Maddow: Biden Doesn’t Need The Next Debate. Should He Even Bother? | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow points out that with a lead in the polls, a large number of Americans having already voted, and a disingenuous opponent in Donald Trump, Joe Biden could reasonably decide not to bother with a third presidential debate. Aired on 10/19/2020.
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Maddow: Biden Doesn't Need The Next Debate. Should He Even Bother? | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. tRump: says Biden is cognitively impaired.

    Also tRump: “doesn’t know” if he had a giant q-tip scrape inside his nose before the first debate.

    Let that sink in. 😂

    1. Even Better – His MAGA Quack Doctor does not know recall the last time his ONLY patient had a Covid Test. Can make this Low IQ Subterfuge up people. Spotting these lies is Introduction to Fraud 101

    2. @Kelvin Walker you are assuming he listens to his advisors. You can have the best team…but if you have butt$@!t for brains.. it is the same as having no team. Trump will fail like the erectile dysfunctional man without viagra. 😃😄

    1. No Kidding. I just dropped of my Ballot – All Blue and I am a registered Republican. Time to get this Conman Clown out of here!

    2. @EJ McG You voted for the party of corporate interest. Even the Republican ones fled the party in support of democrats already. We saw them flea to the establishment when Trump came in, nice job giving them power again. We could finally dismantle the system that keeps us in forever wars if we take out that establishment.

    1. @supercriceto The red mirage would occur due to in person vote counts, as more gop plan to vote in person. Many states with early voting refuse to count the ballots until the polls close, adding to the mirage. The blue shift (tsunami) comes in slowly as the vote that have already been cast today plus all the other absentee and mail in ballots are counted.

    2. @Lars Jones Beep Beep Beep… Oh look, another semi backing in with blank envelope ballots. Hmmm. .. third one today.

    1. @abcdefg Biden is far from being a socialist but I don’t expect you to know that because you seem confused as to what socialism actually is as you think it’s synonymous with communism . How about you educate yourself on what those terms mean and how they are not even close to being the same.
      I award you zero points.

    1. I beg to disagree with you. Biden and Harris who are socialists have not learned the lessons of communism. They say China CCP is their friend. Have they not known the suffering of Uighurs/(organ transplant), of Hongkong people, of persecution of Christians and many other evil deeds that communism do? @Shellie Wolske

  2. America is the world’s covid epicentre and it’s economy amongst the hardest hit. The rampant infection, economic devastation and complete lack of planning are inexcusable. Trump’s lies and incompetence have cost America dearly!
    Vote this disaster out …and the spineless cowards who enable him!

    1. Biden and Trump are brothers. They are both the same. Under Obama/Biden, 80 million were infected with swine flu. I didn’t hear a peep about it. Trump just did what Biden did and what every other President does. Bush got us into two wars and then Obama added six more. They don’t care about you! They serve the wealthy oligarchs. Trump is just a symptom of the problem.

    2. You are 100% wrong. Literally. You win today’s Delusional Dem award. Congratulations and commiserations-in-advance when Orange Man Bad gets four more years!

    3. No they have the smash shut down because the Democrats are trying to overthrow this president or talk about another impeachment when Russia tell Sierra was bought and paid for by Hillary you do know this right this is fact not fiction

  3. I hope he loses it when his mike is turned off!!!! That would be a sight to watch!!!! I hope that this moderator is able to maintain control of this debate, and Trump. She should not let him get away with interruptions and talking over Biden. Just stop him on his tracks!

    1. @Alex Mitchell thats it Alex you have the mantra off by heart. You are a loyal subject. How will they clean up Humnter and Joes mess as this is an actual mess. have you seen the homes that Biden and his family have? all from the salary of a senator all for them and none for thee.
      Your a loyal dedicated servant of the democrat party. let me know if you can ever think of anything that they have done for YOU? xoxox

    1. @morten larsen – In Trump whole life he’s never had anyone say, “You can’t do that”. So he will ignore the rules of the debate. That’s when the funny stuff starts. Grab the popcorn and buckle your seat belts, it should be quite the show. Maybe for an encore, he’ll start flopping around on stage from a stroke or maybe start dancing like at his last rally!!!!!!!

    1. If I could vote again I would, but I just dropped off my Trump & GOP eviction notice this weekend. I am a Republican and a vet and a NYC kid and I am definitely putting Country Over Party to avoid FOUR MORE YEARS of Daily Trump Chaos, Carnage, Grifting and oh so many lies that lower our collective IQ. Trump can go be the leader of the LowIQanon Party. The GOP Trump Eunuchs must be booted out and the party rebuilt minus the shitheel Charlatans.

  4. Don’t let the polls lull you into a false sense of security…still need to vote.

    As far as having another debate, to borrow CNNs Dana Bash’s analysis on the 1st debate….prep for another “shitshow.”

    And also, a plexiglass divider should also be present here (as was in the vp debate). Mostly since one, that’s going to be on stage, has tested positive for Corona and never really quarantined as guidelines recommend, after the fact.

    1. I’m not voting COVID is dangerous. The polls are saying everything is good.

      My friends and family are sitting this one out. It should be fine the polls are accurate:

  5. The more Trump speaks to undecided voters, the worse for him. He’s too deep in the right-wing media bubble. So let him speak!

    1. @King Kong Highly unlikely. Less than 1% chance in fact according to the best available model over at Fivethirtyeight.

    1. @Denise Hall lets see here….ChinaBiden is suspected pedaphile! Flag burning cop killing, rioting , police defunding,corrupt Burisma scamming dumbocrat and your voting for him? I hope your grandchildren thank you for voting their freedom away one day! They will punch you right in the face! You deserve it for allowing yourself to get brainwashed!

    2. @supercriceto we are stupid because we think for ourselves. Which is actually funny. Dems accuse republicans of everything they actually do. Foriegn election interference, russian collusion, corruption. Would it be fair to say that applies to them calling us stupid?

    3. I understand you hate Trump but I also encourage you to see the reality in its two sides. Liberal left wing media does not have a full real truths about what’s happening around you. Most of the time they twist and manipulate the truth just giving you a partial truth. It’s like ice cream on top but rotten egg at bottom. Be critical in your judgement because it’s not only American life is at stake but the whole world.

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