Princeton's Philip Nord discusses the election in France and if Macron's reelection is a blow to populism in Europe.
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Populism vs elitism? I wonder why it’s not defeated.
Well that’s too bad.
Why is populism a dirty word?
@NGCAstronerd That isn’t an inteligable or substantive answer. Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without actually telling me you have no idea what you are talking about.
My question as well.
you def have a neck beard
@Loop Fn FoRtNiGhT. Stop projecting kid, it’s pathetic.
They need another French Revolution, so do we..
Why is it keyboard warriors want a revolution?
Korky, go play with your X box, oh and try to stay off the streets for SFA
The fact you guys use populism as a dirty word is very revealing
Yes, they should have used fascism, that one is the problem.
@Uncle Sam Junior except, they are not alike one bit.
kind of like
a group of children, and a gang of hell’s angels.
The one thing everyone should take away is that 48% of eligible voters didn’t vote.
Sad day for democracy.
Can I have a source? I would like to learn more about France’s political climate
or…..48% votes discarded.
if it can happen it in the states, It surely exists in less advanced countries.
@Inco Rand You are correct. Although the report I watched still says 48%…
My appologies.
and the heads will roll…
Here is a country that has been constantly protesting for the last 5 years and you telling me they vote in the same guy; yeah right.
@Dirtea Fairy The person who hangs outside union station everyday told me something very similar
@Alex Carlone wisdom handed to you
Another boat will show up.
Get aboard the next one, as soon the boats won’t show up to help you.
they just didn’t want the Russian stooge to win
@Alex Carlone did he tell you they don’t want to eat cake
I really feel sorry for the French.
Nothing wrong with Populism!
No, but fascism on the other hand is.
@Uncle Sam Junior Rules for radicals is a great book init mate
Yeaaaasas right sureeee he won
the french don’t want more wet macroni noises
France is one giant step closer to becoming less French.
Costa Rica took a swing to the right with the voting in of Rodrigo Chaves as President on May 8.
Klaus must be smiling.
He’s baiting his master!
Macaroni Wins… Spaghetti Lost.
What a joke. He’s the Trudeau of France
@Astranaut if u don’t think so ur so asleep ur comatose
@Buck Rogers oooooh sick burn dude

Trudeau Rock’s

Sad day for the French
It doesn’t matter who you vote for, rather it matters who counts the votes.
Isn’t he part of world economic forum