The Los Angeles County sheriff is set to announce what caused Tiger Woods to crash an SUV in Southern California earlier this year, seriously injuring himself in the wreck.
The department said in a statement that Woods "was extricated from the wreck with the 'jaws of life' by Los Angeles County firefighters and paramedics" before being transported to a local hospital.
Woods' longtime agent, Mark Steinberg, said in a statement provided to Golfweek that the golfer suffered "multiple leg injuries."
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#tigerwoods #tiger
He should have been given blood test in the ED!! Period. Love Tiger but, did he drive that road before?
Tiger had celebrity engraved on his citation…
@J Tommy that’s a joke though. Crossing into oncoming traffic & putting your vehicle upside down in a ditch isn’t a reason for suspicion? Lol this just goes to show that the law doesn’t apply to those with money & status.
@TJ Clean reasonable suspicion to draw blood…no it does not. That’s why it’s called a “car accident”.
@TJ Clean they do not draw blood from car accidents, if you are working for a company and happened to kill people, sure. But in this case, law says no
Y’all is clueless or just don’t gaf about human life, without celebrity. WTFE!
Whats really pathetic is that people tried this for so long. Like a car dosent get that destroyed by going 40mph
Where is his mask I am above the law complex
NO CITATION! WHAT???? – Broken Laws are: 1. Excessive Speed 2. Failure to MAINTAIN HIS LANE. My mom fell asleep and ran off I-45 and got a citation for ‘Failure to Maintain her Lane!!!!!!!! CORRUPTION.
The police are too lenient with rich pos. They’re no different from anybody else and are usually breaking the law.
I bet $100 he was playing with his f@#&ing phone.
These corrupt cops probably took a million in bribes. There is no reason to be driving 87 miles an hour in RPV – there are no highways there, just a bunch of narrow roads. Tiger needs to be in jail for a month,
Your mom isn’t tiger woods
Been driving for over 40 years, I get the gas and brake mixed up every day, keep wondering why I am speeding out of control and look down and I got my darn foot on the gas instead of brake again! Money talks, this will all blow over now!
Who really called this press conf? putting public time and resources to good use
I guess Tiger was off his game that day. Haha
He was speeding? No surprise!
Everyone knows he was speeding. It does not take a police examination to tell you that. They knew very well.
Cause of accident. Speeding, driving recklessly and looking at his phone. No doubt in my mind.
The paramedic at the scene draws blood in most cases.Where was he ?
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We’re so glad that INword is laid up and not down here in Augusta this week!
The sheriff sounds like Rosemary Woods explaining the 18 minute gap.
The important thing is that Tiger is alive and is on his way to a full recovery. Love and blessings to all.
Sounds like a snow job to me edit the hospital should have had blood tests when he was taken in don’t they usually always draw blood
Just a Perfect example of how Celebrity DOES NOT Comply or Are Charged the same as Average Citizens. If it were you or me…we would Lose our Licenses and…be charged for cost of rescue. WOW!
Looking at the scene he obviously fell asleep due to lack of sleep or meds he was taking…. He claims no texting but they didn’t even check??