The New York Times reports that Russia hacked Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that is central to the impeachment of Trump. Nicole Perlroth, one of the reporters who broke that story, tells Lawrence that Russia is also using spies in the "analog world" to find dirt in Ukraine. Perlroth says that DHS had no knowledge of the attack. Aired on 1/13/20.
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‘Looking At Something Pretty Big’: Russia Hacked Ukraine Company | The Last Word | MSNBC
Russia getting dirt for Trump, at this stage its expected.
Carriemchardy Carrie , lol Russia
@Beachdudeca lol Russia, I mean, that’s exactly what they are doing again, lol.
Russia is only assuring that their golden turd in the white house will last for their benefit. This was the ultimate intelligence coup of this century, having the occupant of the Oval Office on russian’s leash!
Trumps says his daddy said he didnt do it .. so that’s that!!
Sanders Warren 2020
Donny boy it ain’t Biden you should worry about, The BERN is real, 2020.
Indeed lets go burnie!
NO-ORWELLIAN Dystopia – yeah well, those creeps probably have Bernie on their radar…
NO KIDDING. This is what makes me crazy, Biden is not even going to be on the Ballot and never was! Trump is a racist and thinks that only a tall old white man with big teeth can win so he messed up his own presidency for something that was NOT going to happen as there will not be a Biden in 2020. It is truly insane.
JoAnn Holmes – Feel the Bern…!
Putin is not about to let go of his most prized possession in the Oval Office.
When it comes to Trump, it really doesn’t matter which roads you take. You can take the highways, the interstate, back roads, country roads, or dirt roads. They will all lead straight back to Russia.
I would prefer the scenic drive to Moscow
What do you think we should do with Putin?
Biden’s Mafia Buddies get more charges added to the list. › article › us-usa-trump-impeachment-burisma › uk…
Ukraine widens probe against Burisma founder to … – Reuters
Nov 20, 2019 – … company Burisma to include suspicion of embezzling state funds, … money-laundering and licences given to Burisma during the period …
@Damien Leal You can only hate him.
In 2015, Western European intelligence agencies began picking up evidence of communications between the Russian government and people in Donald Trump’s orbit. In April 2016, one of the Baltic states shared with then–CIA director John Brennan an audio recording of Russians discussing funneling money to the Trump campaign. In the summer of 2016, Robert Hannigan, head of the U.K. intelligence agency GCHQ, flew to Washington to brief Brennan on intercepted communications between the Trump campaign and Russia..
The contents of these communications have not been disclosed, but what Brennan learned obviously unsettled him profoundly. In congressional testimony on Russian election interference last year, Brennan hinted that some Americans might have betrayed their country. “Individuals who go along a treasonous path,” he warned, “do not even realize they’re along that path until it gets to be a bit too late.” In an interview this year, he put it more bluntly: “I think [Trump] is afraid of the president of Russia. The Russians may have something on him personally that they could always roll out and make his life more difficult.”
In July 2016, a loose-knit community of computer scientists and cybersecurity experts discovered a strange pattern of online traffic between two computer servers. One of those servers belonged to Alfa Bank in Moscow and the other to the Trump Organization. Alfa Bank’s owners had “assumed an unforeseen level of prominence and influence in the economic and political affairs of their nation,” as a federal court once put it.
The analysts noted that the traffic between the two servers occurred during office hours in New York and Moscow and spiked in correspondence with major campaign events, suggesting it entailed human communication rather than bots. More suspiciously, after New York Times reporter Eric Lichtblau asked Alfa Bank about it but before he brought it up with the Trump campaign, the server in Trump Tower shut down. The timing strongly implied Alfa Bank was communicating with Trump..
So why isn’t anything being done about this??
@Iwon Because once Trump won the presidency and put his own people in place, it was a simple matter to tell them not to do anything about it.
Flashback 30 years ago, trump’s profile was picture perfect for a russian kompromat. After 6 bankruptcies, he’s too cozy with the mob and the emerging russian oligarchs used him to launder money for them through the trump’s organisation as an infusion of critically needed capital. That’s Putin’s control of trump. Not the golden shower video. At that time, no bank in manhattan wants to do business with trump.
Thanks David J
David J > Did you ever wonder why trump doesn’t have business in Australia? He’s not granted a licence to operate because he is a business risk because of his business model based on bankruptcies and scamming people! He’s also too cozy with the mob and the emerging russian oligarchs in which authorities suspects that he’s laundering money for those people through the trump organisation. You can google it to fact check.
Rudy’s gonna be mad that Russia is doing his job for him!

Rudy is being sidelined!!
Alexander Russell No one puts Rudy in the corner!
Comrade Trump
trump and his partners in Russia…at it again.
We should really vote this guy out. Conviction in an honest senate would be better. Only 67 are needed.
Will this be a “profile in courage”? Or a throwback to an all-white southern jury, where we “don’t need no stinkin’ facts—or any other kind”?
We never voted him IN!!!

Trump is a Russian asset and a danger to this nation.
Add Moscow Mitch to that .
2be Blunt , lol Russia
Pathetic!! Poor spanky donnie, looks like he’s getting used to live in a government housing!!
Why is trump still in office we know hes working with russia.
@JoAnn Holmes I mean, “IRAN, IF YOURE LISTENING! We have a problem.”
@Ancel Rick Russia ran the last one, at least at the electoral college and propaganda level. That’s why hes able to desecrate the office now. He wasnt vited in by the people.
@InspiredByEbonyLove The States run the election. Not any part of the Federal Government.
@Ancel Rick You keep repeating that as if it matters.
@Vlodec The States run the election. Not any part of the Federal Government.
As many times as trumps story changes, Pelosi has said all roads lead to Putin.
Did you hear about Trump suffering from scurvy in college?
The best he could do was a C minus.
and that is a D’
that was some amazing journalism, brava! ty ms perlroth and mr o’donnell. truth always comes out eventually.
Trump will always be the ‘illegitimate president’.
I like to think of him as the impeached pornstar President.
says who?
@Vlrissolo impeachment.
The Russian White House.
GOP – Goons Of Putin
Cue the Trump cult in 3…2…1… claiming this is a “deep state” smear against Trump
Another “Russian hack?” how convenient… now all the corruption and money exchanges at burisma were just planted by Russians… the Bidens never made money from this…
Normally I’d say “Follow the money lebowski” but in this case it’s ” Follow the leads and they all end back to Putin”. Just another little favour for Cheeto the Clown..