Long Lines Plague Nevada Primary Election | MSNBC

“I couldn’t believe how many people were still in line. There’s a line to pull in the parking lot," a Nevada voter said. Aired on 06/10/2020.
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Long Lines Plague Nevada Primary Election | MSNBC

Long Lines Plague Nevada Primary Election | MSNBC


  1. Its the GOP playbook, delay the voters and they will give up. Get rid pf the Nazi Commie loving Republicans!!!!!

  2. Here in Germany officials who are responsible for an election are proud to be unbiased and are determined to do a well-organised election that makes it simple and safe for everyone to vote.

    1. @Greg Bors I realize that my answer to you evolved into a kind of rant which might come across as aggressive towards you. That wasn’t my intention
      Basically, I wanted to say that the term “free world” is somewhat obsolete and that nations don’t need a leader. What we do need, though, is cooperation on the most pressing problems since in today’s world pretty much all of these are global issues that need to be addressed on an international level.
      While I do acknowledge that Germany is an important and influential nation in some respects, the US is, too! At least, it should be. You shouldn’t give up but rectify the situation in November. Once the insanity is over, the world will welcome you back into their midst, I am sure. It is very sad that Trump made the US turn its back to the Paris Climate Accord, the WHO, etc., but the world is aware that the current administration doesn’t represent all Americans.

    2. @Nicole Brown If I remember correctly, abolishing the electoral college would necessitate a constitutional amendment for which a two-thirds supermajority in the House and Senate are required. And for this, there just doesn’t seem to be the political will.
      It seems, yet again, that it just so happens that Republicans profit from the electoral college – both in 2000 and in 2016 the presidency was won by Republicans despite the popular vote was won by the Democratic candidate.
      The problem is the winner-takes-it-all approach which allows for the popular vote to be ignored, similar to gerrymandering.
      It also fortifies the de-facto two-party system which IMHO is a real problem in US politics and the source of quite a few issues.
      That said, as I’ve mentioned before, there’s a thing called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact which could effectively end the current electoral college system without a constitutional amendment. The idea is that states pledge to have all of their electoral college votes cast for the winner of the popular vote. If states representing >50% of the popular vote enact the Compact, the result of the popular vote would be forced through. Currently, there aren’t enough states that have signed up for this and you won’t be surprised that it is mainly states under Democratic governance that have it enacted, but the idea of the NPVIC is gaining momentum.
      As a foreigner, it seems really weird that there isn’t more opposition to the electoral college among US citizens as it seems to be fairly undemocratic.
      An election result going against the popular vote seems wrong and if the electoral college does reflect the popular vote, well, then you don’t need it, either. But what do I know? 😉

    3. @Jens Raab Thank you for educating me on the electoral college vote. It’s so frustrating that more people haven’t come out against this. I myself am sick of the blatant unfairness of this. It would be great if the Lord bless us enough to become the Democratic majority in the Senate, maybe we the people can lift our voices again and demand that we get rid of the unfair electoral college. I hope. I think I will probably have ptsd when we are finally able to be free of trump.

    4. @Jens Raab Interesting point… But could it be done Outside the Senate using a Full referendum with 60% of the electoral votes?
      Oh forget it that would be representing the will of the people.

    1. @klimber10001
      Na, i just like watching serpent demon people licking pigs in my spare time. This Youtube account i dedicate to the demon sucking pigglickers who gutted the nation for the devils ancient spite feud. Tell us about all serpent moles gutting the Trump administration in detail, we’re waiting…

    2. @klimber10001
      You cant answer that question, demonspawn, but guess what, phukkbunny, youre stained from the blood of every innocent child destroyed by evil since the beginning of time.
      **Isnt that wonderful**

    3. @klimber10001
      Omg youre so pathetic, tell us how many preschoolers Biden porked from Hillarys Child peddling syndicates across the globe in the last decade…we’re waiting..

