Rachel Maddow joins to discuss Mick Mulvaney seeming to admit that there was indeed a quid pro quo floated at Ukraine by Trump's White House… before Mulvaney tried to walk those comments back. Aired on 10/17/19.
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Maddow On Trump White House: It Feels Like The Wheels Are Coming Off | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
S Hole golf course.
Same kind of President.
Hello again, MRAA:-)
@Colton Smith It’s funny how correlation between the level of education ie the higher levels one achieves the less one would vote for an immoral wilfully ignorant,semi literate, fraud and a conman.
Make America Safe Again
@Colton Smith hahaha wow, that was pathetic. Is that the best you could come up with?
The “ Bedbug” Resort.
Trump does bedbugs bigly
@mickey thompson That is a good one. LOL
I hear most of the guests are MAGAts!
oh he has surely the best and biggest bedbugs.
Wonder whether Putin suffers bed bugs. Might have bed TAPE.
The rot does not stop with this presidential flog. Jail the lot of them..
@Yo-yos Tenbucks but but Hilliary Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Jailed? Jailed? That’s ship sailed awhile ago. Since I’m not normally a violent person, I won’t demand their brutal murder. I do think, however, they should have ALL their assets taken and returned to the treasury of we the people, then DEPORTED!
Is Trump trying to be impeached and removed, then flee the country?
“Inquiring minds want to know.”
@The RS Felon Hey dummy, I asked a question.
@Steven Dean you follow him blindly
@Pamela Wiles you follow fake news blindly.
@Steven Dean you don’t know what I watch. I’m a republican bet you thought I was a Democrat all of you do I’d rather follow news blindly than a liar con man
@Pamela Wiles You don’t know what I watch , either. I am an Immigrant and independent, bet you thought I am white and a Republican. I watch all channels, not just English channels, I know for a fact, msnbc is fake news. When was last time msnbc NOT using the phrase “clearly”, “there is no question”, “there is no doubt”, “Probably”, “If it is true”…… when was last time msnbc doing News instead injecting opinion?
Awww is tRump losing yet another cabinet member, one of those so called “best people” tRump knows?
Yo-yos Tenbucks, Antichrist?! You know that Christ was created from the made up, right? Grow up!
Yo-yos Tenbucks. Tell us how many draws off of your crack pipe that it takes for you to make these asinine comments.
Love the “tRump”
@Dodgy Trump are you saying CHRIST is made up? Oh please answer my question
Trump just keeps hitting that Stupid Button.
yep and every time he does you guys put your stupidity on full display. it is called stupid pet tricks.
pr0xZen Thank you!
@pr0xZen seeing how he behaves as president, gives you a good idea as to how he behaves in business and his private life. I would imagine that this behavior will receive tremendous scrutiny after he leaves the whitehouse
@pr0xZen well said! Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
CellGames2006 are you dumb? Even if the house impeaches him the senate won’t. Republicans control the senate and the senate is above the house. Learn something before you comment! Lmao.

2020 is a choice between living in a Democracy or Dictatorship. Get out and vote.
Rally your friends to get out to vote!
I d like to live under democracy. Trump the best. Dems dictatorship
@Painkiller Jones The 45th president of the United States still occupies the White House despite many instances of conduct and behaviour that would have seen any other person held to account. We who love our Country above any political party unlike your kind, look forward to seeing this lying corrupt current occupier of the Oval Office held to account. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely and then, there’s Donald J. Trump.
@Viz4 J there will be no dictatorship in America, the illegittimate Putin implantation pig is done.
Trump’s White House never had any wheels to begin with

Yes they did but they were square

George Orwell seems like a fortune teller these days.
So does Senator Joe McCarthy.
“we were always at war with the kurds”
“The Europeans have never helped us in the middle east”
“The media has always lied about us”
It’s like… Putin read a number of his books or something.
Trump won’t even be President by then.
@Tommy Sanders I don’t think I have to move to another country!! I was born here. If you think trump is so dam much for you and all the other trumpers maybe you should move to another country, because America will prevail. There WILL BE NO TRUMP IN 2020
Mark Cody here, here
Would you like to make a wager on that?
@Wilma Johnson sure wilma, I bet your Hitler jr, what you want to bet he will be
The worse of it all is that most properties are money laundering fronts ……..for Russian money.
Putin must be laughing himself to sleep every night.
PU they should wash the sheets instead. #bedbugs
The G-7 gathering won’t be in a Trump hotel, that’s for sure. This ‘president’ will not be able to attend the meeting

Good One
hopefully the whole trump family is in jail
Meh, it’ll probably happen
And who is going to stop him? He has been in the office for 2 years and it’s only getting worse. Tong hold your breath people. Sure we need to vote for someone else but what if electoral college again puts him up? Will then someone or something stand up to him?
Trump lies and lies and more lies , he should be impeached and removed Very fast for a safer world.
NOBODY wants to stay at the bedbug estate.
he’s trying to get rid of everybody.so he can be like
putin run the country all
by his self.
The clown car’s going into the ditch.
Someone should draw this: a clown car filled with Trump and his cronies
This president embarrasses New York City. I’m ashamed to acknowledge he’s from here
Well, relax. Trump has become Russia’s favorite son. He’s moved on from Home Town.
hopefully he’ll die in Rikers. you won’t mind that will you?
Trump knows the walls are closing in. He’s trying to make as much money as possible.
I thought the same thing.hes also setting himself up to make money in all these countries he’s turning on the US for!!!! Russia.Turkey….
He also admitted that he was going have putin at the G7. Didn’t everyone catch that?
Yeah…we caught it. Some don’t care.
Of course. All roads lead to Putin. He’s been trying to get Putin back into G7 and now he can. If Trump is not a covert Russian asset, than my cat is. It could not be more obvious.
So who’s gonna get kicked out to keep the official count of 7, or will the RSVP to Vlad include care to bring a plus 1, such as former republic of USA?
If based on the qualification of largest IMF described advanced economies, the states of Texas or California would probably ahead of Russia on that list, but only one of those is a major producer of dinosaur juice, so…..?
This administration is the epitome of an absolute shitshow.