Lower House Approves Bill to Postpone Local Gov’t Election until Feb. 24. 2024 | TVJ News

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  1. Foolishness the Prime Minister needs to come down right now we the Jamaican people don’t want him anymore, hartless

  2. It seems like we are going to need to March and protest and show Andrew holness how much we don’t want him anymore

  3. Personally, I think we should make a law that requires All elections to take place on a given day every four years- All elections. Only exception being the replacement of a person due to death, retirement, or stepping down, where an emergency election should be used, not a party simply putting a person in place.

    1. I also believe the Prime Minister should be elected separate from the MPs. Not based on what party has the most MPs. So we are not stuck with a pitiful MP because we want a good Prime Minister

  4. Dem ppl yah take jamaicans for fool and we as a people sit down an absorbed it in our pnp n jlp colours..people should start be patriotic n not political

  5. Corruption πŸ’― this a must joke thing Jamaica gone πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚communist country πŸ™„

  6. And because the people are so brainwashed and polarized along party lines they won’t realize that this is an offense against every Jamaican. Democracy is dead on this island.

  7. God help us in Jamaica where are the human rights in Jamaica what about public say and we put them in . so a we must have say to take them out emergency help us God Jamaica is getting corrupted more and more

  8. Mr. Holness, in 2020, we gave you 49 seats because we trusted you to make important changes to our country that should have been made decades ago. At the time you said you were humbled.

    Thumbing your nose at the Integrity Commission by being consistently late with your filings is not humility. Allowing your cabinet members to attack the Integrity Commission and not reprimanding them for it is not humility. If there are issues with the way the Integrity Commission operates, get the relevant groups together to come up with amendments to the Act that do not dilute the Commission’s power and proceed. But, DO NOT TRY TO ATTACK OR DISCREDIT THEM!!! For those of us who are not politically aligned, they have more credit than any of our politicians.

    As for the election postponement, this is deeply concerning. The reasons for postponement are all weak. The first reason is a joke! The global economic environment is ALWAYS uncertain. The second reason also holds no water. There are plenty of capital expenditures for 2023/2024 that could be scaled back to create plenty of fiscal space for elections. As for the Portmore reason, while it is the most credible of the three reasons, it also doesn’t hold water very well. Portmore becoming a parish may take far longer than expected. Odds are strong that it may not happen within a year and YOU KNOW THAT. We, the electorate, will punish you at the next election (or two) if the JLP and its arrogant-looking leader continue to push forward an election that was CONSTITUTIONALLY DUE 3 YEARS AGO!!!

    Of course, if you don’t plan to hold another election and put our fledgling but flawed democracy at risk of becoming a dictatorship, the smartest and most productive of us can simply migrate as a previous generation did in the 1970s exodus.

    I usually agree with you Mr. Holness but DEMOCRACY IS NOT AN OPTION!!!

  9. That’s why I don’t like politicians, the didn’t call it in 2020 but called general election, then pushed it to 2021,2022,2023 and now 2024 it’s a disgrace

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