  3. America: Why does voting have to be this hard?
    republicans: It’s the only way he can win.
    Constitution: That’s not cool.
    republicans: Shut up!

    1. Supreme Court: “Yeah, we’re pretty cool with all this. And who needs that old dusty Voting Rights Act anyway.”

  4. Register now, vote in advance, vote by mail, keep those lines short, keep voter turnout high and don’t let the Republicans voter suppression tactics stop you from excersizing your democratic right!

    1. I agree vote by mail so when we catch you fraudulent voters you have committed a felony, that’s right sending fraudulent mail is a felony

    2. Stacy Abrams and Jon Offoff, both Democrats, the later running for Georgia Senate, did not receive the mail in ballots they requested. The investigation needs to find out if other nearby registered Republican voters received their requested mail in ballot. If so, that would provide a clear motivation to the Republican controlled Georgia state legislature to purposely wreck the in-person voting in Georgia, knowing that most of the people turning out would be Democrats, while a large portion of the mail in ballots that were cherry-picked to go to registered Republicans would give them the edge they needed to win the local elections.

  5. “If more people voted, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”
    – Donald Trump

    1. @Bad Bird I’ll keep voting through the mail. I’ve not had a problem. Maybe your state should get their sh1t together and it won’t be such a royal mess..

    1. @snoop alert Oh no, he just rails against good citizens each day of the week on his twitter feed. Take this week, for example, when he accuses a septuagenarian activist of being a member of Antifa and falling intentionally hard in a set-up at a BLM protest. He’s the spreader-in-chief of birtherism. The president who oversaw the haphazard separation of immigrant children from their parents. Almost everything he touches has racial overtones.And we are sick of it.

    2. @snoop alert is that why his administration is holding up the new $20 bill? It was supposed to be released years ago, but Mnuchin doesn’t want a black person let alone Harriet Tubbman on the $20. I’ll bet you’ll never touch a $20 bill again when her face is on it huh bigot?


    1. I agree thank you… this is what we need.. everyone take care of each other and let’s get this done.

    2. While you are crawling there your fellow Democrats will steal your wallet and kick you in the head. Good luck.

    3. @alanshadyvally I have been robbed by republicans but never a democrat so watch out yourself, junior

  7. did the ballots even get sent out, if the Reps’ were in charge I would bet ….No they weren’t

  8. They have to cheat…..that’s the only way they’ll survive to serve their billionaire and trillionaire donors.

  9. Wtf? I have never had to wait longer than 15min to cast my vote in my entire life. Greetings from Germany…smh

    1. Ya they still pushing the cvid hoax here because they know Biden doesn’t stand a chance. Mail in voting is their only way to win. With so many democrats endorsing the gathering of so many protesters, they’re argument for mail in voting has flown out the window. Someone forgot to think that one through 😂

    2. Greetings from Italy. I too have never had to wait for more than 15/20 minutes. Quick and exceptionally functional and correct. USA has sent men to the moon and yet they still have a voting system from the Stone Age. God bless you USA. Keep voting and vote dictator Trump and his gang of criminals out. Make USA great again.

    3. @norma armstrong it’s mindboggling how fast Trump and his criminal party have turned that country into a banana republic the whole world is laughing at…unbelievable

  10. Well, looks like yet again mail ballots is a huge succes.
    If only they could open more places for people to go, hmmmmmm.

    1. They are a success, but the people setting up 5he process in Nevada clearly are not smarter than their shoes,

  11. They’re going to make this election the most racially charged one in history. I can feel it coming

  12. Stacy Abrams and Jon Offoff, both Democrats, the later running for Georgia Senate, did not receive the mail in ballots they requested. The investigation needs to find out if other nearby registered Republican voters received their requested mail in ballot. If so, that would provide a clear motivation to the Republican controlled Georgia state legislature to purposely wreck the in-person voting in Georgia, knowing that most of the people turning out would be Democrats, while a large portion of the mail in ballots that were cherry-picked to go to registered Republicans would give them the edge they needed to win the local elections.

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