both sides but the policy and the strategy of the Republican Party since the 1960s has been to court the segregationist and racist element of the USA electorate. Since at least the 1980s it has courted the Evangelical extremist vote. Recently that courtship has increased in intensity so that outright conspiracy theorists like Greene find a happy home in the GOP and are even elected as their representatives in Congress.

    3. It’s all crumbling and they are paralyzed as what to do. Continuing your same mistakes over and over expecting different results is insanity. Cray Cray GOP

    4. @Hillbilly Hustler in Modern Era, it’s a republican right wing faction. Period. We believe what we saw and heard from GOP. They are a bunch of liars. No integrity at all. What a shame

  3. Just sweeping insurrection and sedition under the rug makes for an even dirtier Republican rug. Still in bed with Trump!

  4. It’s so confusing, which shouldn’t be. However, they must be accountable. No one is above the law, period.

    1. Seems only trump is above the law privileged by the law.
      Too soon to impeach him and too late to impeach him.
      Criminals are walking free before trump leave WH and regrouping. Surely President Biden knew this wss a warning sign and Trump should have been impeached before he leaves the WH.
      Listening to the Republican saying impeaching Trump would be dividing the nation is a scaremongering tactics as it serves only their interest to allow trump to continue promoting and building a fascist party.
      Spare the rod and build a country based on Trump’s criminals laws where noose on trees is the norm as it did 1950s. No way a person of colour would have this much privileges.

    2. @Albert Seelig you are pathetic, a sad braindead sheep following the indications from the master, don’t matter if is blue or red, trump… hilary … cruz etc…if find guilty of something make them pay.

    3. No. It’s not confusing at all. The right wing propaganda media has caused half the country to believe a bunch of lies, and Trump has manipulated them in a Hitlerian way. The rest of the Republicans are going along with it in order to retain their seat, or in a number of cases they actually believe the lies. I wonder how bad it needs to get before the Republicans come to their senses? When the Chinese are closing in on Trump’s bunker?

  5. Those that are in good faith shouldn’t be tired of all these. They must vote all of the Republicans out of office.

  6. There is no justice if Trump and the others who instigated this insurrection are not arrested and tried in court. Why should the little people go to jail, while Trump remains free..?

    1. @Jason Hill Why should the little people be so uneducated to a point where they could not see that Donald Trump and his followers love the uneducated?

    2. @Jason Hill Trump gave $1.5 Trillion tax break to the mega rich, multi millionaires and billionaires. What tax bracket are you in? Biden wants to change it back down to where it was before trump decided to grease himself up, and all his filthy rich buddies. Stop getting your news from Facebook, it makes you look “uneducated”.

    3. exactly, i mean dude started a riot whereby people were killed yet there’s supposedly a debate about what to do? it’s simply the same bs to try to act like there is, when actually there’s only the continual hoarding of power regardless of cost!!

  7. Democrats should call all those republican senators who were sheltering in congress during the attack on the 6th of January, as witnesses during Trump’s impeachment trial

    1. I am surprised all those senators are not standing up against Trump and what happened… when it was their lives on the line. The are all either sycophantic or afraid of him, just like the Nazis were of Hitler.

  8. Schumer just told you yesterday how the GOP have ‘played’ them repeatedly – asking for compromise and then laughing in Dems face when they refuse to vote on their suggested changes. This is NOT a democracy – wake up America

    1. @Filibert Kraxner I’m in the habit of deciding for myself who I trust and who I don’t, to what extent and under what circumstances. And I don’t for one moment believe Churchill wanted to replace democracy with something else. There is a very famous quote of his on that subject which I’m sure you’re familiar with.
      A two party system seems to work ok in the UK. Yes, I’m aware they have several others but it’s the big two who count. And before you point out to me all the problems the UK is currently experiencing, we both know there is no nation anywhere that doesn’t have problems.

    2. @Pete Rembranch It seems you agree that the UK isn’t perfect, and neither was Churchill. I don’t think he wanted to replace democracy. But he has a pretty bad track record of bullying through decisions he personally wanted without regard for much else.

    3. @Filibert Kraxner Do you see what you tried to do there, with your first sentence? Unable to come back with a substantive response you pretend that the discussion is something other than it is. You continue to do this with your second sentence. All a bit tiresome really. Have the last word. You have nothing material to say.

    1. May I recommend finish prepping …Food, water, Shelter form of self defense and a short wave radio if you can

  9. We must not let McConnell, McCarty, Navarro, Barr, Pence & more off the hook, we must never forget them; they enabled Trump for far too long & they have been complicit in alot of his crimes in office.

  10. Personally I think people not holding the ex-president responsible for their crimes should be held responsible for extreme negligence.

    1. And I must ask, are we going to hold Mad Maxine accountable for her telling people to create a crowd and get in their faces if they see anyone from Trump’s cabinet, or Kamala saying the riots should continue, or Pelosi saying she didn’t know why there wasn’t uprisings all over, there should be, or Booker telling people to go to congress and get in faces? If not the your just typical democrat hypocrite.

    2. @Pomerlain89 Read the constitution. If you can find where it says a civilian can be impeached, please share with the rest of us.

    3. @That Guy Along with Pelosi who wonders why there weren’t uprisings all over, and Kamala who said the riots should continue, and Booker, Mad Maxine and even Biden who said nothing about the riots, nor condemned them until August when it started to affect his campaign numbers.

  11. Some of these “insane legislators”, are literally tearing this country apart. Along with right-wing hate radio, they must somehow be shut down or silenced. Their violent rhetoric is very unacceptable!!

    1. @Steve Hanson No sir…the GOP, Fox News, Rush Windbag, Snot Nose Hannity etc. are delusional, as you must be also??

    2. @Steve Hanson No sir, the GOP, Rush Windbag, Snot-nose Hannity, Fox News etc. are delusional & dangerous, as you may be too??

    3. Ironically, the solution is very simple. This type of behavior is directly caused by longterm magnesium deficiency, specifically the overconsumption of calcium relative to magnesium. It destroys your brain. It gets worse each and every day until you start getting enough magnesium. Then it gets better each and every day! But the corporate elite work very hard to suppress this information, because a lot of Big Pharma profit is on the line here.

    1. They’re trying to out crazy one another apparently. When their hatred bubble finally bursts, they will be wondering how the goo ended up all over them.

    2. @Mark Gibson No democrat should ever mention anyone trying to out crazy another. Who is the last Republican to tear down a statue of one of the founders, claim a rock is racist, or attempt to prevent teaching black children proper English?

  12. so if someone commits a crime but then leaves their job- they can’t be put on trial? disgusting what these low life senators will do for money and power.

    1. Laws less people, ” republican Senate and Congress”. I would name them murderers because they support Trump and his supporters who attacked our Capitol and murdered our service man” Capitol Police” so all of those who refuse to impeach Trump must be held accountable for this crimes as well. This is the real laws of the land and the people of the United states.

    2. @Richard Nompov Lee And all the fuqtards rioting all summer and killed and injured how many are just “mostly peaceful” protestors, right?

    1. @Daniel Morse You “boys and girls” lost the House, the Presidency and the Senate….so you “boys and girls” tried to storm the Capitol. You’re fussing about a Dossier. Get some new ideas and maybe the American People will return some part of the Executive or Legislative branch to you …..maybe.

  13. Anyone who advocates the execution of their co-worker should be required to get help for their obvious mental problems and be barred from their workplace.

  14. What? Asked publicly for murder? In a civilised country this would be followed by immediate resignation.

  15. The sad thing is that in many parts of the country, saying things like this can get you elected. Yes, these people can run for office and they can vote. Not a good situation for a democracy

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