Michel Boyer has the latest after longtime Conservative MP Ed Fast refused a role in Andrew Scheer's shadow cabinet.
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Send Andrew Sheer Back to
where he belongs
Haha, he belongs in Canada
@right honorable Cndnwoman he Murican
Oh you’re a real peace of work,listen to yourselves look at each other and repeat all of it. Things are going just fine in Canada’s favorite party. And we love Andrew Scheer

Yeah that comment nazie lover.
@Virginia Addis don’t say that ever. I don’t accept abuse so stop.
@GreenTsunamii James why???
@right honorable Cndnwoman not my problem con lying scumn.
@right honorable Cndnwoman Evidently not.
looks like a younger Trump. Doesn’t seem like a nice person to me. But that’s just my opinion
Canadians should have been begging to oust Trudeau but Scheer did not inspire so he must leave, unlike Trudeau who will not leave unless the RCMP handcuffs him
Trudeau thing will happen on your dream
They should he illegals and an american trumpee..
@Arun Kanagan justin savior of canada this phone retired soon trolls beware..
Someone would have to pay me a great deal ov money to Vote for Sheer – no way more than u think
Ed got away from there fast
Hopefully they can find a leader that doesn’t believe in fairy tales: walking on water, 5000 year old earth etc.
I rather that than the diaper headed religion
That’s not a Canadian brother is it?
Science is beginning to believe in fairy tales.
The CPC party needs to seriously rethink their stance on policies, MP’s and leaders before they will be getting voted back in anytime soon. My prediction is this minority will last at least 2 years, and Trudeau will get another majority. Particularly if they keep Scheer at the helm.
Patrick…Sheer as CPC leader guarantees a Trudeau majority next time.If he couldn’t beat a scandal ridden moron like Trudeau he never will.
The current state of Canada has no room for a federal conservative party … here is why. The power base is in the east. The conservative base is in the west but it’s not enough to put the conservatives in power SO.. they must abandon their base in the west to gain in the east. UNTIL TRUDEAU & the WEXIT option the west was willing to compromise to share power with a conservative government. Not anymore… this last election changed everything The more Scheer tries to appease liberals in the east the more he pisses off his base in the west & pushes them towards a newly formed WEXIT party. Conservites will never form government in Canada again. Liberals will only serve the power base in the east.
Thank you sir you are true canadian now lets disbar judy..
you idiots just had a leadership convention and here we are again, Canadians deserve better give the job to the lady from Calgary.
Lol this guy was one of the first to Scheer’s defense after the election
Sheer lost because Canadians don’t want Howdy Doody for their leader. Trudeau is bad enough, we now know what it’s like to have a corrupt fool running things. Imagine a fool with no backbone and you get Andrew Sheer (howdy doody).
Really SHADOW ???? Sounds like South of the Canadian Boarder. SHEER LEAVE NOW !!!!! Get out of Canada
The liberal ship is barely staying afloat. It boggles the mind.
The PC’s however are a ship with no engine.
Maybe Ed realized that he should have supported Bernier